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Why is Music Haraam? 1 answer?

To understand why Music is considered to be Haraam you must first understand what would make it Haraam,

To understand what makes Music Haraam you must first understand what the origin of worldly music is,

To understand the origin of worldly music you must understand why it started,

to understand why it started you must understand who started it,

to understand who started it you must understand his/her motivation to start it.

Let me help you with this:

1. the motivation is to take revenge on Nabi Adam(as) through the corruption of his children(i.e. mankind)

2. Who? The starter of Music: shaytaan/satan.

3. Origin? After Kaabel(Kane) killed Aabel(Abel) he and his tribe was banished and was not allowed to interact with Nabi Adam(as) and his people(This was part of the Shariah/law in that time).

The shaytaan then came in the form of a man from the tribe of Nabi Adam(as). He brought with him simple Music, metal knocking together in a rhythm.

4. Why? To put mankind in a mental and emotional state

(does Music not change your state of mentality and emotion?)

To sway mankind from Allah(swt).

5. Music is considered Haraam because it changes your mental and emotional state and allows for subtle suggestions to be implanted in your mind.

Many people and even some of my fellow Muslim brothers and Sisters will certainly say this is absurd and everything else and will consider it to convoluted to actually be true and real.


Think about it.

THE MOST DEVIANT THING, he strayed Nabi Adam(as) to pick from the forbidden tree, A NABI, A PROPHET.

You don't think he can so easily stray you to believe something is good that is actually bad.




"...that make life worth living"

- You don't see the problem with this statement?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    interseting! thank you! i'll bet you''l get bad answers but i only want to thank you for sharing this information with us. at first i thought you were going to be someone trying to lie and say that music is halal. but alhamdulillah you weren't!

    Source(s): assalamu-alaikum
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear Sister..

    Music Is Haram Because The Creator Of The Universe Prohibited it in Holy Quran In Sural Luqman

    6. But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

    It Is Stated Tabari That When Abdullah Ibn Masood(R.A) Heard "lahwa alhadeethi" (Idle Talk) He Said:-

    By Allah! It Is Music

    By Allah! It Is Music

    By Allah! It Is Music

    three times...

    The Same Has Been Reported About Abdullah Ibn Umar,Abdullah Ibn Masood (May Allah Bless Them).....

    It Is Said That Abdullah Ibn Masood used to say:-


    (Music Is The Path Of Fornication And Adultery)

    Hasan Basri Said That If You Know That There Is Going To Be Music In Wedding,Then You Should Never Accept Invitation

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is my friend, God didn't forbid Music. Or did he ? Whatever your point of view is about music - it is totally respectable: But who gave you the entitlement to declare something Haram which God didn't?? Who is the Law-maker here?

    Lets accept all that you say for a moment, and go with your conclusion that music is a very serious sin as you say - Do you think God would have chosen to omit the injunction against this serious sin from Quran - when He said that He didn't leave anything out of Quran (6:38)? and that Quran is a complete, perfect and fully detailed Book? (6:114, 53:23, 12:111, 16:89) And that the only Law is God's Law (33:38,62; 35:43)?

    I assume you are deducing your conclusion from Bukhari or Muslim's books. Are these books the sources of Islamic Law or is Quran the source of Islamic Law. With all due respect, these books are good books of islamic history, arabic culture, and biographies of islamic personalities - but not books of faith or a bases for delcaring things as halal and haram. Please see verse 45:6,7. Here is a hadith for your enlightenmen:

    Abu Huraira said : The messenger of God came to us while we were writing his sayings and said: "What is it you are writing?" we said "sayings (hadith) we hear from you messenger of God" he said, "A book other than God's book?" then Abu Huraira said, "so we gathered what we had written and burnt it all". (Taqyeed Al-Ilm, by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdady)

    Isn't the Prophet asking to not make laws outside of Quran ?

    You can choose not to listen to Music if it hurts you spiritually - no problem. But no one has the right to declare something "HARAM" except GOD. Think about this.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not surprising that a religion such as islam would regard music as haraam. As you say Music alters a persons mood & perception. This could stimulate the mind & cause a person to think for themselves, This would never do for a religion that needs to control & dominate its followers

    by oppression & fear. You may start to question your belief. I.e Why am i taught that a simple pleasure such as music is Satan's work & is forbidden, Yet i am taught that it is acceptable to publicly stone a woman or girl to death for moral "crimes"

    or chop off the hands of a child for steeling food! It makes no sense.

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  • Music is not allowed in Islaam.

    With regards to Music & Musical instruments & details regarding their prohibition:

    "The Ruling Concerning Music According to the Four Imaams"

  • 1 decade ago

    music is haram but as bob poetry litrature aint haraam at all...

    the companions of the prophet wrote poems..they even sang songs

    prophet permitted his wives and lady sahabas to sing songs during songs arent haraam

    songs with MUSIC is haraam.

    May Allah keep us away from haraam.


    salam alaikum


    When Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Mas`ood , a very close companion of our Prophet was asked about the meaning of the term `lahwal hadith`, he replied

    “I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God,that it refers to ghinaa (singing ).”

    This statement, he repeated three times. This view is unanimously supported by the four Khalifas, the eminent Sahabaah, Tabi`een, the four Imaams and other reliable Islaamic scholars and authorities.

    One hadith from the Bukhari Shareef, the most authentic Book of Hadith, further confirms unlawfulness of music and singing :

    `There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).`

    Detailed analysis of the arabic word `ma`aazif ` shows that it refers to musical instruments, the sounds of those musical instruments and singing with the accompaniment of instruments.

    Closer analysis of the wordings of the Hadith establishes the prohibition of music. Firstly, the words `seek to make lawful ` shows that music is not permissible, as logically one can only seek to make lawful that which is not allowed.


    Muslims are aware that nothing has been prohibited by Allah except that which is harmful to the welfare of a Muslim individual and the society as a whole. The divine attribute behind the prohibition of music can be comprehended by looking into the diverse influence music can have.

    Experiments carried out by doctors and professors have confirmed that the music of today is such that it does not only affect the brain, but each and every organ of one`s body. There is a close relationship between music and bodily movements. We find that people listening to music automatically start tapping their fingers and feet, as if the music is permeating in their blood.

    It is also proved that music affect`s one`s emotions, increases arousal in terms of alertness and excitement and also leads to various physiological changes in the person. In a psychology experiment, it was found that listening to moderate type of music increased one`s normal heart beat, whilst listening to rock music the heart beat increased even further, yet people claim that music has no effect.

    It is a very ignorant and misguided attitude to percieve music as a form of pleasure and passing of time, since the messages of today`s music follow a general theme of love, fornication, drugs and freedom.

    We find that the whole world is obsessed with the kufr idea of freedom, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc. In modern schools and universities, we observe independence, free expression and secular thinking being encouraged. This idea of freedom, “ It`s my life, I`ll do what I want” is a predominant, underlying theme of today`s music. It is being used as a means for drilling those modern ideologies that are totally contrary to Islamic Shariah and values, into the minds of Muslims.

    One should abstain from evil audacities such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too.




    Source(s): Muslim.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    music cannot be haram if it is then so is art, poetry, literature and all the other glorious things that make life worth living. All the talents shown in the arts are god inspired who are these idiots to say that it is haram and to go against God. I guess television must be haram as well because that wastes time being on ya is haram as well as it is a time waster.

    People should just lighten up and appreciate the beauty around them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    music is haram because of 2 things.

    1 - LYRICS: lyrics make you feel emotion...whether its happy, sad, angry, excited...and even aroused.

    these emotions can often make us act on them...most of the time - to do haram.

    2 - MUSIC/BEAT/TUNE: even the rhythm of a song will change the way you feel.

    trance will make you dance like your on speed - out of your mind.

    hip-hop/rnb will make you move your body in a sexual manner.

    the point is...all music leads to sinful actions or thoughts

    @Bob...that 'beauty' turns to sin. and dont you think its so very dumb of you to call us 'idiots' for knowing about whats haram and whats halal? you could have atleast googled the question before making up total crap.

    P.S....T.V IS HARAM!

  • 1 decade ago

    Jazakallah khair.

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