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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Can anyone give a good reason based on History why Obama is being compared to Hitler and Stalin?

Seems everyone has an idea and it seems a good question to present to the forum and get peoples perspectives on the situation, we all differ and it would be nice to put all the eggs in one basket.

Answers please, preferably based on fact but it's OK to base your answer on something you've heard the perhaps we sort the truth from fallacy, what do you think?


Booman, like many others I jumped to a conclusion, your answer has depth, thank you.

Update 2:

Booman17, a lot is going on in your question but to say Obama isn't against the Jewish Nation was your first mistake, there are protests in Israel due to Obama telling them what they can and cannot do.

42 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Before the Holocaust in which Hitler was responsible for the murder of six million Jews, before the concentration camps and the crematoria, before the incalculable death and destruction caused by World War II which Hitler initiated, before the racist and anti-Semitic laws that led to Kristalnacht, before the launching by Hitler of the German totalitarian Nazi State that conquered most of Europe, Hitler was viewed by most of the world as just another secular socialist.

    In fact, a decade before he had assumed power after a peaceful election, Hitler had already seen how his socialist ideological cousins in Russia, Lenin and Stalin, had liquidated millions of their own precieved enemies with nary a mention from the New York Times or much notice from the world's liberal elite. In fact, Lenin and Stalin were hailed by many liberals back then as "progressive" and still are in some quarters.

    No, Barack Obama is not like Hitler in that he would never initiate any of the above and no, Obama is not a racist or an anti-Semite but his opponent for the presidency, Senator John McCain, has now accuratly called him a Socialist. And even though Obama is not like Hitler in the real sense, their are nevertheless certain distinct similarities between the two in terms of style and an approach to socialism in general and these factors have been alien to American politics and culture until now. Obama's campaign and personality posesses a more than subtle whiff of fascism.

    Examples abound. Hitler held massive rallies that employed various forms of sensory enhancements such as bonfires, strobelights, music, and hypnotic styles of speech that seemed to cause a mass trance according to many eyewitnesses at the time. Obama seems to have a similar effect on the unprecedented crowds who flock to his public speeches and who appear to be in an almost trance-like state. Hitler promised to change the world, to create a new social order and to go after the allegedly wealthy Jews who he claimed were responsible for the suffering of the average German. Obama employs some of the same utopian us against them rhetoric when he talks about taxing the rich.

    Hitler created a Gestapo, a national police force that would crack down on a dis-armed and defenceless population at will. In a speech he delivered at Colorado Springs on July 2, 2008, Obama called for a national police force. In that speech he said: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

    Hitler rose to power with the help of several disreputable men who shared his socialistic outlook and worldview. Obama was aided up the ratline by the racist and anti-Semitic Reverend Wright, the terrorist William Ayers and the corrupt convicted Chicago criminal Tony Rezko among others.

    Hitler used the excuse of the Reichtag fire, in which the German Parleament was burned about a month after he came to power, to suspend the German constitution and to declare Martial Law. Obama's Vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden has made dark references to an impending international incident that will test Obama six months after he becomes president. Biden said: "Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's going to need help . . . it's not going to be apparent that we're right."

    Like the socialistic Nazis and Communists before him, Obama is a hyper-nationalist. He believes that, with an "enlightened" leadership, the State can change society and therefore the State has a right to "spread the wealth" around. In other words, the state has a moral claim to decide how to dispose of the proprerty of the private citizen through confiscatory taxation.

