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Do you believe that...?

the party you support lies as a means to an end?

The left says that the GOP and Conservatives do nothing but lie.

The Right says that the Liberals and the Democrats do nothing but lie.

Do you believe that your party always tells the truth and has nothing but the best interests of the people at heart, or they lie to forward their agenda in the best interests of the party, not the people?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my choice would be the lesser of two evils, dems!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, they all lie. Sometimes innocently, when they are briefed and the briefer is not being totally honest or the information being briefed has changed and the briefer does not know the changes or does not want to update the information. Other times they just lie to get a wanted result. The most recent example of a bold face lie is Obama saying the AARP gave a 100% endorsement to the Health Care Bill, they didn't and he was then publicly chastised for lying. An innocent lie, would be Sarah Palin, saying death panels, not true, but was once part to the Finance Committees portion of the bill. The death panel was removed and Sarah was not updated on the new version, so when she spoke she was using outdated information, thus misspoke.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Lie about what?

    That's the question. Do politicians lie? Sure they do. They especially lie about their former positions, voting records, and they take credit for things with which they are only weakly associated.

    That's to be expected. It's kind of like a resume: they enhance their resumes.

    They sometimes lie to try to spin misbehavior or misstatements too. That's common, as well, among non-politicians. It's called "difficulty admitting when you were wrong".

    What the right wing of the Republican party has that is not typical is a highly organized, well funded fabrication machine that creates its own facts on important issues.

    Now, there are folks on the far left that will do similar fabrication, but they are neither well organized nor well funded, and they don't have the juice in Washington, D.C.

    The Republicans are unique in that capacity at this time. They manufacture stockpiles of nonexistent WMDs in Iraq, deny Global Warming, invent Death Panels, blame the current administration for a recession that could have been a depression that began to take shape more than a year before they even took office, and they promote alternatives to just about any proposal, but these alternatives rarely stand up to even basic examination, and yet we wind up discussing them as if they had any credibility, and let's face it, they do not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really believe the politicians have any true parties anymore. Only the American Public divides into parties a truly debates issues.

    The politicians "run" on political tickets labeled Democrat and Republican and so fourth. BUT their true agenda is all the same. What ever lobbyist fills their bank account the fastest.

    With the Health care debate it was a little sticky. The politicians were worried about the offices they held and had not any choice but to listen to the people.

    No I don't beleive any politican tells the truth when a lie would better suit them.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I look at the recent history of GOP Presidents. You have Bush He got us into two wars. Were they absolutely necessary? I understand the attack on 9/11. We are partially responsible for what happened due to the fact that we did not act in a defensible manner. We had the weaponry But the Sitting Vice President ordered a stand down. So basically our multi trillion dollar air force and navy air wing could do **** to defend us. Was the invasion of a nation the proper response for the high jackings of 4 aircraft? We were not invaded by Afghanistan. It was a freaking terrorist attack. How many lives on both sides how many trillions of dollars from around the world have we wasted fighting this regime the same regime that was the downfall of the old Soviet Union? Maybe some on here have lost friends or family members in this needless war. There was something on tv over the weekend about veterans of these wars now being homeless in California. All of the money wasted on these wars are military is well wasted and before GWB came into office in January of 2001. Our military was in full preparedness But since we have been in a state of war for more than 7 long years our military is shot. If we had to go to war against Russia or against China we would be screwed. Both nations would have a field day their weapons are a hell of a lot cheaper to make and they are in full military readiness unlike us. I really believe the 2000 election with Brother Jeb Bush in Florida was a major conflict of interest and I think it should have been better reviewed than it was. the 8 years of GWB really put the screws to our country and the disrespect the man gave to certain nations was wreckless. How can a sitting President label any nation a terrorist state and say I refuse to speak to those people? that is like a blatant slap in the face and makes our nation look like an evil empire which we are anything like 50 years from now GWB will look like the worst President in our nations history replacing Presidents like Woodrow Wilson and Zachery Taylor

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have been calling the republicans the party of fear and the democrats the party of hate for quite some time. They are both loaded with professional liars who's only agenda is to pay back the people who hold the purse strings of their campaigns so they can get reelected.

    The only difference in the two parties is which corporations and special interests are hiding behind them. Don't be silly. These people do not represent you.

  • 1 decade ago



    IN SRILANKA, In Kalimoddai and Sirukandal camps in Mannar district, established more than a year ago, some TAMIL residents have been granted permission to leave the camp for short periods during the day. In these camps, they have to register with the military twice a day. Human Rights Watch has received reports that if a person fails or is late to register, the military may apply punitive measures, such as forcing the TAMIL person to stand still under the sun for a period of time or to perform manual lab........

    the government wants to destroy the identity of north-eastern parts as TAMIL LAND

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, but there are different levels of lies. There's spin and then there is deliberate misleading statements. Obama's misleading statements ( We HAVE to pass the stimulus quickly to avoid 9% unemployment) can have serious consequences and cause harm to a lot of people.

    Another consequence is he loses the people's trust and that's one indication of how serious the lies were.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone lies. Does that mean that you are anti-social? Probably not. No, of course I do not believe that my party tells me the truth, ALWAYS. No one should, because no one is perfect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, my Party always lies.

    Source(s): That clever wording should make it difficult to tell. Because if they always lie and I am part of the Party then what I said above is a lie and thus the party does not lie, yet the statement itself is then a am I really a liar then? WHO KNOWS!>?!?!
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