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  • Biological over step kid?

    I have a son from a previous marriage and I'm getting remarried. My fiancé and I have been together for about 4 years so we are quite acquainted with each other's family. My fiancé and I also have a 2 year old daughter together. I feel that since we are getting married that when my daughter goes to events for the kids from my fiancé side that my son should be included also. Am I wrong for thinking this way? My fiancé told me that my daughter had to be dropped off with his sister so that they could go to a cousins bday party. So when I asked about my son, he stated that his other sister can't drive her car so her kids have to ride with them so there's not enough room for him. He also added that my daughter couldn't not go because the cousin comes out to her parties, which I would never suggest. On one hand I'm pissed and the other hand I blame myself that my first relationship didn't work out even though we tried. This makes me get cold feet about the marriage all together. Am I going overboard?

    2 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • What's the longest your mate has stayed mad at you?

    My mate and I had the first biggest argument since we've been together for 4 1/2 years. We have not spoken in a week, I asked him about us talking two days after our argument and he said that he was still pissed and declined. The argument all started because he was on the phone at 2 in the morning and was so loud that it was keeping me from sleeping. Needless to say I came out the room and literally went off, yelling and screaming how rude and inconsiderate it was. His response was that I'm rude when I press snooze multiple times instead of getting right up in the morning. Although I didn't raise my hand at him, it made me jump in his face because I felt that he was being tit for tat. Even though the yelling and screaming were on both parts, but I feel he's taking this way too far and it's starting to push me away because it gives me the impression that he's done.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Is there a such thing as too late when you love someone?

    There happens to be a song out by Brandy about if you love someone, there is no such thing as too late and you should be able to wait. Agree or Disagree and why? I personally feel if that person loved you back, they wouldn't make you wait so long that you'll tell them it's too late in the first place.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Have you ever stayed in a relationship/marriage because of convenience?

    If so, what was the outcome? Are you still with that person? Or at what point did you say that enough was enough?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Honestly, do you tell your mate every single thing? Things that you may tell a best friend and not your mate?

    Just wondering because so many say that their mate is their best friend but wondering, do they not tell them things that they tell other people, perphaps a best friend maybe.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have your partner or you ever got tired of giving oral sex?

    So we've been together for about 5 years and I'm crazy about receiving oral sex. He used to do all the time, but hasn't in a long time and today the topic came up. I asked what was the reason for him stopping and his response was he just got tired of doing it. Not sure I believe that. But wanted to know have you or your partner ever got tired of giving oral sex so you stop doing it all together?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • All the parents of yahoo answers, please answer me this question about my son's grandmother?

    To make a long story short, my son's grandmother and I had made an arrangement for her to pick him up after she got off of work around midnight. I was supposed to meet her somewhere but ended up falling asleep from what was supposed to be a short nap when I got home after work. When I woke up, it was a little after midnight, so I seen that she hadn't called me, and when she's at work, she can only communicate via text. As she's in her fifties, but basically that's her main source of communication even outside of work. So I texted her right away and this was the conversation:

    Me: Could you call me asap

    Her: I got held up at work with a patient but I'm on my way

    Me: I could just drop him off tomorrow

    Her: I'm on my way or what you want

    Now at this point, I'm thinking that she's still at work

    Me: I will just drop him off tomorrow to you, is that ok?

    Her: Whatever

    Now we've never had a problem with each other in the past, nor have I ever disrespected her like this or ever. Ten minutes later she sends this in all caps.

    Her: I left work early to get him, I'll just see him another time. And what is asap, I'm not a child

    The people of yahoo answers, could you please tell me how I treated her like a child?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do men ever get tired of sex?

    For women, has your boyfriend or husband every turned you down for sex? For men, have you ever told your girlfriend of wife no? What was the reason?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think about fur coats/minks for boys?

    I know that there are many celebrity men who wear fur coats. My son's father has one and he wants to buy our son one. What do you think? Some people think they are only for girls/women but what is your opinion? Just wondering.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does certain formula give babies diaherra?

    I'm waiting on the doctor to call me back but wondering in the mean time . My daughter is mostly breastfed but takes formula occasionally and she has been since birth. She will be two months in a week. Her stools have been normal for being breastfed until a couple of days ago. She had 2 very runny diapers and it was dark yellow and almost on the verge of being green. But after that she had normal stools, but she did it again today, two times. Is it the formula or something I'm eating, which I'm not eating anything different than I usually eat? Oh, she takes the Enfamil Premium Lipil

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I'm turning the other cheek but does it do any good?

    I don't need the negative comments but I have a child and his father and I never see eye to eye. I can't begin to explain how rude he is for no reason. I choose not to respond to his comments because of the person that he is, but it makes me angry and he makes me depressed. I have prayed and call myself doing the right thing by letting him be in my son's life in spite of our relationship to get along. Even though he's only in his life every so often. When it turns into a full blown argument he chooses to threaten me somehow or does something because of him claiming that I've made him angry. His last angry spurt got my windows busted out of my car and no he's not young, he's well over 30. Of all the things that he's done out of spite, I never once tried to get revenge, but why am I not happy that I've chosen to go this route? I don't really wish anything bad on him but I thought people always reaped what they sowed? It's like he does what he wants and always win in the end.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is baby acne more likely if the baby is being breast fed?

