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I have 5 famous names here. Can you help me rank them according to good things (charity,etc.) that they did?

Here's the list:


Angelina Jolie


Annie Lennox

Michael Jackson

No biases please. Just rank according to their impact to the world because of their good deeds.

Thank you very much!

(Top 1 would be the highest)


Wow quick answers. I can see that the trend is like this:





Thanks a bunch! Let's see if this changes.

Update 2:

Bono from U2. The lead vocals.

Update 3:

This gets hard. Some put MJ on top while others put them on the bottom. Anyone wants to change/edit answers?

Update 4:

After tallying the result, here is the tentative list of top 5:

Oprah (only leads by a point)





I guess I'd have to give the top spot to MJ as respect. May he rest in peace.

Update 5:

It's settled. MJ on top while Oprah 2nd. No doubt the last spot is Lennox. The only problem now is between Bono and Jolie. Bono leads by a single point only based on my tally.

Thank you very much for helping!

Update 6:

Hi MAD, can you state your source for this numbers you gave me? Thanks!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Michael Jackson- His music changed the world. Man in the Mirror. He also donated HUGE sums of money to a ton of charities, mostly for children He also helped children who were terminally ill by donating and letting them come to Never-land.

    2. Oprah- She also donated a lot and helped establish schools in Africa.

    Don't really know much about the rest...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Michael Jackson


    Angelina Jolie

    Annie Lennox


  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's (based on donations)

    Michael Jackson (over $350 million donated by the man himself, with more donated from charity singles, paying for transplants and recovery of patients, book donations to libraries, the Heal the World Foundation, and continues with 20% of his money going to charity after death. There may be more... I'm not sure how much was made from everything else beside his donations.( I did more research, and it seems that beside the donations, nearly $1 billion was made from the charity singles and what he has paid for and items given to hospitals. This also includes what he has donated in over hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in toys to charities for children.))

    Oprah Winfrey (I think it's about $51 billion raised through multiple programs, but not money she herself has donated. By herself, it is $303 million in donations.)

    Angelina Jolie


    Annie Lennox

    I'm not exactly sure about these last three...

    Source(s): You can find a list for most of Michael's donations on fansites like mjfansite, as well as The Ultimate Collection Boxset listing some others. There are videos of Michael visiting various hospitals where he talks about finding a donor for a boy's transplant as well as for paying for Gavin Arvizo's cancer treatment in the Living with Michael Jackson special. In Taraborrelli's book, The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, he also talks about Michael buying toys for his children and donating them after they played, inviting disabled and siclky children to his home, and that he donated everything he made from his concerts. As for Oprah, I'm pretty sure it's mentioned often on her show, magazine, and website, and I think you can also find out by looking up the program she founded. I can't remember everything I looked up that day. I hope I helped! :D
  • 1 decade ago

    1-- Michael Jackson

    2-- Oprah

    3-- Bono

    4-- Angelina Jolie

    5-- Annie Lennox

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • MJ


    Angelina Jolie


    Annie Lennox

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Oprah/Michael jackson

    2. Angelina Jolie

    I dont know the other two. Sorry.

  • ????
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1) Michael Jackson. Please don't mind my avatar. I think the money he donated is enough to place him at the top.



    4)Annie Lennox

    5)Angelina Jolie

  • 1 decade ago

    Michael Jackson.

    **** the rest.




  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago



    Angelina Jolie

    Annie Lennox

    Michael Jackson

  • 1 decade ago

    1 oprah

    2 bono

    3 angelina

    4 annie lennox

    5 michael j.

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