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Should i go back to the salon that fried my hair?

I had my hair straightened at a salon near me and they RUINED it. I've had the process done for years but never in this location and now my hair is fried and i have tons of breakage. This has never happened before and i waited a good 8 months between chemical treatments, so it's definitely not my doing. Question is should i bother going back to tell them or ask them rectify the situation somehow? I didn't get the results i wanted and i paid $400 for hair that is destroyed. What's the usual policy when the salon is at fault? Advice from real stylists or anyone with experience would be appreciated.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely go back and tell them what happened! $400 is WAY too much for damaged hair. They should have a policy to rectify the situation.

    Source(s): My close cousin is a hairstylist and I am an aspiring hairstylist. We talk about this stuff all the time. She works in a VERY high end salon and if someone is unhappy with their service (although she has never fried anyone's hair) they will fix it with NO COST!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    This is a permanent straightening right? I have X-TENSO Cera thermic done on mine and know that different salons use different strength cremes and usually take a couple of treatments to get used to your hair. The salon I go to only used a stronger creme once they knew my hair type needed it and could take it, plus they check on the hair throughout. It sounds like they used a treatment just too harsh for your hair type and would say you're definitely entitled to your money back and/or a deep conditioning treatment which should help a bit (comp'ed of course!)

    Hope this helps


  • 4 years ago

    this could nicely be a query to ask your stylist (or whoever does your hair) All salons are diverse. probability is, in the adventure that your salon is truthfully saved and has a continuing earnings, they could desire to have conditioners which will help get your hair back to time-honored. there is not any conditioner which will thoroughly restore your hair, yet in time, it gets back to time-honored. Ask your salon professional and he or she/he will inform you what is maximum suitable to your hair and what you may desire to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definatley. Go back and tell them you want your money back. If they messed up your hair or damaged it, its better to go back and get a refund. Do you go to the same place, or is this place new. If it isn't its the person that didi your hair.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats crazyyy..An no dont go back! lol. An I would cut ur hair for $400.geeez

  • why would you ever pay 400 dollars for a hair cut, youve got issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    no!!!!!!!!!! that would be crazy if you did! if they mess up your hair once, they will probably do it again!

  • Marina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    HECKA NO! Dont go back!

  • 1 decade ago


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