    My daughter is 4 1/2 weeks old and she has got these fine bumps all over her face and neck. I'm pretty sure that its not a heat rash as I make sure that she's not to hot or overdressed. I was searching for the answer to my question and I had seen that somebody had said that the bumps were baby acne from hormones passed by the mother and that it's most visible in breast-fed babies. Is that true? If so, how long till the bumps clear?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is baby acne more likely if the baby is being breast fed?

    My daughter is 4 1/2 weeks old and she has got these fine bumps all over her face and neck. I'm pretty sure that its not a heat rash as I make sure that she's not to hot or overdressed. I was searching for the answer to my question and I had seen that somebody had said that the bumps were baby acne from hormones passed by the mother and that it's most visible in breast-fed babies. Is that true? If so, how long till the bumps clear?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What worked for your baby's diaper rash?

    I think my daughter is about to start having a rash. It's starting to look very irritated, mostly where I wipe when she poops. I change her pamper every single time she poops or pees with no hesitation, even when she's not finish pooping I still change it because sometimes it takes her awhile to finish. But she poops sooooo much and I'm not sure if it's because she's breast feed or what. Most of the time when she wakes up in the middle of night she would have poop in her pamper so I'm not sure how long it was sitting on her. I use desitin now but did you use something that you felt was better or worked more effectively???

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you have to wait for the hospital to call you on your day to be induced?

    I'm scheduled to be induced today. But I have to wait for the hospital to call me. My doctor said that they start calling people at 4pm. I was wondering if you had to wait on your scheduled day then how long did it take them to actually call you? She said that it depended on how fast the labor and delivery department was moving with patients and that it could even be in the wee hours of monday morning. I hope that I won't have to wait that long, but how long did it take for you?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did your significant other change after you had the baby?

    I'm being induced tomorrow, yay! But my boyfriend and I recently started living together. He has alot of friends of the opposite sex that he talks on the phone with and sometimes goes out with. I don't like the going out part at all because sometimes it's just the two of them. He mentioned that someone had asked him to go to this concert tonight but he said that he thought that we would've had the baby by then. I know for a fact that it was a female friend of his. When you two had your baby did he go out as much as he used to before? Or did he just stay in to say that he was there? Or did he actually stay in to help you with the baby?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does your boyfriend go out with his female friends?

    My boyfriend and I have a mutual friend on facebook. In her status today she wrote that she is going to the lil wayne concert. He commented and said that someone asked him to go but he thought that our baby would have been born by now. As I'm pregnant and my due date is friday. I know for a fact that it was a female friend. I trust him but I don't like that he goes out with them. I have mentioned this to him before and we basically get nowhere, even though he doesn't do it as much but still. I don't have many male friends but the ones that I do have I don't go out with. They do sometimes ask for us to go out, I have no attraction to any of them but they are really cool friends, but I do wanna go sometimes because I don't have anything to do and kinda because my boyfriend does it and I used to not wanna go because I thought it was outta respect for him. But I wouldn't be wrong if I went right? These are all basically friends from elementary or college.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Labor is so close but yet seem so far? Do you feel the same?

    I'm 36 weeks and 2 days. I've had my baby shower a week ago, so some of my daughter's stuff is put together. It makes me so anxious to see her things and not have her here already. This is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm hoping that I don't go to my due date as I'm only a week away from being full term. With my 1st he came at 39 weeks and i basically did nothing but sat around the house. But this pregnancy I have been working and still working, I've been very active. I even think that I was having some braxton hicks the other day. There were a couple of these very uncomfortable cramps. Oh, I'm just so ready for her to be here that I'm driving myself crazy.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did your friends support you when you had your baby shower?

    Just a lil bored but wondering. I recently had my baby shower and I invited a couple of friends. The day of my shower they basically all called or texted to say that they weren't coming. I'm not a person that does the whole you don't come to my event then I won't come to yours. But as far as gifts are involved. Some of these friends send me invites for their children's birthday parties or for other events, which require to bring a gift. This is maybe the second or third event that these same friends has skipped out on but yet I am at their event with a gift. And even though they missed the event they never come by my house or send a gift for them missing my event in the mail. Would that make you mad?

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Will my check bounce or do I have time to deposit money in the bank?

    My rent is due and I have to put it in the drop box by the 5th, I usually put it in there on the 1st but I had an event planned that day so I forgot but put it in the drop box about 7am on the 2nd, which was a sunday. Usually when the 1st is on a week day the money comes out of my account within a couple of days, I looked at my account and it's some dollars short but I'm going to the bank straight after work today to put in the rest of the money. It's only Tuesday and before I was with Wamu but they officially did the switch so it would be coming out through chase. Do you think that it bounced already or by me going to the bank today it will be fine?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago