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Lv 43,581 points

Will You Take The Red Pill ?

Favorite Answers10%

Dont blame me !! i voted 3rd party !!Well my lil sheeples , your apathy or the ability to fallin line and be spoon fed bullshyt has paid off!!Congrats !! welcome to socialism.Good bye to our constitution after all obamas quote " a flawed document" Woot bring in the New World order!!BTW if you think voting for mccain was better ..not really ..after all both blood relation to bush and both are CFR. I am 41 , I am single , I am poor , I pay my own way . According Obama , ill actually benifit from his proposed plans , until my company i work for is hit with a higher tax burden , where either they raise prices or just leave the country all together .Sheeple remeber shyt rolls downhill BTW I will never go unaccessable on here. I do not run and i do not hide from wanna speak to me and give me a piece of your mind it!!I am not a chickenshyt..say something then tuck my tail and hide.I stand behind what I say bad others dont.yella bellies

  • My cockitiels are nesting?

    Ok its just a matter of a week and my cockitiel eggs might hatch if everything went well.Here is the problem .When I suspected might be eggs coming my happy self was flat broke couldnt afford a nesting box.SO I took a small card board box , Put it in the cage .It isnt optimum size .I bought a nesting box as soon as i could ..well they perfer the card board box .I tried once to transfer the eggs to the nesting box and the mom and dad refuse to lay on the eggs i transferred them back to the cardboard box , they went back to nesting.the cardboard box is small and when can i get the family into the nesting box?Or just leave the family be? thank you

    3 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Love triangle ..cockitiels?

    Ok I have 1 Male 1 female ..The male prefers the light colored female ..always cuddling with her.BUT its the dark female that is getting the sexual end of the deal.I thought birds mate for life?Also they have been going at it for a week and a half .Should I put in a nesting box@ this point?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • robot assisted hysterectomy vaginal tearing?

    I have had 3 c sections and a tubal . never have I been torn til now. the vaginal wall was torn and is extremely this normal?In my hospital stay a total of 6 hours..i felt i was rushed out of the hospital without adequate answers. i was so out of it when they released me 50 minutes after surgery.should i be concerned ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Used Christmas gift/regifting?

    Say someone bought a 250.00 tab in oct.In november bought another tab same price.has more memory.person then gives older tab to family member as a christmas gift.So basically giving older used model as gift keeping newer model for themselves.Is the person who receives older model being rude in stating that they received the the lesser as a gift and the person kept the upgraded version for themselves?

    4 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • Left foot numb once a month?

    I had a really bad back injury back in 98. i recovered fairly well .My left leg doesnt sit properly into the joint.slight limp when tired.Other then that no real problem.Except during my period. my foot really bothers me , like it feels swollen.It seems to have gotten slightly worse since being diagnosed with diabetes. which is under control.I have sensitivity in my feet . so I know the diabeties hasnt effected too much the pins and needles .I was caught early in my diagnoses.Anything i can do to make my foot not feel so heavy and troublesome.In a day or 2 ill be back to normal.its very frustrating .

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • ok just signed papers on a car?

    this car is really out of my league.its 100 more a month then what i am paying , its more car then i need.i cant sleep stressing . is there a way i can cancel the contract ?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Can HR dictate what I say on my lunch break ?

    Can HR tell the employees not to talk about politics and religion on their lunch breaks ?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • When on our lunch breaks or regular breaks ?

    On our lunch breaks , the upper management team now sits and eats with us subordinates. Makes for an uncomfortable lunch enviroment. We have been told, can't talk about "sensitive" subjects such as politics and religeon and so on.the majority hate it so much , we now either go to our cars or leave the premises on our lunch breaks.Been working for many years @ this place , this is the first management team to come into the employee break room.Someone said its against the law, that we should have a place to unwind with out this type of stress.any thoughts? Just a question , its not something I will act upon. i ll just keep eating in my car.:/

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • what is the protein BMP8B?

    I just read an article on this , saying it activates the burning of brown fat in conjunction with a weight loss program without hurting other organs like thyroid meds. Bone morphises type of protein , is there maybe some type of natural supplement that can be gotten.i have been on a diet watching carbs and exercising on victoza and thyroid meds. weight loss been extremely slow. 49 pounds in a year and a half. I am trying my darndest to get off all medications. ty

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Ablation possible , my gyno doesnt think so?

    My gyno wants to do a full hysterectomy for a 4 cm fibroid tumor.The tumor is halfway into the unterine wall.Am I candidate for ablation?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Do I have to have a hysterectomy?

    I have a 4 cm fibroid tumor half way into the uterine muscle.My gyno stated I have to a hysterectomy.Why cant an ablation work for me?I feel the Gyno was in favor of a full hysterectomy well before a ultra sound.I am in thankful for any advise . Thank you .

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Listening to somewhere in time with art bell?

    Someone brings up about a female who he thinks is the anti christ.The caller does not say the name and Art Bell refuses to mention her name.Anybody have a clue who he thinks it is?

    4 AnswersRadio9 years ago
  • What would you do, reward situation?

    ok I found this gorgeous chocolate Lab.Luckily I found their ad on craigs list. They came over to get the dog. they offered a reward. I declined.. they insisted.Needless to say they wrote me a check for 100.00.

    I am single , Housing my daughter and my new grandson.I am extremely perplexed.I feel its wrong to take the money.BTH I really could use it..what would you do

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • you ever notice people who answer questions ?

    Judgmentally and offer no real answer 99.8 % of the time have their own Q&A blocked?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is pork bad for dogs?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • HELP!!!! i need a free driver for my dvd player?

    hitachi hdp725050gla360 . i just had my first grandbaby and i have pics to upload and the dadgum thing wont reconize the disc.Called service for hp and the lil butthead only wanted me to buy stuff. No help.please baby comeing home today and i need to take more pics.tytytyytyt for any help!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Who is the smartest person ever?

    dead or living and what was their IQ.?

    8 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago