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Umpire Joe West's comments on the Yankees-Red Sox game lengths? (details inside)?

***If you do not want to read the long description, the question is put into a shorter format at the bottom of the page, last paragraph***

As we all know, the Yankees and the Red Sox have an epic rivalry, and both teams play their hearts out just to beat one another. But senior Umpire Joe West referred to both the Yankees and the Red Sox as "pathetic and embarassing....a disgrace to baseball" Here's the full story courtesy of

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but this has me pretty agitated. Who does he think he is? He's getting PAID to call the game, and the longer the game goes on, he probably gets paid more. Why is he complaining? People pay up to $300 dollars for tickets, which would be the same as paying $100 dollars an hour for a 3 hour game. But if the game is only 2 hours, then the price per hour is $150. With the Yankees- Red Sox series, fans are getting their money's worth! I definitely would not want to go to a baseball game just to see every player swinging away at every pitch they see just to get the game done in a timely fashion. I don't really mind the 3 hour games. Joe West probably works for approximately 3 hours a day calling a game. I don't know what else umpires do in a regular day (aside from dissing two of the biggest teams in baseball), but assuming umpires just call games, 3 hours a day doesn't seem to be asking for much. Most people work 8 hour days. Quite frankly, I think that if Joe West doesn't like the lengths of the game so much, then maybe he should find a new job.

Sorry about the length of the question. To put it into a more conceise form, What are your thoughts on Joe West's comments?

Thanks in advance for your answer! =]

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i kinda agree with him. Red Sox vs. Yankees games are always longer than the average 9 inning game. i love watching them but it's annoying to see them as long as they are.

    Source(s): HRM
  • Mr.B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I completely agree with Joe West's sentiments but strongly disagree with how he expressed them. As a fan, I get as frustrated watching it as West does umpiring it.

    The games ARE too long. I've been watching baseball for forty years, and only recently have these marathon games started to occur frequently. And it's almost always the same two teams. If it was just once in a while, fine. The players are endlessly calling time, visiting the mound, stepping out of the box, stepping off the rubber and many of the pitchers on both teams work at a snail's pace.

    As much as I love the rivalry, I never watch Yankees - Red Sox games live, only on PVR so I can fast forward through all the BS they engage in. It's time MLB stepped up and in no uncertain terms told them "enough" and passes some rules limiting the amount of crap that goes - no stepping out of the box, no stepping off the rubber (a strike or ball will be the penalty depending on who did it); a limit on the number of mound visits, and batters and catchers cannot call time once the pitcher is on the rubber and the hitter is in the batter's box.

    Four hours for a nine inning game is absurd. If they keep that up, people are going to start saying X is right.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a fan, I agree with Joe West. The games are entirely too long. However, I do agree with your point that Joe West should not be making these comments and should just shut up and do his job. For those who pay up to $300 a ticket, well I guess they have the money to spare. Your game per hour theory does not register with most fans or most games. It's not the duration but the quality of entertainment for the time. Maybe that works for a RedSox-Yankees game or a Cards-Cubs matchup, but in most cases it does not. Who wants to sit through the torture of a 3 hour game that does not have pennant/playoff implications?

    Unfortunately, I am in baseball Siberia ( Pittsburgh). While I do go to PNC on occasion to see selcect teams and or players, I don't want the game to last 3 hours or longer. It's too darn long. Too many pitching changes, too many batters stepping out of the box and/or pitchers stepping off the mound. The umpires need to enforce the 20 second rule between pitches. They seldom if ever do this. Maybe Mr. West would do baseball a better service by enforcing this forgotten rule.

  • 1 decade ago

    I respectfully disagree with you. I think that the pace of games in general, not just the Yankees-Red Sox games, can be entirely too slow. Players are sometimes given too much liberty to do what they want to and that can really wear on fans who really want to watch the game. Baseball hasn't always been like this. They brought up on the Sunday Night broadcast (which, ironically, was Yankees-Red Sox) how in Game 7 of some playoff series not one batter stepped out of the batter's box.

    And before you say that the umpires have an easier life, you obviously haven't seen their travel schedule. They are moving around quite a bit. They umpire every game, from spring training to the postseason. They travel on commercial flights, not the charter flights that teams have. Not to mention that they need to make very precise, split-second calls on a variety of different calls and deal with the egos of players and coaches. It's a helluva lot of work to become an umpire and remain one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Umpires should be ABOVE talking to the media, especially in this manner. I think the Commish should sent Joe to the minors. They make nice money, they must enjoy the work, but then some of them get the Big Head and have to showboat with delayed calls, unique mannerisms, etc., and then they think someone would be interested in their opinions. The only opinions of an umpire I am interested in are the ones on the field about the game. Play ball! Go Cards!

  • 1 decade ago

    He should just keep his mouth shut, because baseball doesn't have a time limit. So what if the games are longer, at least a majority of the games don't end late like they do in the playoffs now that's an issue that needs to be addressed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, you're not the only one! That just ticked me off >:(

    "Pick up the pace"? WTF? The two teams are careful with their at bats, trying to make the most of them. Both teams have many players that want to be productive, not just striking out! Especially when they play eachother. Both of them are just taking their time to play their best.

    If the players want time outs, give them the time outs! The game of baseball is partly of patience, that's why there are walks awarded to those who take pitches. Sometimes, to me, the games don't feel long enough! It was an intense game, a great on too (although I'm not a fan of the ending result...). I mean, sure it can be long for him to watch every single pitch, every move, every play, but that is the job he chose! You are right, if he doesn't like it, get another job!

  • mm117
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i think lately more than ever this whole time thing has been blown way out of proportion. i say WHO CARES?! people like watching the games. No one i see watching them complains. If you complain, you don't have to watch it. I don't mind it. i love baseball and would watch it for 7 hours if i could. He stepped over his bounds with that comment. Hes supposed to call the game, not cause this sort of drama. I think the game wouldn't be as good if they started trying to rush it. Its a tough game and some players need to take their time. Its always been that way, im not sure why its just now emerging as a HUGE problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    That he is absolutely correct in his conclusions?

    He is a senior MLB crew chief with over 4,000 games in his career. He should be allowed the respect and latitude to state what is on his mind.

    For those of you who are trying to rationalize the absurd length of games (all games not just NYY/BOS) your arguments are the exact reason the game has lost interest as a whole.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it was necessary for him to make those comments. A baseball game isn't supposed to be X amount of hours and minutes. It starts at a specific time, it doesn't end at a specific time. I think it's quite childish and whiny to be complaining about this. I just think he said that because he dislikes both teams.

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