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Anyone extremely sensitive to someone's road rage?

Seriously, it felt like a monster was attacking me when a man chased me down honking and screamed at me in front of his kid. I stayed civil and apologized for making a mistake, but he didn't care. Don't these people care how they can make other people feel? I would feel AWFUL for degrading someone like that, especially if they graciously apologized.

I have a trauma history, so this man literally made me feel like I was re-living a bad experience. I couldn't breathe, I had a terrible headache the whole day, I panicked, and I'm getting flashbacks of how evil his face looked. I'm wondering if I should have just fought back, instead of acting calmly.

Is a situation like this even worthy to report to the police? Anybody else feel like road ragers are horrible sadists? I wouldn't be surprised if that man treated his family like garbage.

The more I tried to forget about this man..the harder it was. It was like trying to forget someone who died, but you can't. This road rage incident really made me feel disgusting.


thanks miranda. this is the first time it has happened to me. i didn't know what to do. the man intimidated me into pulling over, b/c he kept honking at me while I was driving.

I'm so lucky nothing else happened besides that...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Roopa, These days people are under a lot of stress. With people losing homes, jobs, relationships. I am not saying what he did was ok. I am glad you were not hurt physically. However, I have had the same thing happen to me. I wanted to get out of my car and beat the living crap out of this guy. Yet, I looked into the eyes of the children in his car and thought. My God! What about his children? How are they surviving this tirade? Why is he so angry? I quickly regained my composer and apologized for my driving error. ( Bad Lane Change). He kept on! Finally I said Hey! No one was hurt, and look how you have scared your kids. (I was 50 feet in front of him when I signaled and changed lanes.) He was just looking for an excuse. I told him to pull over. He did and the anger on his face told me a different story. As he approached me I told him don't compile insult to injury! I got him talking, he told me he had just lost his job and his wife was leaving him for another man. This guy, a total stranger broke down and cried in my arms. I felt so sorry for him. I told him it would be ok. Thank God! I am a Sociologist. With a minor in Psychology. He just needed someone to vent to. In most cases of "Road-rage" there is always an underlying problem. As I said in the beginning. It can be a number of things these days. You being a woman may have been the vessel he needed to let it out. There is no excuse for bad behavior, but people are under a lot of strain these days. Just be careful! Some will take it to the extreme! It is best for a woman to stay in her car. Call the police! Don't take chances! Most of all I feel sorry for the children that have to go through this emotional outburst.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Awwee, that was so sweet of Jimmy to say. But anyway, Why don't you go to a therapist and she can talk to you about your problems that you have and help you. She can also offer you some depression medicine. My Aunt takes some, and she's always really happy, and I can tell she's not faking it. I have a problem with trusting people to, so don't feel bad about that. I trust people so much at first, that when they break my trust, I just shut down and get very guarded around them. Don't be in a relationship with someone that will break your trust like that. Take time of reltaionships. Your family will be there for you!!! Is there an Aunt or older couisin you could talk to about this? If you need help losing weight drink lots of water, and just exersize in your room. Like do, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, and just take a break from all the ruckus and run up and down your streets. Neutrogena has alot of stress-acne products. And use herbel eccences to repair your hair. They have all different kinds. Feel better!! [=

  • 1 decade ago

    I know exactly how you feel... I get the same feeling around angry drivers. Don't allow them to make you feel bad, you're the bigger person here (you even apologised!). It angers me that people can act that way with no sense of empathy for the person on the receiving end of their violence. I almost hope the man has a similar experience so he can know what it's like.

    Miranda's right though. I would definitely not pull over... you're under no obligation to and it could be dangerous. I think I read that people are even allowed not to pull over for unmarked police cars because of that. Next time (though I hope there is not a next time) drive to the police station and if he follows you there I'm sure the cops can deal with him appropriately.

  • 1 decade ago


    Is just a matter of " driving experience" . Is lucky that No accident caused ! u also don't want this to happen right...u might want to share this incident with someone u closed.

    Learn to " LET Go " In life there are many " happenings " !

    I had came across many people who overcome " Panic Attacks " even hunting them for years.

    Don't drag & get treated : Good luck :)

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  • jacqua
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just be happy there was no accident and get on with your life. If you are a new driver you will have to get used to it, there are too many angry and frightened people out there, he was probably more frightened by you than you were of him, that's why he went hysterical and ballistic on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    you shouldnt take it personally and the cops arent going to care unless they saw it themselves. it has nothing to do with you and the guy probably does it every single day. i know someone who does this constantly, well its because they have lead poisoning and mental issues. he probably is doing it right now to somebody else and forgot you. just realize that you're you and he's him and so you win. then forget about it. and dont ever move to Miami, LOL cuz they all have it. someoen even punched my rear view mirror off one day.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you should call the police. there was a case here in the Minneapolis are of a woman who got picked up by a man and thrown for something stupid. road rage is very dangerous you should never pull over. keep driving and call the police.

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