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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why does ANYONE still believe that George W. Bush was not a failure as President?

Why does anyone still claim that George W. Bush was anything but a terrible President. He entered office with a balanced federal budget, the deficit quickly sinking, and an economy humming along. He left office with a record federal deficit, a budget way out of balance and the worst economy since the 1930s. He entered office with the U.S. at peace and left office enmeshed in two wars.

I believe the was the worst President of my 60 years.

Why would anyone believe differently?

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Carter and obama are the worst the the "facts" stated are complete bs!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe George W. Bush is a Champion and Champions like Bush Always Win because They Play By The Rules. This includes having strong morals, being honest, working hard until the job gets done and Never Living In Everyday Denial and Never Living In Everyday Sin.

    I believe as a Fact that if Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill, Former President of the United States of America George Washington and Former Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada Pierre Trudeau were all alive today, all three men would be very proud of the hard work and accomplishments that George W. Bush did to make this nation and the world a better place. After all, Churchill, Washington and Trudeau made decisions based off what they believe was best for their countries and did not make decisions based off what their opponents told them to do and so did George W. Bush.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You must have slept through Carter's 4 years. The balanced budget you love so much would not have happened if not for the Republican's Contract With America. Too bad they betrayed it in the end. As for the deficit and the economy, 9-11 was a major factor there as was the housing crisis, which could have been less severe if a Dem, Barney Frank, hadn't blocked all attempts at stricter oversight. And Obama is going to more than double in 4 years what it took Bush 8 to do. Not exactly awesome in my book. Bush made mistakes, no doubt, but he is nowhere on the list of the country's 10 worst Presidents.

  • m
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Put it into perceptive...

    Clinton entered two wars, both unprovoked and interventions in nature. Kosovo and Somalia... Somalia, we failed to achieve our objective. Also, under Clinton, we also saw more than 5 terrorists attacks on US interests (WTC '92, South African Embassies (Tanzania and Kenya), Khobar, the USS Cole).

    Obama is currently in two wars, one of which he swore to end immediately! He also has warned about invading Pakistan, since it has nuclear weapons and is politically unstable. He has the mess with North Korea, left over from Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr.... he is handling it in the same fashion (lets talk about it). Obama is also tripling our deficit, and is arguably going to ruin health care...

    You mentioned that he is the 'worst President of my 60 years,' that is not a fair analysis. You have seen, in your lifetime, presidents. 3-4 of these presidents where when you under 18, at which point you were probably unable to form a fair and intelligent opinion about politics. I can't say 100% that Bush Sr. or Clinton were great or bad, as I was a kid then. That's assuming your mature (no offense). I've met people 25-30 who are dumb, politically speaking. So essentially, you have no more than 10 Presidents that you can base this off of, out of 44. Bare in mind this, people under Jackson (DR) thought he was the worst... People under Polk thought he was an expansionist. Think about Lincoln, he did start a Civil War and was one out of 4 Presidents to be assassinated. That does say something! But he is one of our most renouned presidents today. And FDR was considered a Socialist back in the 1930's by some, and he is on our money....

  • 1 decade ago

    You may not like Bush, but when you have to pay for Obama we'll all be crying & wish Bush could have served another term by comparison. I've yet to hear from any Bush hater or Clinton praiser enumerate Clinton policies that created the economy of the 90's.

    One also has to give some of the negative credit to the Democrats in Congress for the decline in the economy. The President in the U.S. isn't a dictator.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you need to read the definition of "cease fire" as that is what we where in with Iraq when GW entered office.

    Everyone knows GW didn't veto democrat spending bills. He was among the least vetoing presidents in history. You don't need to remind us all that he signed these liberal spending bills into law. We also don't need reminding that he did nothing but completely go along with the Democrat's idea of border control. Yes, he was bad. That's why enough republicans voted for other parties, to send the Republicans a message.

