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Who is the smartest person ever?

dead or living and what was their IQ.?


try this site .he could be the smartest man ever. this guy who works in a bar.20/20 est iq 195-210

Now check the youtube interview

gives Johan Von Goethe German writer 210* a run for his money.

This man in every sense is average, but wow what a brain.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some famous geniuses

    1] Johan Von Goethe German writer 210*

    2] Gottfried Leibniz German mathematician 205*

    3] John Stuart Mill English philosopher 200*

    4] Blaise Pascal French mathematician 195*

    5] Ludwig Wittgenstein Austrian philosopher 200 +/-

    6] Bobby Fischer American chess player 187

    7] Galileo Galilei Italian scientist 185

    8] Rene Descartes French philosopher 180*

    9] Immanuel Kant German philosopher 175*

    10] Linus Pauling American scientist 170

    11] Charles Darwin British scientist 165

    12] Wolfgang Mozart Austrian composer 165*

    13] Nicolas Copernicus Polish astronomer 160*

    14] Rembrandt Van Rijn Dutch painter 155*

    * born before modern testing began, so these are guesses based on their work.


    Adams, John Quincy 1767-184 American statesman 165 est.

    Balzac, Honoré de 1799-1850 French writer 145

    Beethoven, Ludwig van 1770-1827 German musician 140

    Copernicus, Nicolas 1473-1543 Prussian scientist 130

    Da Vinci, Leonardo 1452-1519 Italian artist 150

    Descartes, René 1596-1650 French philosopher 160

    Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790 Americanstatesman 145

    Goethe, Johann von 1749-1832 German writer 200

    Jefferson, Thomas 1743-1826 American statesman 150

    Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 German philosopher 145

    Newton, Isaac 1642-1727 English scientist 170

    Pascal, Blaise 1623-1662 French scientist 180

    Rembrandt van Rijn 1606-1669 Dutch artist 135

    Most of these are guesses (and note that some of the numbers are different on both lists) ...

  • Mercy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Goethe. Estimated IQ of 230. I know it's over 200 but I'm just reporting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Leonardo da Vinci IQ 200 (+/- 20)

    Plato also around 200

    Pascal 190

  • 1 decade ago

    Muthusla oldest and wisest man to have ever lived... I.Q. over 200 reportedly..

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Tough to say, if I had to pick a name off the top of my head, Nikola Tesla.

  • 1 decade ago

    Michael (Mic) Tienken 186

    i think he is living

  • 1 decade ago

    us, we are still alive. Life is a balancing act.

  • 1 decade ago

    God. He created and understands everything. Who else could do that?!

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