    Obama is like a hologram, a light that eminates from an unknown location and then creates a beautiful illusion. Since so little is actually known about him, and this apparently even includes exactly where he was born, the average citizen, having been convinced that life is so miserable that some sort of a change is needed, will project their own beliefs and values onto the tabula rasa that is Obama. Never before has this society allowed such a demogogue to get so close to the presidency.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A nicely written and articulate question. As you can see from the quality of the 'answers', however YA is not the best forum at which to pursue logic in any form. The Republican talking heads are trying to sell their great unwashed and undereducated 'base' on the idea that universal health care is evil, because it allegedly smacks of Socialism. What the large majority of these folks just can't seem to understand is that many of the programs that benefit the poor and elderly (Medicare, welfare, Social Security, etc.) are government run social programs- apparently they're OK with those programs. As far as the Hitler label. There is a provision in the Health Care bill (written, as a matter of fact by two Republicans) which covers a visit to the doctor of your choice to discuss end of life issues- a living will. This would include things such as your decision about Heroic Measures, DNR orders, etc. It is a great provision, and would be most helpful to the elderly, lots of whom are on fixed budgets, because it would pay for the appointment. Somehow, Sarah Palin and other Republicans have taken it upon themselves to twist this provision into something it absolutely is NOT- stating that our elderly will be sent to death camps. Completely untrue and absurd . I am a 58 year old woman who managed to peacefully protest the war in Vietnam, and also to march in support of causes important to me and others. I cannot fathom the mindset of people who attend Town Hall meetings as paid protesters, with the express purpose of drowning out the questions of their fellow citizens, and not allowing elected representatives to speak. I respect every individuals right to his or her opinion- that is what living in a democracy is all about. I find it unsettling in the extreme that these people are getting away with calling President Obama a "Nazi" or "Hitler" or "Stalin", and accusing him of being a traitor. I am 100 % for free speech, but I am totally opposed to the racist hate rhetoric being spewed. It is inevitable that, because of the nature of these "protesters', there will be violence. Too bad these folks don't see the irony in their actions, but I guess that would require a lot more introspection than these people possess. Sad commentary on what is now, apparently, the norm.

  • 1 decade ago

    These are My Opinions.

    Government control - taking all our money because "Mother America knows best" then doing what Obama wants with it.

    Continual and systematic reduction of Personal Freedoms. Documented stuff. Starting with Freedom of Speech. He is also allowing profiling of Christians, rather than resisting it - thus labeling a religious group as 'less free' than others.

    I see indications that our Right to Bear Arms is in jeopardy under Obama. In Germany, guns were confiscated before the hammer fell.

    He is acting like a dictator - telling the Press members what they can and cannot ask! Controlling the message. The articles i read on this were appalling. That is like Hitler and Stalin.

    Health care - The Government will have wide control over our personal health care - who gets it, when, how much - in what order - that will (or could) lead to sickness not treated, older people getting less, and dying sooner - very easily. and Hitler also wanted to have these controls over the population. Let the old and the sick just - die off.

    Obama is ok with comparisons between himself and Jesus Christ, apparently. He makes light of it - Communism also brushes aside religion, in favor of The State. (i am not fooled by some BS stuff Hitler said - he was about World Domination and his own power, no doubt seeing himself as a sort of god). Both Stalin and Hitler really wanted to grab a lot of control - be dictators. People see Obama showing signs of being a control freak.

    Obama attended a church with an angry, overtly racist minister, and Obama only left after being "caught". His loyalties are in question.

    Obama refuses to answer the questions about his birth certificate - even before his election - much as any dictator would - Obama is 'above' this. He is 'better than' the average American.

    Obama is a master at rhetoric - repeating his chant for change, getting the crowd hyped up - much as Hitler did. But now in office, Obama has already done 180's on things, blown off major groups, made crass statements - like Hitler also not being truthful.

    Finally, many people are wary of people being so dependent on Government - that is a bad bad sign for a people and that is seen as Communistic. Gov. gives you a job or a handout or stimulus- you don't really run your own life anymore.

    Hitler did lots of stuff that did not involve the Holocaust. So - that is probably where people are making the comparisons. This may seem extreme because we cannot get the Holocaust out of our minds, but those are my opinions on the matter.

    I hope some of this was intelligent.

