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The perfect SurfMobile.?

My BMW has over 200,000 miles on it and i'm starting to think about a replacement. Ideally i'd like a used car that isn't too pricey. One that can carry a board or two inside. Is a real drivers car (i can drive, like to drive, and am a sucker for German suspension/handling) and isn't hideous on gas mileage. Oh and i want a car that's sexy but sorta lo-profile. Nothing garish and it has to be tough enough to take a solid beating from day to day. Tall order, huh? Love to hear any advice based on experience.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Saturn LW2 wagon. It's an Opel design, so there's your German design.

  • 1 decade ago

    VW bus?

    Tons of surfers around here use the VW.

    Just write BMW on the front and back with a crayon and you'll fit right in around here.

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