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How to untangle my out of control tomatoes?

I've never grown anything in my life and i planted a little grape tomato plant against the fence in the driveway a few months ago. Now it is a massive crawling monster, heavy with fruit. I never put a proper trellis behind it, just sort of wrapped the first few long vines around a few sticks and forgot about it. It's a complete MESS now and i feel so guilty about all the beautiful tomatoes going to waste. I just cut as many as i could off but there are countless new green clusters trapped in there. I'd like to get it under control but i don't know how to untangle it without breaking the major vines. Can i even try to get a trellis in there if it's in full maniacal bloom or do i have to cut away and start anew. I'm clueless and overwhelmed. Help!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    At this point, gently lift and support so that the tomatoes are off the ground. Tomato plants are annuals, so let it run its course and reap whatever you can. And congratulations on growing your first food plant.

  • bob w
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Prune it back some. Sounds like you got more tomatoes than you need so losing a few won't hurt.

  • srbyn1
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Lucky you. Leave it along & put up all the tomatoes you can; make sauce too. You could also barter with the neighbors.

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