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Up for a baseball survey? (kinda bored, passing time!)?

1. Who is your favorite baseball team?

2. Why do you like this team?

3. Who got you to like this team?

4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?

5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?

6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)

7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?

8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?

9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?

10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?

BQ: Did you like my survey?

Sorry the questions aren't very original, but it's interesting to see the results!

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Who is your favorite baseball team?

    --Minnesota Twins.

    2. Why do you like this team?

    --My whole family is Twins fans.

    3. Who got you to like this team?

    --Mostly my mom.

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?

    --Yes! I've lived in Minnesota all my life.

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?

    --Brian Roberts and Kevin Slowey.

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)

    --10 for sure!

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?

    --Just watch.

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?

    --Joe Mauer.

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?

    --Watch on TV.

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?

    --Love = They aren't a big market team, but they always find a way to win. Hate = They are too cheap to keep any of their really good players.

    BQ: Did you like my survey?

    --Yes I did! *Star*

  • 1 decade ago

    1) My favorite team is the New York Yankees.

    2) They have so much history and I've grown up rooting for them.

    3) My mom and Grandpa grew up on this team and I guess it kind of stuck.

    4) No, I live in Mass. I get so much **** from people for being a Yankees fan, but I get through it.

    5) My three favorite players would have to be Jeter, Mariano Rivera, and Albert Pujols. I can't just pick one.

    6) 10. I absolutely love the Yankees. They are the team I was born to root for and I would die for my team.

    7) Both. I watch a lot of basball on TV and watch highlights. I've also been playing for 12 years.

    8) Derek Jeter. He's my favorite player and a great captain and the team is really going to suffer when he retires.

    9) Anything really but I prefer TV. I like to watch them win.

    10) What I love most about my team is their history and the fact that they win. I hate the fact that they have lost 8 games against the Sox this year.

    BQ) I liked this survey. It some great and interesting questions.

  • 1. Who is your favorite baseball team?= Yanks

    2. Why do you like this team?= Since i was a kid

    3. Who got you to like this team?= Flipping the channels

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?= Yes

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?= All time Reggie Jackson Present= Jeter

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)= 7

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?= Both

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?= Jeter

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?= Both

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?= Their passion to win hate= Sometimes the decisions of Ownership gets me on my nerves but at least they want to win.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Who is your favorite baseball team? Yankees

    2. Why do you like this team? Born a Yankees fan

    3. Who got you to like this team? My Dad

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays? No, not for the past 32 years.

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)? Mickey Mantle was my boyhood idol. Other favs have been Roy White, Munson, Mattingly, Guidry, Paul O'Neil, Jeter, Bernie Williams.

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death) 11

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both? both

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave? Jeter

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio? Both

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Tradition if winning

    Hate the most? When they lose.


  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Yankees

    2. Born and raised in New York. I grew up watching them.

    3. My dad and uncle.

    4. Yes I do.

    5. All-time: Bernie Williams

    Current: Jorge Posada

    6.'s pretty serious lol.

    7. I like to watch. I like going to the batting cages but I don't play baseball.

    8. There are quite a few but I gotta go with Jeter, Mo, and Posada.

    9. I like to watch on TV. The only time I listen is if I'm in the car.

    10. I love everything about the Yankees: the stadium, players, their history, etc. Hate the most? Well I really don't like having A-Rod on my team. Never really did. I also don't really enjoy all the haters I have to deal with. But what are you gonna do?

    Edit because I totally missed your BQ: Yes I did like the survey. That's why I gave you a star. :)

  • 1. Who is your favorite baseball team? -Oakland A's

    2. Why do you like this team? -Raised/Gre up a fan, hometown team

    3. Who got you to like this team? -My family

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays? -Yep

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)? -All time: Rickey Henderson Current: Ryan Sweeney

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death) -10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both? -Watch, and play for fun

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave? -Kurt Suzuki, Mark Ellis

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio? -TV

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most? -LOVE: Everything except the owner, manager Hate: The owner

    BQ: YES!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Who is your favorite baseball team? Yankees

    2. Why do you like this team?Born and still live in NY

    3. Who got you to like this team?My parents friends when they brought me to a game in 3rd grade.

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?Yes, my whole life.

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?Alfonso Soriano, used to be on the Yankees.

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)8

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?Both

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?Mariano, Jeter, CC, A-Rod

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?TV when I'm home and radio while in the car.

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?The chemistry. Hate how they don't always hustle out grounders.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. New York Yankees

    2. Runs in my family, and they are a pretty classy/respectable team. And I love the winning and historic tradition of the team

    3. My dad

    4. yes

    5. Derek Jeter

    6. 10

    7. watch, but i like to play softball

    8. Mo Rivera and Jeter

    9. TV

    10. I love the history that comes with the team, all the great players and seasons. I hate how everything is associated with money and being expensive.

    BQ: ok survey to pass the time

  • 1. Who is your favorite baseball team?


    2. Why do you like this team?

    Home team

    3. Who got you to like this team?

    No one

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?


    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?


    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)


    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?


    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?

    Jeter and Rivera

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?

    Depends whose calling the game

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?

    The tradition and history, free spenders


  • 1 decade ago

    1. Who is your favorite baseball team? The Angels

    2. Why do you like this team? it was the very first team i saw play live

    3. Who got you to like this team? my dad

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays? yes

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)? Vladimir Guerrero

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death) 10

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both? Both

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave? Chone Figgins

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio? TV

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?

    Love that we are very active on the basepath. Hate our starting pitching

    BQ: Did you like my survey? YES!!

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