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I need to know why he got angry with me when I gave him everything he asked for including freedom?

When we met he had a gf and I was going thru a divorce. We were friends for around 6-7 months. He broke up with gf and wanted to start dating me. Divorce was final but I avoided him for a couple of months knowing he wasn't over the gf. He was persistent though and when I saw him again he said he knew this was the right thing and he'd stopped drinking! We dated for almost a year. Never had an argument or an unkind word between us. Laughed constantly. Through out the time that I knew him I felt that he wanted to make me emotional. He'd tell me about the spinner he tried to make eye contact with at the bar. Go to Atlanta for 3 days without calling, etc. It wasn't a big deal to me and I trusted him and figured he was having fun with his friend. I fell for this man in a big way. I would have fought for him, just didn't want to fight with him. We'd go swimming in the middle of the night, sit in a hot tub for an hour or so, then go get coffee and to the park at daylight to fly model airplanes. I met a couple of his friends. He met some of my family and he had even mentioned to me that I'd have medical if I moved in with him. A month later his mother died and 3 days after he came over and broke up with me. Said that I cared more for him than he did me and I was too good a person and he didn't want to hurt me more later. I told him he was a good man and that I hoped he'd find everything he wanted in life because he deserved it. Then he broke down and cried. I told him don't worry about it, I'd be alright. 4 days later my Dad died. He was supposed to change my oil while we were dating but never got around to it, so I called to ask if he could. My Dad was being buried out of state and I didn't want to put the miles.... Anyway after he changed the oil, he kissed me (no, he KISSED me! the kind you never forget) and I pushed him away and he cried again. I told him that this was what he wanted and left. This man showed up in my hangouts every week or two for a year and a half and invited me to go home with him. I didn't go for a long time but finally did and he told me that he never cared about me and that I was just a good lay! I left immediately and never went back again. Yet he still continued to come around and run off anyone that seemed to want to get close to me, tried to make me jealous, etc. I just ignored him. Even after he got a gf, he would come into the restaurant with her and get up to go to the bathroom and flirt with me and signal me to call him behind her back. I never called him. He had my number. When I run into him he still acts hostile toward me.

What did I do that hurt him?? Why did he become so hostile months after he broke up with me when we had never had problems before? This has never made sense to me.


But I never wanted to hurt him. I feel like I must have for him to have lashed out at me the way he did, telling me he didn't care and ...

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Plain and simple? You're dealing with a nutcase. That's about as simple as I can get.

    The guy wants one thing one day, and another thing the next day. He's one of those "emotional players", where he'll get your heartstrings going and he'll cry at the same time. I've heard from different women in my life, about the guys that are jerks, but they break down and cry. One guy cheated on a girl constantly, but broke-down crying in her living room, every time he went over there. Some guys like this can cry on contact, and they're good at it. They believe that crying is going to hook you in, just like some women think they can do that. Whatever you did or didn't do, doesn't matter. This was a case of "you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't". There was nothing that was going to get him to be "normal". The hostility from him? You won't ever be able to explain it. Me being a guy, I can't even explain it. He could've been pissed that you weren't "dumb", he could've been pissed that you didn't react to his game as he expected, or, as other women have fallen for his tricks. The best thing you did? Was when you called it quits. Trust me, though, that you're not the last one on the list that he'll do this to. He's the kind of guy that asks for 1-10, and you give him 1-10, but it's still not good enough. Why? Because he's still got a lot of "mileage" on him, and he's not ready to make a final rest stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    ANd what is the driving point of almost all human emotion?


    Women want to be affirmed as the beauty. Men want the affirmation that they are the warrior, the defender and..........they are the beauty, too.

    When you reject a guy it wrecks his identity. It deflates his ego and destroys his masculinity. For you, with you.......he cannot be all the things that he dreamed to be. You wrecked his dream. Why would he keep coming back to be wrecked? Because you are now the challenge to be overcome. You are the great puzzle that needs to be solved.

    Men get great affirmation when they can get the women in bed. In that acquiescence to him, he gets his identity back. For one day, maybe just and hour. For sex is a false identity. You cannot give him his masculinity - he has to get that for himself.

    Same with you. The man cannot give a woman her femininity. She has to have that all in place BEFORE she comes to the man.

    This is why soooooooo many relationships fail. We expect the other sex to make us into the princess and the knight that we dream of and in the beginning it seems to works. After a few months or years, the reality of that comes out and each person sees the other as a failure for them. The other person was not the failure - each person is a failure to themselves!

    This is why divorce is so rampant today. Each person is so selfish in what they desire that they don't realize that another person cannot give them that. It HAS to be there to start with! This is why young people so fail at relationships. They are so selfish in their need to be affirmed that they cannot see what their own failures are or what they're going to be.

    He is hostile because you are not willing to submit to his demands for affirmation. You are in the right. He is WAY in the wrong, but what do you expect? He' 8 yo !

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! Based off your story it sounds like this guy has something going on not right.

    It sounds like he likes to manipulate and control you. Some people have lived with so much drama in their lives, that when they actually find a normal, good person they don't know how to act, so they try to make it crazy (him trying to do things to MAKE you fight with him, get angry/emotional). Even after you broke up it seems like he is still trying to control you emotionally.

    My first instinct would be to GET AWAY from him! But if you really love him and he really loves you, you should take him to counselling/psychologist. He needs to get fixed before he gets into any other relationships.

  • 5 years ago

    girl, you feel the same way as i do. i don't want my fiance to have a bachelor party either. i even asked his best man not to have strippers because it would really upset me and i would be totally jealous. and i don't get it either about the last night of freedom! we are not getting married till next june, but i still think about it often. i wouldn't have strippers at my bachelorette party. You are not in the wrong! I am sure that there is others that fell the same way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He's playing head games with you. He's got no respect for you, and has no emotion for you that lasts more than one night. When he comes into the restaurant with is GF and he flirts with you.... walk over and ask her if she thinks he was flirting with you, or does she like it when he does that? And if he somehow talks you into going home with him again, super-glue his junk to his leg or belly and I guarantee he will leave you alone. Don't worry about what you did to hurt him...... it's over and done. And it's all his doing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is foolish to think a man in Beginning of divorce will commit to you, it is a waste of time!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter. Keep ignoring him. Eventually he will realize you are above him. Ignoring him will continue to hurt him. Well done!

  • 1 decade ago

    No BS man told you best.

    He's a nutcase. Run, girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    He didn't know what he had, and he's a fool.

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