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Meteor Shower Watchers in Los Angeles?

Do you live in LA? Are you going to watch the meteor shower and from where? How far out the city do you think we need to get to see anything?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depending on the intensity of the shower, people in the "suburbs", such as Agoura Hills, Simi Valley and the likes, might expect to see a few in a night.

    There was a particularly strong shower a while back where I saw one a minute from moderately light polluted skies but that's rare.

    There are probably a few places in Malibu you'd get fairly dark skies but maybe not so much of an unobstructed view due to the mountains.

    I'd say any place 10-20 miles outside of the LA basin would do.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i live in baldwin park which is by L.A so yea im gonna watch it . but i think u should go away from the city because of all the buildings that are there. they said the meteor showers would happen at the night by midnight to 5 am. and maybe tommorrow

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