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Lv 55,090 points

Pride Power Pinstripes :) ♥

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Kill 'em with kindness ;) George Steinbrenner~1930-2010 Bob Sheppard~1910-2010 May both Yankees icons rest in peace ♥♥♥ Taking a semi-break from Y!A...will be back occasionally. If you'd still like to talk some baseball or whatever, send me an email :) ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ 2~ Derek Jeter 20~Jorge Posada 46~Andy Pettitte 42~Mariano Rivera 33~Nick Swisher 24~Robinson Cano 13~Alex Rodriguez 25~Mark Texiera 52~CC Sabathia 34~AJ Burnett **George Steinbrenner** **Bob Sheppard** ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ (¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ ¸.· ´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´

  • Should I buy a Nook or Kindle?

    I've been considering buying an e-reader, so I was wondering if I should get a Barne&Noble Nook or an Amazon Kindle? And why?

    Thank you! :)

    8 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • What is a 'lifetime contract'? (details inside!)?

    So the off season is upon us, and on MLB Network's Hotstove yesterday (Friday November 5th) The analysts talked about what Derek Jeter's contract should be from the Yankees. One of them (Harold Reynolds, I believe) said that Derek Jeter should get a lifetime contract from the Yankees. So I was wondering, what is this?

    and now for a BQ....

    Do you think Jeter should get a lifetime contract?

    Thanks for your answer, have a nice day! :)

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why is Mariano Rivera considered to be the greatest closer ever (details inside)?

    Ok, so it's pretty much common knowledge that Mariano Rivera is considered to be the greatest closer ever. But why? I'm a fan of statistics and numbers, and Mariano Rivera has over 500 saves, which is considered to be excellent. But he's second on the all time saves list, to Trevor Hoffman, who has nearly 600 saves. So why isn't Trevor Hoffman considered to be the greatest closer ever? Please don't misjudge me on this question, Mariano Rivera is one of my absolute favorite players, and there's no way I'm trying to undermine any of his accomplishments. I'm just wondering, what makes Mo the greatest closer ever, and not Trevor Hoffman?

    Thanks in advance for your answer! :)

    Eh, I'll throw in a BQ as well....

    BQ-Which closer would you rather face in Game 7 of the World Series with the tying run on base, Mariano Rivera or Trevor Hoffman? :)

    23 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • With George Steinbrenner dead, is the future of the Yankees in question? *details inside*?

    As many have heard, New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner passed away this morning at the age of 80. Now that he has passed on, is the Yankees future in jeopardy? Think of it like the former Blackhawks, before they won the Stanley Cup. The owner died, and his sons took over. The sons did the Blackhawks no good. They took their games off of television, and stopped trying to make the team better. As a result, they were terrible, and they had hardly any fans. Do you see a future similar to the Blackhawks past for the Yankees now?

    BQ- Do you think that the passing of the Boss will affect the signings the Yankees have to make in the offseason, particularly the signing of Derek Jeter?

    Thank you for your answers.

    I feel that it is necessary to ask that please, no hateful answers please. If you don't have anything nice or respectful to say about George Steinbrenner or the Yankees, please just go to a different question. Thank you.

    13 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Umpire Joe West's comments on the Yankees-Red Sox game lengths? (details inside)?

    ***If you do not want to read the long description, the question is put into a shorter format at the bottom of the page, last paragraph***

    As we all know, the Yankees and the Red Sox have an epic rivalry, and both teams play their hearts out just to beat one another. But senior Umpire Joe West referred to both the Yankees and the Red Sox as "pathetic and embarassing....a disgrace to baseball" Here's the full story courtesy of

    Now, I don't know about anyone else, but this has me pretty agitated. Who does he think he is? He's getting PAID to call the game, and the longer the game goes on, he probably gets paid more. Why is he complaining? People pay up to $300 dollars for tickets, which would be the same as paying $100 dollars an hour for a 3 hour game. But if the game is only 2 hours, then the price per hour is $150. With the Yankees- Red Sox series, fans are getting their money's worth! I definitely would not want to go to a baseball game just to see every player swinging away at every pitch they see just to get the game done in a timely fashion. I don't really mind the 3 hour games. Joe West probably works for approximately 3 hours a day calling a game. I don't know what else umpires do in a regular day (aside from dissing two of the biggest teams in baseball), but assuming umpires just call games, 3 hours a day doesn't seem to be asking for much. Most people work 8 hour days. Quite frankly, I think that if Joe West doesn't like the lengths of the game so much, then maybe he should find a new job.

    Sorry about the length of the question. To put it into a more conceise form, What are your thoughts on Joe West's comments?

    Thanks in advance for your answer! =]

    18 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Spring training has officially begun! =D What are your hopes and dreams for your team this year? 2 BQs inside?

    So the 2009-2010 offseason is now a thing of the past, as pitchers and catchers from various MLB teams reported to Arizona or Florida, to begin Spring Training. What are your hopes and dreams for your favorite team this season? Hopes and dreams aren't necessarily realistic, so if you're dreaming of going 162-0 this regular season, I wanna know about it! :)

    BQ1- If you could go back in time and change 1 thing about your team's offseason, would you? What would you change?

    BQ2- Who are you going to miss most at spring training this year? (like a player that your team didn't re-sign?)

    Hope you enjoy! Thanks for answering!

    20 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Choose your side....? (details inside)?

    Simple poll: Who's side are you on?

    Team Conan (a.k.a Team Coco)- Supports Conan O'Brien and thinks that he should've been allowed to stay at the Tonight Show at it's original time.

    Team Jay Leno- Supports Jay Leno and thinks that he deserves to take the Tonight Show back since his show didn't work out.

