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How long have you been married?

Also, what advice would you give to a happy marriage? My husband & I have been married almost 2 years. We strive to be closer to God & each other. God bless!


Happy anniversary tesla_morris! Happy 19 years! May you have many more blessed years!

Thank you Buster, life is so much better with the Lord in it!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    49 years in September. Be honest with each other communicate with each other, help, and love each other, believe in God together.

    PS. It will work.I wish you success and love in your marriage and hope you both stay together for many many many years.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're still newlyweds. Together for 13 years but married only 8.

    My advice is to pick your battles. Socks on the floor is not a good reason to fight, neither are dirty dishes or the fact that one of you didn't get the vacuuming done.

    Keep a sense of humour. Laugh together often.

    Keep your lines of communication open. You should be able to talk about ANYTHING.

    Hold hands, even if you're just watching TV.

    Don't forget to have a regular date night. We go out for dinner once every couple of weeks, even if it's just to a fast food restaurant. We talk, we take the paper and trade sections, we people watch & make up wild stories about them.

    Treat each other with respect and your best manners, don't save your best manners for others. Your spouse deserves them more than anyone else.

    Make love often but don't flip out if it's not all the time. Desires ebb and flow, so do relationships. It's not a big deal.

    Make the extra effort and go the extra mile to do something nice for your wife or husband. I always bring my husband coffee in bed, every morning. He never asks, I just like to do it for him. Even though we both work full-time, I always make his lunch.

    Always be honest.

    Find an activity you both love to do. We love to go to the movies and we love to go camping.

    Give each other space to do fun things with others; girls' nights, boys' nights, etc. My husband joined a dart league that plays once a week. I spend at least two nights a month visiting with my sister-in-law, sometimes more often.

  • My husband and I have been married for almost 10 months. I know it's not very long but we've been together for 4 years and we're as happy now (if not more) than we were when we first got together. We also went to high school together but didn't start dating until college. My advice is to keep eachother close. Don't start an argument unless it's super important. If he leaves his dirty socks on the floor, don't start an argument. It's not worth it. Trust me. Also, keep trying to find new ways to surprise eachother. Even if it's small. Like one day, before I left for work, I put "Love you" on a sticky note and put it on the milk jug because I knew he would see it when he woke up and got some cereal. He thought it was cute. Congrats on being married for 2 years!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    35 years total 27 yrs the first time and 7 years the last both to the same lady it takes 3 to make a marriage work the Husband, the wife, and God things are handled so much differently when God is included

    Source(s): tried it both ways with out God it was a mess
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's the secret,you said it yourself.

    strive to be closer to God together.

    I have been married almost 28 years,since I was 16.

    my husband wasn't always a christian but with God's help I stuck with him and the Lord saved him 15 years after we were married.

    when you are going through a rough patch(and you will) don't stay angry for long,

    talk it out and forgive,forgive,forgive.

    people give up to easily these days,making a marriage work IS work.

    it's not all moonlight and roses like at first,

    your love needs to grow and mature, true love is when he throws his underwear on the floor and you still can't wait to see him at the end of the day.

    my husband will get on my last nerve but I love the ole coot,LOL.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've only been married a little over a month! (July 4th) But I've been with my husband for 7 years...we came to God together which I feel made our bond strong.

    My advice would be to get involved in things together, like church activities and bible studies, but never lose yourself. Be sure to have a few nights a week for YOU time and HIM time. Don't forget your friends and hobbies...that's who you are.

    I HIGHLY recommend the books "The Five Love Languages" and "For Men Only" & "For Women Only." These books changed our relationship and others I know. They're really interesting looks into the psychology of men and women and love.

    Stay close to God and be sure to trust and follow Him. You can't go wrong. :]

  • 11 years 9 months.

    Be kind to each other, put each other first, don't expect the other to be a mind reader, remember that being gentle with each other when you aren't in a good mood goes miles in getting the same back. Oh, and a healthy sex life.

    Also, ty to tell the other person something loving or sweet at least once a day. Telling them how hot they are in front of others is a bonus. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I will be married one year on October 4th (yay).

    However, we struggled A LOT at first. We seperated 3 times within the first four months of our marriage - however, things are great. We openly communicate our feelings to each other, we have found a way to compromise and tolerate things, etc. As for God, my husband and I both have different beliefs, however, we COMPROMISE on this. My husband wants to go to church, I don't believe in religion - I believe in God and LOVE HIM IN MY ENTIRETY - Jesus is my savior - BUT I can still go to church and not be a member - I can allow our daughter to learn about God and the Bible and let her decide what and how she feels as time goes. Being allowed to be your own person spiritually will make you stronger.

  • 1 decade ago

    3rd anniversary in a month. I could try and give advice based on specific situation, but I don't like to give general advice because it's always the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    it will be 2 years in november. you are already on the right track with putting God first,then each other,always laugh, never be ashamed to be your true self and treat each day as if it's your last. don't 4 get never go to bed angry and always take time to say i love you!

    Source(s): married and loving it!
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