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What was your first job?


I'm 15 and I'm applying for my first job- a shelver at our local library.

14 Answers

  • ALEX
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I worked at Pizza Hut on the till and cutting the pizza's. I wasn't trusted in actually making them. Occasionally I got to clean the yummy greasy pizza pans too. Yumm

    Fast food is beautiful. I think that's what the majority of people's first jobs are.

    I worked there for nearly two years. Then I worked at a supermarket. I've got a job interview for a bar/restaurant/casino thing next week which pays much much better. Fingers crossed for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if you're old enough to remember the days when people carried books of matches rather than disposable lighters, you may have remembered seeing ads for stamp companies on the matchbook covers.

    Get 100 sports stamps for free!

    What I did was, I sat at a desk in front of this huge tray shaped like an open egg carton. It had 100 slots in it. I took a sheet of stamps (100 to each sheet) and I tore them along the perforations and stuck one in each slot.

    Then, I took another sheet of 100 stamps (different from the first sheet) and perforated them, and stuck one in each slot. When I had done this to 100 different sheets of 100 stamps, I took all the stamps from one slot and put them in a glassine envelope, sealed it up, and wrote

    100 FREE SPORTS STAMPS! on the envelopes.

    It was such a nice job. You didn't have to think at all. It was too simple to screw up, and I could read or do my homework at the same time.

  • My first job was at the Dairy Queen. I was taught to do everything from making Dilly Bars to working on the grill. It was actually a lot of fun. Had a good bunch of people to work with.

  • I worked stocking freezers, and serving customers in a large British Frozen Food Company.

    Source(s): Myself.
  • 1 decade ago

    I lived near an amusement park, and I worked at the Guess Your Age, Weight and Birth Month booth, with the gigantic scale.

    "Three ways to play, three ways to win, come on over and step on in! If I can't guess your age within two years, your weight within three pounds or your birth month within two months, you win a prize!"

    Jeeze... the number of times I had to say that....

    Answers to the questions everyone has:

    Q: What kind of training do you have for that?

    A: Someone handed me a microphone and said "get as many people to play as possible"

    Q: How do you guess ages?

    A: I simply learned to guess the ages of people based on clues (ages of their group of friends, ages of their kids).

    Q: How do you guess weight?

    A: I got better and better the more I did it. 180 was always safe guess for average guys and 130 was almost always safe for average chicks.

    Q: How do you guess birth month?

    A: The birth month thing is just statistics... I have to guess within 2 months, so if I guess March, that means if you were born in January, February, March, April or May, then you lose. That's 5 months, out of 12 months total: almost 50% chance of getting it right.

    Q: Is it fixed?

    A: Every prize you can win costs less than it takes to play. You pay $5 to play and win a stuffed animal that cost $1 for us to buy. Even if we guessed wrong and players won every single time, we'd turn a profit. You pay for the fun ;)

    Ahh, memories. It is ridiculous when I had it on my resumé for real job applications in my 20s and future bosses would ask me to guess their age or (god forbid) their weight.


  • Kelly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A job is just work that you get paid for, right? It doesn't have to be official or anything? You don't need any official title or anything? Good.

    I was and am the Mower of My Grandmother's Lawn.

    Bet you wish you could carry that title.

    Source(s): I'm too young to get a real job.
  • 1 decade ago

    Good luck with your application, Loki. My first job was stocktaking at Bi-Lo. Along with a team of nine others, I had to count how many of each product the store had on their shelf.

  • 1 decade ago

    Working at a local sporting goods store in my tiny town.

  • SOS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm applying for a job sometime soon.

    You need to be sixteen to legally work in the UK... So I'm applying at Borders. [my favourite shop] :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Marking maths homework for my tutor - ironic. I suck at maths.

    I mean, I *really* suck.

    If that doesn't count, then Subway was my *real* first job.

    How embarrassing. But I make good subs.

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