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Ask me! asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Obama & The Dems have enough votes to pass their Health Care today...why don't they just do it?

The Democrats have enough Votes in the House & the Senate to Pass ANYTHING they want

Don't you agree?

So why don't they just pass the single payer system today????

Could it be?

They know this Government Run program will have huge problems

and the people will be raising hell within 3-4 Months over this Cash & Clunkers Health Care reform and they need Republicans to Blame?

Democrats have to have someone to BLAME...that's how they operate and always have...there is NO more fall guy left

So, Dems why don't you pass your "Reform"........???? come the excuses

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Doc, even hard core dems know if they just pass it they will be unemployed! They maybe stupid but they certainly aren't dumb.

  • 5 years ago

    please provide an example of this alleged blame so that the accusation can be addressed in context. I am a liberal democrat who was not satisfied w/ the health care reforms proposal. Particularly unhappy about the mandates clause. Yet I do recognize that medical inflation has effectively shut health care off from many Americans and any sort of treatment is ridiculously financially damaging to many others. It's price gouging and it is scandalous. Our elected officials can not pretend that everything is hunky dory. Health care reform is inevitable. The blame Republicans should take (besides the obvious ignoring of this public crisis)... Is the way they responded. Their leadership has inflamed that party's most gullible and mob-mentality section of the base into thinking, this is all part of some "communist" or socialist, fascist - conspiracy to destroy America. They have even dubbed it "Obama Care" using a very primitive political technique to confuse uninformed Americans. Basically they took a big **** all over health care. And it seems that ****ting on everything has become the GOP's default mode. Personal responsibility Republicans! Accept responsibility for all this crap you are pushing into the public discourse - because you think it will help you get elected. It is shameful.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is always said, right from his immaculation, that he wants bipartisan support; Bring the country together. In reality, he knows that he won't get the support of some people in his own party. Also, he knows that there will be a hugh price to pay at the polls if this is railroaded through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they know if they vote for this bamboozle, then they will know just how finite the titles "Representative" and "Senator" (Boxer) will actually be for them. Then they'd have to get a real job, with a real boss and punch a real time card.

    No, not really, but I can dream about that part, can't I?

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  • 1 decade ago

    No they don't,,,,Many blue dog democrats are against obamacare, it seems they would rather get re-elected, then obey obama.

    Plus obama really wants a Republican on-board so he can call it bi-partisan and blame Republicans too.

    obama knows his health care bill will make or break his presidency, so he will load it up with pork to buy democrats votes, and finally pass a very watered down version that will not even resemble the house bill we have now.

    Just so he can say he succeeded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The dems want to get themselves reelected and I don't think that some of them will vote this in, the support is dwindling as the Dem's see they may be in trouble 2010 if they mess this up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, and I must say you have managed to piss off dstr, a foreign communist (who just violated tos bet his answer stays though)so you must be on the right track!

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because not all the Democrats want to pass it. Especially not the ones taking huge campaign contributions from insurance companies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question and sooooo right. I couln't agree more. They want Republicans to vote for it so they can say after it fails "you voted for it"

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they don't have the votes for it, and they know if they force it down our throats, they are going to lose control of the house and senate in 2010.

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