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  • Stinging pain on the inside of right thigh?

    For a little while now, I've felt a stinging pain on the inside of my right thigh, usually worsened by walking around. It feels like something has stung me. It looks like there are some red lumps there, but it's hard to tell. And right now as I sit around working on stuff, my right leg feels kind of off, like the whole leg is sore. I've noticed that when standing around lately, my right leg and foot seem to get extremely sore and tired long before the left leg does.

    I do sit and lay around a lot, usually working on homework or surfing the net, but I have been walking around a fair bit lately.

    I'm just curious if anyone has had a similar experience or has an idea about what this could be? I'm thinking about getting it checked out.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Red x over internet connection at random times?

    I've been having a strange internet issue at my apartment for college. Sometimes I will be browsing the Internet at the other end of the apartment when I'll randomly get a red X over the Internet connection icon on the taskbar, even though the Wi-Fi on my laptop is on. Even after flipping the switch and looking through the Network and Sharing Center, I cannot resolve the red X and have to restart the system. Once I do, I get my internet back. Sometimes, it doesn't happen at all. Other times, like yesterday, it happens throughout the entire day every thirty minutes or so. It seems to vary with how well my cable is coming through. (We get both internet and cable through Comcast).

    I've observed this issue mainly in my bedroom, which is on the second floor at the opposite end of the apartment, probably the furthest point away from the router and modem. Usually, it works fine when I go into the living room near the router and modem. However, I had it happen there today as well.

    I have never had this issue back at home, no matter where I am in the house. I did have it happen at a condo we rented for vacation, but it only happened in one room. Otherwise, I've never observed this issue anywhere else that I've used this laptop.

    So, I am curious if you have any suggestions as to what could be going on. It seems like it could be a router/modem issue, but I'm not sure.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Red x over internet connection randomly?

    I've been having a strange internet issue at my apartment for college. Sometimes I will be browsing the Internet at the other end of the apartment when I'll randomly get a red X over the Internet connection icon on the taskbar, even though the Wi-Fi on my laptop is on. Even after flipping the switch and looking through the Network and Sharing Center, I cannot resolve the red X and have to restart the system. Once I do, I get my internet back. Sometimes, it doesn't happen at all. Other times, like yesterday, it happens throughout the entire day every thirty minutes or so. It seems to vary with how well my cable is coming through. (We get both internet and cable through Comcast).

    I've only observed this issue in my bedroom, which is on the second floor at the opposite end of the apartment, probably the furthest point away from the router and modem. However, if I go to the living room where they are located, I don't ever recall losing my connection in such a manner. Whats more, back home, where I have a wireless internet connection, I have no such issues with my laptop, no matter where I am in the house. This seems to suggest that it isn't the laptop causing the problem.

    So I'm wondering, is it possible that the router and/or modem are causing the issue? And if so, what can I do to resolve this issue? As much as I don't mind going to the living room to use the internet, I would like to be able to have some kind of privacy when it comes to doing school work.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Thoughts on Jason Hammel?

    Hammel just finished up a complete game, one hit shut out of the Braves. Struck out eight, walked two and threw only 103 pitches. The guy has been a great asset for the O's. Is it possible that he can keep it up?

    3 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Good pair of soccer cleats for cheap?

    I'm a college student so I don't have much money. Sometimes, my friends and I go out and fool around a bit playing soccer. Problem is where we usually play isn't a field, so when it rains, it get really muddy and if you're not wearing cleats, you're slipping around. I figure it might not be a bad idea to invest in some cleats, but since I'm not doing this at a competitive level, I figure that I should get a cheap pair. Curious if anyone has any recommendations. I'm trying to not spend more than $50.

    2 AnswersOther - Soccer9 years ago
  • Sore testicle without any other symptoms?

    I have been experience some soreness in my right testicle for the past month or so. Originally, it was diagnosed as epididymitis and I received an antibiotic to treat it. The pain went down, but the testicle remained sensitive. Lately, it's flared up again a little, although nowhere near the level it was at before. As far as I can tell, I haven't been experiencing any other symptoms. I plan on going to the doctor again next week to get a recommendation for a urologist. I am curious if anyone here has had a similar experience and can tell me what they were diagnosed as having.

    2 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • DNS changer infection?

    Yesterday,I got a notice from Xfinity/Constant Guard that I have a DNS Changer on my laptop. This is the second time this has happened, although the first was months ago and seemed to be resolved. I took similar steps this time, running the anti-virus, using an eraser program that Comcast suggested (which definitely erased something), even checking my DNS and IP with the FBI's site to make sure the issue was resolved. However, I keep getting the message and Xfinity says that it detected again yesterday, even though when I checked around that time yesterday, there wasn't any additional notices.

    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about what else I could do to make sure I have resolved the issue once and for all.

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Electric field question?

    I'm having some trouble figuring this question out.

    Point charge q1 = -5.00 nC is at the origin and point charge q2 = +3.00 nC is on the x -axis at x = 3.00 cm. Point P is on the y-axis at y = 4.00 cm.

    a. Calculate the electric fields E1 and E2 at point P due to charges q1 and q2. Express the answer in terms of unit vectors.

    If I can figure this out, I can solve for the second part of the question. So any have some advice about how to approach this and/or solve it?

    2 AnswersPhysics10 years ago
  • Ouch, that doesn't look good for The Miz?

    He's knee's definitely screwed up after that fall. Hope it's not too serious.

    2 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Daniel Bryan - Smackdown MITB?

    How awesome a moment was that? The crowd went absolutely nuts. The Smackdown MITB match was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

    2 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Vector space questions?

    I need help with two vector space problems. In both cases, the problem takes place in R^3 and are coordinates (x,y,z). However, the definitions of addition and scalar multiplication are changed from the standard. I need to determine whether they are vector space and, if not, which axiom they violate. The problems I need help with are as follows. Note: the numbers to the right of the variables should be underscores.

    1. Addition: (x1,y1,z1) + (x2,y2,z2) = (x1+x2+1, y1+y2+1, z1+z2+1)

    Multiplication is standard

    2. Addition: (x1,y1,z1) + (x2,y2,z2) = (x1+x2+1, y1+y2+1, z1+z2+1)

    Scalar multiplication: c(x,y,z) = (cx+c-1, cy+c-1, cz+c-1)

    Any advice would be helpful.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How do I act slow (in a play)?

    I need some advice. I am doing a scene from Of Mice and Men for my intro to acting class. I was casted as Lennie. My teacher said that I should try to play the character as more of a slow person, rather than one that is mentally retarded. I kinda came up with the idea of him being like a kid in a grown man's body, but I am wondering what else I can do. If you have some advice as to how to play the character, please feel free to give me advice.

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What's the funniest thing that you've seen or heard at a house show or a dark match?

    I was flipping around TV Tropes earlier today and I came across a video from a recent house show, where a fan in the front row dressed up as Sheamus. During his entrance, the real Sheamus spotted his doppelganger in the audience and...well, you have to see the video.

    It then occured to me that many funny moments seem to happen at house shows or during dark matches before or after the show. So what are some of the funniest moments that you can recall from a house show or a dark match that either you have personally attended, or seen or heard about by other means? It can be from any promotion. Just so long as it is funny.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Should I buy Led Zeppelin's Mothership on iTunes?

    I just got my iPod and I've been trying to decide what to get. The question that I have is should I go ahead and buy the entire Mothership album, or are there particular songs that I should just buy. It's going for $13.99.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • So what did you think of the Rose Bowl?

    I thought it was a pretty good game. Congrats to TCU for winning the game.

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Damn, did Punk just rip on Riley there, or what?

    "Is he under the influence or something?" Man, I can't believe he got away with that line. Punk is just brilliant on commentary.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Was it poetic justice that the Rangers got the final out by striking out A-Rod?

    I'm not a Rangers fan, but with the history between the Rangers and Alex Rodriguez, it seems fitting that the Rangers reach the World Series by striking him out.

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How come people here haven't been talking about the hottest team in baseball?

    Now, I know that the Baltimore Orioles are way out of the playoff race, but they've won eight of nine since Showalter became the manager. In that stretch they swept the Angels and took three of four from the White Sox. Every aspect of the game seems to have improved. Whatever Showalter did to get those boys going, I'm liking it.

    BQ: Could the Orioles be next year's breakout team?

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Bret Hart new Raw GM? How awesome is this?

    I figured that this was going to happen, but wow, I still can't believe it's really for real.

    13 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Wait, now Edge has to face the Undertaker?

    Wow, yet another twist. I wonder how Orton was able to convince the Undertaker to do this.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago