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Is President Obama really wrong, If it is a choice between a young person or an old person for medical care?

should the old person should be made to wait, Also why waste money on the old.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They will have no choice but to ration health care to control the costs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's plan tries to get rid of waste. For example, I had surgery recently, and my insurance company paid my surgeon less than $1000. But my hospital bill, as a one-day surgery patient, with no overnight stay, was more than $10,000, because it had a lot of stuff on it that wasn't really needed. So my insurance company reduced my hospital bill and paid the reduced amount. That's what Obama wants to do. He wants to stop paying for stuff that isn't needed.

    The example he gave, of an old person getting a hip replacement, when they already had a terminal illness and knew they were about to die, is an example of one of the ways medical care can be wasted. What is the point of getting a hip replacement if you only have a few weeks to live? The old person has a terminal illness, and the doctor estimated they would die soon. So why not wait and see if they recover, and if they do, then get the hip replacement? It's simple logic, but Obama didn't do a very good job of making it clear.

    Do you think a person with a few weeks to live should get a hip replacement? It seems obvious to me they shouldn't. And if they get lucky and recover instead of dying, that's when they should get the hip replacement. So I think Obama is right on that point, even if he didn't explain it clearly.

    I think he wants old people to have all the medical care they can possibly use. He just doesn't want them to get care that won't do them any good, because that's where a lot of the waste is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They worked all their lives and now just let them die? That sounds like something Obama would want. He has a MOTHER IN LAW that is hmm in her golden years, what would you like to make a bet that nothing will happen to her? This health care plan will also let illegals get more free medical, why should they get anything for free, we did not ask them here, they are here illegally. So for those of you that thinks that this will be a good plan do you have parents? I don't so if and when they need medical care and has to wait forever to get it or doesn't get it at all, you can only thank yourself.

  • Foxes
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is the main reason why the Government should not be involved.

    They took money from us working folks. They held a gun to our heads and forced us to pay...then Congress frittered the money on PORK. So they took money like insurance, but spent the money..they did not invest it. It accounting terms they failed to recognize a liability.

    Now they want to give money and free healthcare to illegals and make them legal so they can vote for liberals to take away more of your money and encourage more folks to come here for free care (all the while sending millions of dollars back home to their countries (called a sojourner -look it up) and tell the old people that worked hard and paid taxes, so sorry we stole your money and gave you empty Democrat promises. You deserve to die.

    What part am I wrong about?

    The 1100 page halth care bill is mor PORK..and wasteful spending.

    They want to hire run clinics.

    Yes all that talk about Doctor choice is bull it will be nurse run clinics.

    They want to give grants so medical school can hire non-white doctors.

    IT IS BLATANT discrimination.

    They want to take the money WHITE folks paid into healthcare and force it to be spend on illegals and blacks.

    It ain't about health care. it is about getting college for blacks to become doctors.

    If we make school take Black folks as doctors do you really think that will improve health care NO. it is not about improving care.

    It is about getting votes. Scamming white people out of money and giving it away. ruining our future. Ruining what we worked hard for so these jokers can give away your money...


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  • 1 decade ago

    it depends on who the people are. If it was a choice between my Mom and Obama, I go with my Mom even though she is older. Not to mention that she probably contributes more to society than he does.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, its ALL wrong. Anyone who agrees with this heatlh care reform are just stupid or gullible. I don't want the government to take over my heatlh care. They cant even get Medicaid under control.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is dead wrong...whomever is sicker....I think he would be happy if we just lined up the older folks and shot them when they turned 65.. no problems for Barry. Well I am younger than he.. so I just can't wait!

  • Onya
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes he's wrong I'm not ready for my parents to leave this world if they need medical assistance I'm going to do everything in my power to keep them going!!!!! Not some dumb president!!

    Japanese know how to treat their elders! We should take notes!!

  • Mary
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To me this is saying SCREW the people who have worked their A**es off, They're old now let them die. Of course he and his family will be taken care of but he will be old one day too.

  • 1 decade ago

    This will only be the case if this stupid reform is pushed through. Why do you want to let old people die with ObamaCare?

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