    So we all agree his liberal policies made him a bad president. Obama kept the exact same time-frame for withdrawal from Iraq that GW negotiated with the Iraqis. He used the same plans to increase forces in Afghanistan that were drawn up over a year ago. He too is spending like Bush. He too is doing nothing to help with border control.

    So, if you really don't like Bush and Obama, do something about it. Use your vote. And remember, the president does not control the budget. All he/she can do is whip up support for one party or another and exercise the veto. Congress controls the budget and spending. Since congress has been under Democrat control since 2006 and we voted for no change in control in 2008, I guess the majority of Americans like how the economy changed from 2006 on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he accomplished his goals (not yours). He achieved with great success what he intended to do and what congress authorized. Sorry it wasn't what you define he should have done and "failed" to accomplish what you assigned to him.

    He entered office with the economy diving, not humming as you lie in claiming. He helped it recover with the usual half-Keynesian economic policies of borrowing and inflating currency (Keynes warned against what we have always done, not deflate or repay as things improved). Obama has now done that same thing but many times the amount Bush did. Is Obama horrible for doing that?

    The economy, long before and after Bush was in trouble. It's been in trouble for a century but lucky technological advances have saved us many times. Wars from desperation resulted when they didn't.

    The problem isn't Bush, Obama, or any other president. It's overpopulating cultures who make labor cheaper every generation and who eat up the resources of their, and other lands until they must kill their neighbors to support their coming hordes.

    Neo-Marxists and other deluded people distract everyone away from that because those self-destructive, desperate people are the future cadre for the nearly impossible socialist fairy tale dream. The socialist elite plan to ride on top of the wave of rising impoverished masses and profit from their enslavement to commissars, including them of course.

    PS: I didn't and wouldn't vote for Bush, nor for any of the Democrats or other Republicans.

    Source(s): decades studying philosophies, cultures, and social institutions began because of the confusion resulting from my military experience under the shadow of neo-Marxist propaganda disseminated from universities
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I saw a sunflower the other day and it didn't rain. In fact, in all the times I've seen sunflowers it hasn't rained. I guess that means sunflowers stop the rain...

    Bush had nothing to do with anything. Any president of the US given the oportunity that he was given would have attacked Iraq, it was in the cards forever. Why are Americans so blind to see that your presidents don't rope the moon?

    There are literally millions of factors going into why the US is in the current state it's in and the president is only a marginal player in that area.

    A much bigger factor in the success of the US is the day to day decisions of it's citizens, it's societal values, things that you are responsible for. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a country to raise a president and you can't ignore your own responsibilities. Do you expect a man born in Congo, Kinshasa who was raised to believe raping your daughter before her wedding night is ok will be a decent man? A to B = C. Now rethink what you've said and tell me Bush is the problem. Tell me Bush is the reason that the 3rd world is advancing and mass manufacturing low cost products undermining the value of US exports. Tell me Bush caused the US to become completely reliant on oil. Tell me Bush is the reason why middle eastern people hate the US.

    Sorry, but pointing the finger won't solve anything. If Americans want to change things for the better, they need to change their view so drastically that it's to the point of a statistical impossibility.

  • Lamont
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you do, you also probably believe the following:

    Iraq had WMDs and had something to do with 9-11.

    Palin is very smart and qualified but misrepresented by the leftist media.

    Evolution is just a theory on equal footing with Creationism.

    Obama's was not born in Hawaii.

    Education is brainwashing for snobby elitists.

  • x x
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    BDS lives on. If you are 60 then you should know better Jimmy Carter was the worst and we are still paying for his failures. The biggest the islamic republic of Iran.

    Source(s): 19% interest rates and a new word "Stagflation".
  • 1 decade ago

    Barack Obama entered with a deficit, and has managed to increase it with programs that have had limited effect like the stimulus and cash for clunkers. He will leave in 2012 with an even greater deficit, setting a new record.

    Bush did not enter the US when the world was 'at peace'. America is always in conflict with many forces, even if war has not been declared.

    The War in Afghanistan would have happened no matter who was elected, and most democrats voted in favor of authorizing the war in Iraq.

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