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Are health insurance companies ripping off America?

consider the following Harper's Index facts:

Percentage change since 2002 in average premiums paid to large US health-insurance companies: +87%

Percentage change in the profits of the top ten insurance companies: +428%

Chances that an American bankrupted by medical bills has health insurance: 7 in 10


hambone, what do doctors bills have to do with insurance profitability?

if an insurance company is PAYING your healt claims, why would their MARGIN go up when bills go up.

that doesn't even make sense.

Update 2:

harpers index is available in harpers magazine or at

there is your source - now deal wih the FACTS.

Update 3:

hurt, i think that life and death issues like police, fire, armed forces should not be subject to private sector profits. if a credit card rips me off, i pay the thing off and never do business there again - no one dies.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess so. I thought so but with this information - even if there are errors - there are errors - it's still evident that something needs to be done. Should we allow companies to make $$ off of sick and dying people? A lot of the costs come at the end of someone's life b/c they require more care. The assumption is do whatever is necessary to save a person when that person that is dying may not want all of the heroics - past a certain point. I think we forget that or don't realize how traumatic it is.

    I've read some books written by nurses talking about this. One patient said he was done - if he had a heart attack - to just let him die in peace. One of his sons wouldn't let that happen - said keep him alive - bring him back - this could have been fixed had the man had a living will giving his wishes - what he wanted.

    The doctor - nurse stuck a tube down this man's throat - really uncomfortable - even painful - imagine that - it's one thing if it's a semi-young person but this man was in his 80s. He had been sick a long time.

    My grandfather suffered a year and a half. My family thinks he should have died sooner. Not that they wanted him to die - of course not. He was beloved by all that knew him. He was a great and outgoing man.

    No one liked to see him suffer so. He could barely walk. He couldn't taste food. He was limited on diet. He was used to taking care of others but had people taking care of him. He didn't like that. I know he didn't. I was close to him. He couldn't drive. Seeing someone suffer - you don't forget that - it stays with you - you think I don't want this to happen to me.

    Insurance companies do not care about people. They care about $$$.

    We need reform - real reform.

    I'm against HR 3200. This is the insurance companies' bill and it's dirty.

    There is no such thing as a death panel. That's what insurance companies do now - hospitals kick out sick people now.

    How do you get a loan when you are sick and unable to work?

    It's cruel. Pro life - not at all.

    Our system rewards specialists - people needed after the fact.

    MD students come out with too much debt - liability insurance which is ridiculously expensive - so many med professionals need to purchase their own insurance - we need tort reform - time to end these frivolous lawsuits - so many of them are - it's very hard to win a case - costs $1 billion.

    I've worked with insurance - professionally - you are essentially gambling with the odds. Look at the history of health insurance. That says a lot right there. Insurance companies have actuaries - the system is rigged to benefit them - the odds for individuals is very low.

    That's why you need just enough insurance - not too much - not too little.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every business does. If you have ever bought a car, a home, or got a credit card or a cell phone plan... you got "ripped off". Hidden fees, unjustified increases, outright deceptions.

    Health insurance companies are no more guilty of this than any other industry. Their particular product just effects people on a more personal level than most.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they are, but it is a whole slew of things that are misaligned. Doctors are charging too much as well, which helps to make the insurance companies charge what they do. Same goes for the pharm companies.

  • 1 decade ago


    No links to support a liberal rant

    Aetna Inc. (AET):

    Revenue: $32.67 Billion

    Gross Profit: $8.23 Billion

    Unitedhealth Group, Inc. (UNH):

    Revenue: $84.27 Billion

    Gross Profit: $6.24 Billion

    So those greedy companies are getting a before tax profit of 8-40% and then pay the government 40% in taxes

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    It is no secret that health insurance companies are ripping of the working man.

    Insurance companies actually flaunt it, by posting ever increasing earnings while limiting care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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