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Chano (Bulls, White Sox, Bears)
The song that says...?
There is a song, hip hip song, that in the backround says "I Can't Stop, stop, stop stop...." i think Kanye West is in it.
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years agoPursuit of Happiness remix?
I heard a song that started off with "crush a bit little bit..." basically the whole first verse of pursuit of happiness, but it was a girl singing, and had kind of a rave/techno beat. anyone have any ideas where i could find this one?
5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years agoHelp with weight gaining, best answer gets 10!?
Im 16 years old, 6 foot and 147 pounds
I have the fastest metabolism in the world, and no matter how much i eat i dont seem to gain weight, my wrestling season is going to end in 2 weeks, and I would like to gain at least 15 pounds of muscle, and weigh around 165 to 170 next year.
Besides eating more(a lot more) does anyone have some specific tips for weight gain? Like are there certain weight training lifts I should focus on, or is bodyweight better than weights? Im just looking for an array of options anything helps.
Best answers gets 10!
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoSongs to help a broken heart?
Friend just broke up with her bf, loves music, trying to send her some songs to help comfort her, you can only say so much. Any ideas?
6 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoHelp with a wrestling workout...?
I'm 6 foot, weigh about 147, 5 percent body fat.
For the past month I've been power lifting, the old 3 sets of 8 bench press, squats and other exercises to get stronger. It has worked too getting my bench up 20 pounds. But I read in an article that wrestlers who power lift become a lot slower during the season, and don't hit their moves as quickly. The articale also said they should be doing more bodyweight exercises, like push ups, chin ups and dips. Should I continue to power lift, or shuld i switch up my routine and start doing these body weight exercises more?
BTW the wrestling section has been taken over by those ppl who watch tna and wwe. real wrestling is close to a martial art.
1 AnswerMartial Arts1 decade agoBody building and basketball?
I just saw the movie white men can't jump, and I noticed that all of the players in the movie looked like body builders. They were all big. Then i saw soem other basketball movies and a lot of guys in the 90's movies were all big and built playing ball.
Now a days basketball is a quicker sport, but will being bigger help you in basketball?
Thanks a lot.
4 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoSizing help for a Nike basketball arm sleeve.?
I want to buy this arm sleeve from, but I don't know if I should get the small/medium, or large/extra large.
My bicep is 12 inches and my forearm is 10 inches.
I'm pretty darn sure that i shud get a small/medium, but i don't want to have to send it back, shipping and handling cost quite a bit. So could you please tell me what size you think I should get.
Much appreciated, 10 points to best answer.
9 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoA couple questions about jumping injuries.?
I heard a couple things about getting injured while jump training.
1. What does it mean to "stuff your knees" when you jump train.
2. Will you get permanent damage to your knees if you play basketball on concrete.
3. Does doing jump squats damage your knees.
4. Does air alert hurt your body more than it helps your vert.
5. If you wear ankle weights while jumping, is their a chance of hurting your ankles, or damaging your knees.
Thanks guys, I just wanna jump high, with minimal risk of injury.
3 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoAir alert and stretching. 10 points for first person to gimme a full answer.?
I just started using air alert 4, on monday wednesday and friday I do my exercises, and it says on the off days to do short sprints or play basketball.
If I do specific stretches on the off days that will help my vertical leap, will it give me better results or mess up the flow of the Air Alert?
The stretches include touching the floor and holding it for 1 minute.
Butterfly's, ballys, nd a bunch I saw on a video on youtube.
Will I get even better results or will it ruin the flow of the Air alerts resting plan, remember its not like I'm squatting, just doing stretches for the legs and jumping.
1 AnswerBasketball1 decade agoWhy isn't Iggy more dominant on offense?
He has amazing athleticism, one of the best finishers in the NBA, great dunks, and he plays on a not so great team, why doesn't he score 30 ppg?
One theory of mine is he just doesn't have the offensive eye to see where to get to the hole and when, what do you guys think?
3 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoHow did Larry bird do it, what was his secret?
He was not all that athletic, lil bit larger than other players, not really strong nor could he jump high, yet he shot over taller people, rebound into double digits and passed better than some pg's now, how did he do it?
17 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoHow can I jump from frshman ball to sophmore ball?
I am going to be playing Freshman b ball this year, and need a lil help.
I am 5'10, 140
Run the 40 in 5.5 seconds
22 inch vert, but I jump quick, get up there faster than others (i know it sucks, working on it)
6 foot 2 inch wingspan
7 for 10 free throw shooter
50 percent elbow shooter
I blocked 2 shots per game
halfway decent dribbles, good enough never to get ball stolen, but not enough to be fancy with it
I drive to the basket often, and make about half my contested lay-ups.
(stats from summer league)
What aspects shud I work on to dominate next year? My goal is to make sophmore this year and varsity next year.
And how do I work on my vert, I've been doing squats, lunges, deadlifts and calf raises and jump roaping. Can someone tell me exactly wut plyometrics r?
And how can I improve my shooting, I mean you can always relly on driving, but if they cut that off I have to shoot.
Also what position would I play? I was thinking shooting guard, cuz I can take smaller guards in the post. What do you think?
Thanks alot.
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoIs this basketball shooting form vid true or just trying to get me to buy a useless DVD?
I found this video on youtube
There is a website in the details area, selling DVD's about this new shooting form.
I mean this does kind of make sense, lots of NBA players turn thier body, and my shot usually goes to the right, what do you guys think?
4 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoDid this off-season just make the good teams better and the bad teams worse?
It seems like this off-season was great for the contenders, but plain horrible for the lower ranked teams.
The Nets gave up their star player for a future player.
Raptors lost Parker and Marion
Bulls lost Ben Gordon
etc. etc. etc.
Do you think this will have a long term effect on the NBA when in 2 years all these players just traded retire, and the whole weight of the NBA title run shifts into the hands of these low market teams no one cares about?
Thoughts and opinions,
6 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoMark Buehrle throws a perfect game!!! Turning point for the Sox?
Is this a turning point for the Sox, or just a fluke?
13 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoKevin Durant's goal for the Thunder this season is to make the Play-Offs, is it possible?
They a got a few of the missing pieces this off-season, like a center (B.J. Mullins), a very athletic shooting guard(James Harden), Durantula and Jeff Green are improving, and the young team is starting to work together more.
Is this just a dream of Durantula in this tight western conference, or will the youth and athleticism beat older teams like the mavs down the stretch for that 8th spot?
Thoughts and opinions.
11 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoWho was the shortest person to play power forward, and tallest person to play shooting guard?
I don't mean its the same person or anything, just wanna know who was the shortest recorded 4 and tallest recorded Shooting Guard.
3 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoIf Mike wudda signed with the Bulls during his 2nd comeback, would they have been contenders?
I was watching some vids of M.J. when he was with the Wizards, and he had some amazing performances during his times with the Wizards, but they were not really contenders. If he was on the Bulls, could they have maybe won another championship?
Sure they was pretty bad, but if they built ther offense around Mike, got role players to fit him, and he had a couple 20 point games, I think they could have been competitors.
Your thoughts?
MJ vids with him as 40
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoWho offered who the A.I.-Billups trade?
I remember that one of the 2 teams were doing horrible and made a move really quickly, but which one was it?
All I know is the Nuggets are rolling and the Pistons will be lucky if the make the play-offs.
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago