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spaghetti arms

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  • Meteor Shower Watchers in Los Angeles?

    Do you live in LA? Are you going to watch the meteor shower and from where? How far out the city do you think we need to get to see anything?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Should i go back to the salon that fried my hair?

    I had my hair straightened at a salon near me and they RUINED it. I've had the process done for years but never in this location and now my hair is fried and i have tons of breakage. This has never happened before and i waited a good 8 months between chemical treatments, so it's definitely not my doing. Question is should i bother going back to tell them or ask them rectify the situation somehow? I didn't get the results i wanted and i paid $400 for hair that is destroyed. What's the usual policy when the salon is at fault? Advice from real stylists or anyone with experience would be appreciated.

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How to untangle my out of control tomatoes?

    I've never grown anything in my life and i planted a little grape tomato plant against the fence in the driveway a few months ago. Now it is a massive crawling monster, heavy with fruit. I never put a proper trellis behind it, just sort of wrapped the first few long vines around a few sticks and forgot about it. It's a complete MESS now and i feel so guilty about all the beautiful tomatoes going to waste. I just cut as many as i could off but there are countless new green clusters trapped in there. I'd like to get it under control but i don't know how to untangle it without breaking the major vines. Can i even try to get a trellis in there if it's in full maniacal bloom or do i have to cut away and start anew. I'm clueless and overwhelmed. Help!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • The perfect SurfMobile.?

    My BMW has over 200,000 miles on it and i'm starting to think about a replacement. Ideally i'd like a used car that isn't too pricey. One that can carry a board or two inside. Is a real drivers car (i can drive, like to drive, and am a sucker for German suspension/handling) and isn't hideous on gas mileage. Oh and i want a car that's sexy but sorta lo-profile. Nothing garish and it has to be tough enough to take a solid beating from day to day. Tall order, huh? Love to hear any advice based on experience.

    2 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago