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has anyone been in an abusive relationship?

i just got out or in the process of getting out of an abusive relationship. This man has me so afraid to even stay home alone. i did everything i am supposed to do ie: restraining order etc. but i am so paranoid and have so much anxiety. Has anyone been threw this and how did u deal with the situation.

6 Answers

  • lwomar
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have. I got the restraining order and because a child was involved, he was only allowed supervised visitation with a third party (however, he ceased visitation when he couldn't get to me). I lived in fear for a little while as well, but I ended up moving somewhere where its hard to just "stumble upon".

    Believe it or not, I, to this day after 8 years, I still have a little anxiety to where I am checking my surroundings BEFORE I get out my car where I currently live. It's a horrible way to live.

    I think basically, you will always wonder, but your life will go on and you can't let it keep you down. Just don't look back, and keep a phone (and a weapon) nearby in case you ever need to contact the police.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I have. I also got a restraining order but since there was a child involved I felt bad and never went back to court. That didn't change anything and I should have went back because he's not really there for my son anyways. But I was paranoid and just felt so unsafe. I always felt like I was being watched by just anyone. He even sent some people to my house so therefore I felt as if anyone could be out to get me. But I ended up moving and will never tell him my address, if he ever wants to see my son he has to meet me over my mother's house. I do feel safer that I have moved but I'm still a little paranoid that one day i will be leaving from my mother's house and he would try to follow me. But I did a lot of praying because he was affecting me so much to the point it was taking away the energy and strength i needed to do daily things, go to work, taking care of my son and just being a nervous wreck. But I might be safe to say that I have peace in my life now. But I do hope and pray that everything gets better because I know what it feels like to be paranoid and afraid and it's no fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I have been in your situation. The first thing I can and have to say to you, CONGRATS ON GETTING AWAY!

    You have EVERY right to be afraid and paranoid! Make sure all your doors and windows are locked at all times, and keep a weapon close by. Also, a good idea is to have a friend stay over with you. They can stay on your couch or what not.

    Good luck to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    you are allowing him to have Power over you.continue with what you are doing,restraining order and all,but you are going to have to take a stand too.I am not saying physically fighting him,but find a way to separate yourself from him if at all.

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  • Poppy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Smith and Wesson is a good start.

  • 1 decade ago

    You were married to him, right?

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