    MAMANOOK below me - i will take your argument - when a person says "there will be violence" this person becomes part of the profiling problem - like the Homeland Propaganda being circulated to law enforcement to "watch for right wing extremists violence" and other rubbish - so then, you are no better, are you. This is unsubstantiated and unproven.

    Also - many miss the point - Obama happens to be Democrat / liberal. If a Republican had been put into office, i will hypothesize that we'd be saying many of the same things. This is about the New World Order and if you think that is a lot of Right Wing Conspiracy Theory, then i think you (anyone who does not consider it) are very naive. All of World History supports conspiracies - it's the way of politics and power. I also protested the VN war - i am old. And female. And Libertarian in beliefs. If a so-called liberal President is involved in suppressing freedom of speech, (a right the liberals would claim i am sure, altho so would conservatives) - then what can we say about our "two-party" system? This obviously goes beyond labels. It is all converging now. I see similarities between Obama and Hitler not because he is Demo/ Liberal - but because if it walks and quacks like a duck - it's a duck, no matter what party it represents.

    Source(s): everything i have heard about the guy, read about him, discussed about him, plus many books and special stuff about New World Order business.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You won't get an intelligent answer to this question. No doubt you've noticed that 90% of the people here who call Obama a socialist really have no idea what the word even means. It's just a bad word, an they hate Obama, so he must be one. (And especially that guy who said Stalin and Hitler were both socialists! Anyone who thinks Hitler was a socialist does not have the right to use the word in a discussion. 8^) ).

    In fact the reason they call Obama a socialist or a communist or a Nazi is simply because they can't argue with his ideas using facts or logic, only by calling him names, at the top of their voice, and repeating memes they hear on right-wing media (but don't really understand).

    Strangely, the only people who can reasonably defend their arguments against Obama are Democrats and liberals! 8^)

    Another reason we see the word 'socialist' so often is that the word 'liberal' has been destroyed through misuse. For decades now, Republicans have used 'liberal' to mean anyone they disagree with or anything they don't like--and yes, they called both Hitler and Stalin 'liberal' too. Now that word has been worn out, totally stripped of whatever meaning it might once have had. So now they are raising the rhetorical bar and using the word 'socialist' in the same way.

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  • Kyrix
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The similarities are that all three are/ were world leaders and the first two got to be world leaders primarily because of their charisma. Big deal. I'm not a big fan of Obama's policies, but that's a far cry from being a totalitarian dictator. Sure, he's use his presidential power unwisely in trying to silence his opposition rather then try to combat them on the facts, but most world leaders do this to some extent. Calling someone Hitler or Nazis or commies is just something people do on the internet... well, unless you're Nancy Pelosi, then you do it when interviewed by a reporter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah I have never understood the comparison either.

    The first place I ever saw it was on youtube

    heres a great example

    i dont get how people do this comparison, i mean has anyone ever heard him say,"yeah Im pretty tired of the Jews, theyre the ones who wrecked the economy and got us into the war. Yeah so i think our best bit is to kill them off."

    Yeah find me the speech where he says that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's health care advisor has some pretty Hitleresque ideas, which is strange because he is Jewish.

    Ezekiel Emmanuel:

    “Services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.”

    “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”

  • 1 decade ago

    I honestly can not think of a single good reason or even a bad one that Obama is being compared to Hitler or Stalin. Any one making this type of comparison has not watched the history channel but sure needs to.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, because Stalin (and somewhat Hitler, but not as much) was all for socialism (and some Communism). The idea Obama is going for is kinda a mix of it, and I personally think people are getting a bit worried because both ideas were a flop. I mean, look at what happened during there reign.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about Mao?

    China's revolution was famous for collecting information on and rounding up "counter-revolutionaries" as political prisoners simply because they disagreed with the new regime.

  • 1 decade ago

    In history if you wanted to make people think something was bad you associated it with bad things. how better to attack something you know nothing about than to say its just like hitler. you make them look bad with no proof and let the other side get distracted trying to clean up the mess

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