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Cookie777 asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

What are your all-time favorite scenes from Harry Potter movies?

Personally, I love these three: the Cornish pixie riding a dragon skeleton like a rider on a bucking bronc to crash to the floor with a "Yee haw!" in Harry Potter 2, and the scene at the beginning of Harry Potter 3 when Harry's aunt gets inflated into a huge balloon (maybe the funniest scene I've watched in years), and also Harry riding Buckbeak over Hogwarts and over the water in Harry Potter 3. Also, they did a fantastic job with the music in those 3 scenes. Now it's your turn!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry makes his aunt float away & Uncle Vernon is trying to catch her. Also when Draco, Crabbe & Goyle are talking crap about Harry : he has his invisiblity cloak & pulls thier pants down & all that, Also when Hermoine punches Draco. In Goblet of Fire when Professor Moody (Really Barty Crouch) turns Draco into a ferret.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best scene of all the movies is from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince when Harry Potter is using the lucky potion. He acts so hilariously. The best part in that scene is when Harry, Hagrid, and Slughorn are at Aragog's funeral, and Hagrid is saying how wonderful he was. Then Harry says something like, "Don't foget the pinchers...Click, Click, Click." It's really funny if you're watching the movie.

    EDIT: Look at what Lizboosh said about Harry Potter saying George's name weirdly. There's a YouTube video called "Harry Potter says "George" wiedrly". Yes, they spelled "weirdly" wrong in the title. Personally, I don't think Harry Potter says it that weirdly. It's just part of his British accent.

    EDIT #2: Wow, I didn't even see that "K" (above mine) had the same favorite scene. Woot! I'm not alone on this!

  • 1 decade ago

    My absolute fav bits are.

    In no 2 when harry greets ron and the twins at the window, just the way he says "george" is hilarious, watch it again and you'll know what im talking about.

    In no 4 when fred/george asks Angelina to the ball and he mimes it. hot as.

    in no. 6 when harry takes the Felix potion, "sir!' and 'dont forget the pincers" and his little action, are the best lines ever delivered my Daniel Radcliffe EVER!

    and in no 4 again when the twins cheer on the dragon in the first challenge 'Go Dragon"

    also just the twins in general

    and in No 1 when sexy oliver wood teaches harry about all the quiddich rules . "You'd make a fine beater"

    there are so many more.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love the Harry Potter series (Books and movies)!

    I have too many favorite scenes to name...But some are:

    The scene where Hermione punches Draco in HP 3.

    The scene with Tom Riddle and the Basilisk with Harry in the chamber of secrets in HP 2.

    The scene in the Shrieking Shack with Peter Pettigrew, Professor Lupin and Sirius Black in HP 3.

    The Graveyard Scene in HP 4.

    The "You're a Wizard Harry" Scene in HP 1...

    The Scene where professor Umbridge and the Extracuricular 'stool pigeons' catch the Order of the Phoenix in the act.

    And many, Many more! :)

    Source(s): I'm Billy Mays, and I approve of this message.
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  • 1 decade ago

    HP1 where Hagrid Gives Potter his birthday cake and puts the pig tail on Dudley.

    HP2 When Ron tries to curse Malfoy ( in defense of Hermione)

    HP3 When Harry curses snape and realizes Serius Black is not his parents murderer. Also when Harry goes up to Buckbeak and Hermione grabs Ron's hand.

    HP4 The Yule Ball when Ron is jealous and Hermione tells him how to fix that and ask her to the ball next time.

    HP5 In the room of enchantment when Nevel finally gets it.

    Source(s): I love the HP series.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Harry, Hermione and Luna Love all the films but i like the 4th one, Goblet of Fire. I am going to see Half blood prince tomorrow and i'm sure ot will be great. Fav scene in Goblet of fire is when the other two schools come to Hogwarts and The French girls and the Bulgarian boys walk/dance down the Great hall.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My favourite scene has got to be the duel between Lord Voldemort and Professor Dumbledor at the Ministry of Magic in the Order of the Phoenix. Some of the images in that scenes were amazing!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For some reason mine is Draco's breakdown in HBP, it's funny, I was the only one laughing in the cinema at that point (A cinema filled with year 7's) It wasn't even funny, but it being Draco is enough for me to like it.

    Also I find the bits where Harry and Draco fight (In Quiddich and Dueling) In CoS and Draco keeps landing on his butt hilarious. XD

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    mine are always the ron and hermione scenes <33

    like on HP 6 when lavendar asks hermione why is she there and she says "I happen to be his friend" CUTEEE.

    when they touch hands when harry is walking towards the hippogriff in HP 3. and when ron is jealous at the yule ball in HP 4. = P

    i love them, haha.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i love the first half of potter 6 and the seen when the gryffindor boys are eating candy and harry turns into a train.

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