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Did your friends support you when you had your baby shower?

Just a lil bored but wondering. I recently had my baby shower and I invited a couple of friends. The day of my shower they basically all called or texted to say that they weren't coming. I'm not a person that does the whole you don't come to my event then I won't come to yours. But as far as gifts are involved. Some of these friends send me invites for their children's birthday parties or for other events, which require to bring a gift. This is maybe the second or third event that these same friends has skipped out on but yet I am at their event with a gift. And even though they missed the event they never come by my house or send a gift for them missing my event in the mail. Would that make you mad?


To the person I gave thumbs down to, in no way did I say that it was their responsibility to give me presents but I would think that it's common sense to just come support or even send something if you can't attend. The same that I do even though I'm always there. I'm not that desperate for gifts that I would just invite people who weren't supposed to be my friends. And some of them don't even have children and the ones that did cancel that had them, it had nothing to do with their children.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I could understand once but not all the time, not really good friends. I have a friend that drove over an hour with her 3 kids to my daughters birthday party one year. She told me she may not be able to make it down for my baby shower (still an hour away) because she just started a new job and the were holding a her check. I understand in this case, I'm sad but I understand!! That's a good friend, your don't sound so good. Don't go or once and show them how it feels.

  • Alma
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like they aren't very good friends. I love baby showers! I think they are so much fun :) I go to people's showers even if I'm not that great of friends with them and still bring them a great gift because it's not really about the mom the gifts are for the baby and they are things that will make that baby's life better so I love buying them things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Apparently they like to recieve, but not give back. As said before, that's very selfish on their part. Having a baby shower is SO not like having birthday parties, no matter who you are. Yes, that would make me mad. I wouldn't go to any more of their events and certainly would not give them a gift when/if they have children.

  • 1 decade ago

    That happened to me and I was pretty mad about it. My shower was being hosted about an hour away on the other side of town, so I guess that's the reason (and, yeah, I guess it's a valid one). What bothered me most is that I would have been the FIRST person there, had it been their shower (or other event) and I would have come with a boatload of presents! Ahhhh...I guess everyone can't be as thoughtful as we are :D lol, anyhow, congrats to ya!

    Source(s): Mommy
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  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    People with small children often have to cancel other parties and events at the lat minute ... it happens.

    And if they don't come to your shower they don't have to send a gift. If they are close friends then they will probably bring/send a small gift after baby arrives. If they are NOT close friends ... you don't have to go to their parties, and you really shouldn't have invited them to yours.

    Gifts are nice. But it's not your friends' responsiblity to buy you presents.

  • 1 decade ago

    That would probably frustrate me as well, especially since they were my friends and had RSVP'd to the baby shower. My suggestion is to call or text them and just state how it made you feel and how you feel that they screwed you over not just for presents but in general to celebrate the oncoming of your new baby. The best way to get through to somebody is to be completely honest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yup..I would be mad. You should take note of the people that came...those are your true friends. I had people tell me they couldn't come because they had to do yard work. My shower was from 2-4 and it was 98 degrees that day...really, yard work??? Yeah, i would definitely be mad, but don't waste too much effort worrying about it. It's not worth the time.

  • Catie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    yep. Even if they didnt bring a gift they should have come. I wouldn't take gifts to their stuff or show up if it became a frequent thing with certain friends. If they cant even show up for you when you ask them, and its not an emergency, they sound like sorry friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would extremely upset if they just didn't come

    Last minute too? What was their excuse?

    A baby shower is a huge event

    They are not friends if they just didn't want to go

    Id ask them what the hell is up, and if they dont have anything good to say then I would stop being friends with them

  • 1 decade ago

    yea.......I think it's selfish of them......there is a way you can express how it made you feel without coming off wrong. Just simply state that it hurt your feelings since you always make it a point to celebrate with them on their special days. Tell them you are trying no to take it personally.........make a joke out of it and blame it on the pregnancy hormones!!! lol........they'll get the picture

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