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Hinduism: Was the world ever under one administration?

All over the world, the year is 365.25 days and week is seven days. The day is divided into 24 hours and not 18 or 36 hours. When did this international law or system started and why such numbers are applied for the time watch. Who founded that the earth needs this much time to rotate the sun. It shows that the world was under one administration under one King. If so, how to prove it.


What I would like to establish that it belongs to the community whom we call Hindu and their contribution are called as Hinduism. There is no religion associated with the basic human needs and culture. It is only from India. The hindu-rishis made researches when there were no the word of christian or Islam in any language in any part of the world.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    surely not.

    Because you asked connecting hinduism and hence i am answering what i know, heard, and read.

    i can answer easily that these calculations are from the research of sun, moon, and stars rise from the east and set in the west. After a great effort it was calculated 23 days 56 minits, and 4.1 seconds a day. Total calculation was from beginning to end of the sun to a particular position which was 365.25 equally.

    it was the romanian calender introduced initially and it was replaced by the gregarian calendar in 1582.

    that is ok. But, we forget our people. we know krushetra war was conducted for 18 days. who calculated the days. was that day contains 24 hours ?

    we forget our great astonomers like aryabhatta, varahamitra and brahmmagupta. They already calculated the year, month, and minits before the other people done. Their time was 7th century. They found the earth force before Einsteen found the force of earth.

    so, the world never under one administration, because there are several type of calenders before arriving to a conclusion in 17th century followed by several countries on their own findings. But, india is the only nation followed the findings of aryabhatta, bhaskara, brahmmagupta and varahamitra. intact without any confusion because we have the ancient and best university nalanda wherre all kinds of branches was taught in ancient days and aryabhatta was also a student learning astronomy.

    Source(s): books, google search.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems so. When Mohenjadaro as well as Messopotomia civilizations were known historically, Indian civilization is shown and prominent human civilization. Ancient Indian scriptures have disclosed various innumerable discoveries, which is now hidden, and lost the importance due to the British domination and the commercial life-style.

    When we look any part of the world, the earth and its revolution are similar. Greek Calender says that there were 10 months and on advent of Augustus and Julius Ceasar, the two more months included and it is why the September (Saptam - 7th), Oct,. Nov. Dec. (8th, 90th and 10th months respectively till then) became the 9th, 10th 11th and 12th months respectively. It further evidence that the astronomy or astrology had the foremost influence on human life all over.

    At the same time, the human were living only in India and certain parts of Europe with its origin, but India (Kings of India) had to face many nonsense enemies due to its wealth and enjoyments of arts and literature remained as a part of its civilization.

    Prof. M. Varma says that as per the available evidences, the Aryans were visitors or wanderers and on seeing the women-domained Harappa civilization, (women-based security and civilization), Aryans became interested to stay at one place and joined the Harappans. Times rolled and rolled fast for its development and transformation.

    From their literatures and historical findings, they discovered and calculated the time and experience of human and reasons thereof. They calculated on the basis that the Earth is in the centre of the Universe and further more, the individual human is the centre of the Universe and all universe is revolving the Earth. It is merely for the sake of calculation and finding out the solution, but they were well aware of the innumerable revolutions and cycles. They revealed the characteristics of Sky, Air, Water, Fire and Earth. They revealed the characteristics of different sands and rocks on earth. They went ahead with the research and disclosed that the mind is greater than the body and spirit(s) are greater than the mind. All the unknown forces that is behind of lights and sounds in the universe were revealed by them and they calculated the time of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. From such time, those knowledges were shared to us by the generations, without written and non-written records. What I would like to explain that those were the contributions of the Hindus - Hindu culture - the human beings who do not belong to any religion, caste or color. Later, Lord Krishna says in Gita that based on the "gunKARMA vibhag" He established the 'Chaturvarnia" the divisions based on the labour-oriented social life.

    In India the day makeson 60 Nazhika or Ghati and 60 Vinazhika (Vighati) makes one Nazhika (Ghati). and s on the total planetary movements were studied.

    Source(s): Nobody can claim the rights of Hindu or Hindu Culture, who found the planetary influence on earth and all its lives. Instead of 24 hours, the ancient method was that the day was 60 Ghati, (which again divided into 60 vighati) makes one day. These all reveals one thing that the world was having no administration at a time when the population was too less and transportation and communication facilities were nil. Later the selfish interest was grown by the commercial approach, which took long time, for the human for the development we see at present.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the closest has been the British Empire.

    Buddhist texts speak of Universal monarchs that conquer the world by righteousness, and rule according to & promulgate the five precepts.

    I think the conventions you mention of 24 hrs, 60 seconds etc, are British, and which the world adopted for unity / consistency / a standard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think u are right. but no one knows this why the year is of 365.25 days why not of 1000 or alse.

    its just that be have to beleave it bcoz be dont have any other option to do.

    but i admire u . what a question.....



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  • This system of days, months and timing was perpetuated by the Roamans....Ever since then it has stuck.....

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