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How did Larry bird do it, what was his secret?

He was not all that athletic, lil bit larger than other players, not really strong nor could he jump high, yet he shot over taller people, rebound into double digits and passed better than some pg's now, how did he do it?


Hey stupid, yeh im talkin to u mr lame guy, im just asking how he did it with limited athletic ability, i never got to see him play.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He used his smarts and superior basketball IQ to take advantage of his opponents and somehow offset his physical limitations. For example, in shooting over taller opponents, he tried to put few critical inches of separation between him and his guard to let go of his shot. He mastered the pump fake, up-and-under, the off-balanced shot and other sort of tricks to put up his shot without really jumping or exerting much effort. Perhaps, one of his advantages also is his huge hands and strong thick wrists that made shooting relatively easy for him. In rebounding, he simply relied on impeccable timing and positioning. Bird also had great court vision. His first pro coach Bill Fitch called him "Kodak" because, at any given instance, he knew exactly where all 9 players, including the 2 refs, where, and that made him a great passer.

  • 1. His basketball IQ and instincts make Kobe Bryant look like Smush Parker. Bird was always in the right place at the right time. He could read passes and shots, and always came up with the big plays, not just for shooting.

    2. His skill set is absolutely incredible. I once heard that on a good day, Larry Bird makes 98% of his college 3 pt shots in practice. He worked his behind off, and focused on learning the proper basketball fundamentals instead of athleticism.

    He pretty much became a legend doing just those two things. Sadly, unlike skill set and even athleticism (but that has its limits), instincts comes naturally and you can't do to much to improve it. But you can always work harder.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Larry fowl has the leap shot thats recommended how all of us would desire to shoot. His shot became into desirable with the two hands and that Redick, Morrison and Dirk can shoot is why they're while in comparison with him. I do agree none of those gamers are no the place close and shouldnt be in the comparable sentence with Larry yet by using fact they have good shooting skill they're while in comparison with the Legend. and there is not any telling in the event that they are able to ever get to that time. it will be a job very stressful to triumph over yet impossible IS no longer something.

  • 1 decade ago

    bird possessed all the intangibles not many players have: high basketball iq (saw a play develop before everyone else did), determination/heart (never backed down), work ethic (was running bleachers and shooting fts 2 hrs before every game) and a true LOVE for the game (never was satisfied with his game...and always worked on it).

    a lot of players today, come from humble beginnings/poverty or bad upbringings. yet, when they 'make it' into the nba, they fail to improve and/or flame out in the league.

    bird never got complacent and always wanted to and tried to improve.

    its a shame how players today are better athletes...but not better basketball players.

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  • 1 decade ago

    hes was preety long but he also had a great mind and determanation and i think thats what todays players are missing they dont get in the gym and train hard i mean kobe does but i heard lebron say he only practices 2 hoursa day im 11 years old and i practice three times as much im telling you if lebron had a larry bird jumpshot id fall on the floor and say hes the best in a heartbeat

    Source(s): me
  • Vader
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's very simple, Larry Bird is one hell of an intelligent player. His basketball IQ stands out among other NBA players.

  • 1 decade ago

    hello hello

    Friend i have one answer for you, and its not my answer, Read Day dreamers answer above, Hustle, Determination and Anticipating skills, thats the truth and thats the only answer anyone should give, because thats what Larry 'Legend' Bird was all about, Team team and more team, he was the ultimate team mate, understood the game, he made the game belong to him, he didnt belong to the game, simply put, the game was his and thats how he always played it, simply amazing

    Peace always

    Source(s): Source of the funk
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Extremely skilled shooter. Tall enough to shoot over most players. Clutch shooting. Each of these overshadowed his many flaws and poor defensive skills.

  • 1 decade ago

    Detirmenation and will its got to come from inside and he had the complete pakage rebound steal SCORE! pass shoot he had it all and he practiced ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! he probably practiced more than anyone ever other than Michael Jordan!

  • 1 decade ago

    HIs secret was he was actually a super hero

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