    Team David Letterman- Is not supporting either side, but enjoying every minute of the "Late Night War"

    Team Switzerland- Has chosen to not pick a side and just wishes that it would all go away.

    No bad mouthing the other teams, please just state one of the 4 teams above! =)

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll--Have you ever.....? {details inside}?

    Have you ever disliked a player on another team, but then liked him once he came to your favorite team?

    For example, I hated Johnny Damon when he was on the Red Sox, but when he played with the Yankees, he became one of my favorite players! Same with Nick Swisher: didn't like him on the White Sox, but now he's one of my favorite Yankees.

    Yes, I readily admit that this is incredibly hypocritical of me, but when players aren't on the Yankees, I just see them as the other team.

    Has this ever happened to any other baseball fans, or is it just me? Be honest! =]

    19 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • POLL~ MLB dream team? {details inside}?

    Congratulations, You are now the owner of a Major League Baseball team. Now who do you put into these positions?

    General Manager~


    Starting Pitchers~ 1-5. {you don't have to put all 5, just put as many as you wish!}

    Middle Relief/ Set-up man~



    First Base~

    Second Base~


    Third Base~

    Left Field~

    Center Field~

    Right Field~

    Designated Hitter (optional)~

    Bench Player(s)~

    This is just for fun...Hope you like it!

    15 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Yankees outfield for the 2010 season....(details inside)?

    In light of the 3 way trade that brings centerfielder Curtis Granderson to the Yankees, it got me thinking, who is going to be comprising the Yankees outfield for 2010? Here are some guarantees...

    1. Curtis Granderson in CF and...

    2. Nick Swisher in RF

    This leaves the left field position up for grabs. There are many candidates, but one can have the spot, or possibly share it between 2 players. Who will play left field? Here are your choices....

    A. Keep Melky Cabrera

    B. Sign Johnny Damon

    C. Keep Brett Gardner

    D. Any combination of A-C

    X. Other ideas?

    This is just for fun, and I want to know what you think. Thanks for answering!

    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • What is the best Carrie Underwood CD?

    In your opinion, what is the best Carrie Underwood CD that has come out since she won American Idol? I want one of her CDs for Christmas, but I don't know which one to pick! Thanks for the help! =)

    15 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Has Joe Girardi lost it?!?!?!?

    whoops I meant to put...

    "the Yankees SHOULDN"T be using personal catchers!" Not "should"! My mistake!

    20 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Is it really so hard to admit that people make mistakes?

    I've been on Y!A today for a total of 15 minutes, and all I've seen is the same question with different variations. "Who thinks the Yankees bought their win yesterday?" or "Anybody else agree that the Yankees paid off the umps?" I do agree that it was a horrible call made by Phil Cuzzy, but it was a mistake. People make mistakes. I'm not justifying any suckish call made in any of the games; I'll be one of the first Yankees fans to tell you that it was a lucky break. But it's happened, and it was a mistake. Even though Phil Cuzzy is an umpire, he's still human. (Once again, it's not like I'm trying to defend him, I just want these questions to stop) I'm really sorry to all of the Twins fans, but it's already happened, and the past can't be changed. The call's been made, and it was a mistake. A costly one, but it still was a mistake.

    19 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • POLL: Which team would you LEAST like your team to face in the playoffs (details inside)?

    As the sun sets on another MLB regular season [=*( ], which teams would you least want your team to face in the....

    Divisional Series--

    Championship Series--

    World Series--

    Doesn't matter if your team has a chance at the playoffs or not, just having a slow day in the baseball section and thought I'd throw this question in for fun!

    BQ--Who would you want pitching for your team if you were to face these teams in the playoffs?

    Thanks for answering! =)

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • POLL: Do you have any......==>?

    Do you have any weird/strange baseball superstitions when you watch your favorite team or play baseball? Just curious, I'm bored and killing time before the Yankees play! =)

    17 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Breaking News--Jorge Posada reportedly get 4 game suspension & $30,000 fine for last nights fight...Fair?

    So this is the latest on the Posada/Yankees vs. Carlson/Blue Jays fight. Just recieved word on Jorge Posada's punishment. Do you think this is fair? And does anyone know anything about Carlson's punishment?

    16 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago


    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Can someone please explain the "magic number" system in baseball?

    It's starting to reach the end of the season, and I've been hearing alot of stuff about a team's "magic number". What does this mean? How does this work? Thanks in advance!

    10 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Red Sox fans......................?

    As I'm sure everyone is aware of, the Yankees are playing the Red Sox tonight and this weekend. I was wondering if anyone could give me an HONEST, LOGICAL, UNBIASED scouting report of Brad Penny (the pitcher tonight) and the current state of the Red Sox. I understand that nobody can be completely unbiased, so I'll be okay with a little swaying towards the Sox. 10 points an BA go towards the answer that can't be summarized as "Brad Penny will kick the Yankees' a**. Go Red Sox" Thanks in advance! =)

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Up for a baseball survey? (kinda bored, passing time!)?

    1. Who is your favorite baseball team?

    2. Why do you like this team?

    3. Who got you to like this team?

    4. Do you live in the state where your team plays?

    5. Who is your favorite player (doesn't have to be active or on your team)?

    6. How passionate are you about your team 1-10 (1 being I only like them cuz its where I live, 10 being I love my team to death)

    7. Do you like to play or watch baseball? or both?

    8. What player on your team do you never ever want to see leave?

    9. Do you like to watch your team on TV or listen on the radio?

    10. What do you love the most about your team? Hate the most?

    BQ: Did you like my survey?

    Sorry the questions aren't very original, but it's interesting to see the results!

    33 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago