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Spiritually wondering: I DO believe that we here in Illinois, are having a Tornado..!!?

the rain & wind is terrible, and the a tornado siren just went off...

My question is: where do YOU hide when this happens where you live.!?!?


I live about 50 miles N/W of O'hare...!!!

yikes, the rain is poundling down...!!!

Update 2:

Mariah, freaks out the most...all she says is "I wanna go ni-nite" really scares her....You should be around on

July 4th.


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh my honey, I hope you and yours are OK. We have a "safe room" with an exit door in our walk out basement. Our son, who is an expert in disaster safety, told us to make sure we had an exit in case the house collapses.

    Our daughter's home was hit by a tornado a couple of years ago. Thank God they also have a "safe room". None of them were hurt,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've been in more than a few tornadoes in my life. When I was younger, we went into the basement -- the laundry room, to be specific, as there were no windows around and nothing overhanging that could fall and kill us.

    I worked at McDonald's when I was 18 and we hid in the big walk-in freezer when the sirens went off.

    There's a tornado warning right now, but the sirens haven't gone off yet. When they do, I'll probably hide on the lower level of the university, in this neat little abandoned janitor's closet I found.

  • My house doesn't have a basement, so I usually run to the downstairs bathroom (because it's the only room with no windows), where I swear about the timing of tornadoes. Seriously, those damn sirens ALWAYS seem to go off at 3 in the morning on the very day that I have some majorly important presentation at work.

    So I sit there on the floor, with my parrot who looks at me as if to say "Why the hell did you wake me? I was dreaming of sunflower seeds and sugar cane treats, ya bastard"

    Stay safe, Kerilyn. Are your birdies freaking out?

  • jj
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    first of all you hide in Psalm 91 then I would take shelter in my basement or bathroom. come against the storm, pray and believe that the rain will cease in Jesus Name. I take it that Mariah is your daughter hug her, comfort her, then pray that the Lord will deliver her from storms and loud noises in Jesus Name.I am talking to you as one that is a Christian.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't be on the internet.


    Get in a basement,or storm cellar.

    If you are in a trailer find someplace quickly besides there.

    Find a bathroom or other strong small room (cover with mattress).

  • It's not doing anything here, looks pretty outside.

    I go into my basement.

    I also live in Illinois. Did you hear about the "In-land hurricane" we had 3 months ago? That was weird and scary. It absolutely tore up the town I live in.

  • Skye M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    praying for you

    where I live we dont worry about tornadoes we do have earthquakes occasionally. but most often sand storms then ant place inside works

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uh oh. We don't have big tornadoes where I live. Stay safe, my dear!

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