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Spiritually speaking?

How can anybody claim that they "know" exactly how the universe was formed and how it got to where it is now? We can use the information available to us to form a best hypothesis, which for some is "godiditt", and for others it's "something went "POP"...but can anyone really claim that they know? I ask this because some people DO actually claim to know, absolutely 100% without a doubt don't bother arguing cos I'm not listening blah blah blah...

end rant.


I do tend to take the atheist-big bang-abiogenesis-evolution view on the matter btw

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't "know" but I'm pretty sure that this is how it all works.

    This is more easily understandable if one considers the actual structure of an atom and the scale and placement of its components. If one takes into account the fact that the neutrons and protons form a dense cluster at the center of the atom and that the electrons orbit in such a way that huge spaces exist between them and the nucleus it becomes clear that the atoms that make up seemingly solid objects are made up of 99+ percent empty space at any given moment.

    This alone does not seem too important until you add the idea that the atoms that make up many seemingly solid objects are more of a loose conglomeration that share a similar attraction but never really touch each other.

    At first glance this does not really seem relevant, but closer analysis reveals that this adds a tremendous amount of empty space to solid objects that are already made up of atoms that could be thought of as 99 percent space. When so-called solid objects are seen in this light it becomes apparent that may not be the seemingly solid objects they appear to us to be.

    We ourselves are not exceptions to this phenomenon.

    These seemingly solid objects are more like ghostly images that we interpret as solid objects based on our perceptual conclusions.

    From this one could conclude that Perception is some sort of a trick that helps us to take these ghostly images and turns them into a world we can associate and interact with. This clever device seems to be a creation of our intellect that enables us to interact with each other in what appears to be a three dimensional reality.

    I want to add that this is based on my own personal way of looking at the situation and was never intended to be a physics lesson.

    Love and blessings Don

  • 1 decade ago

    If you were a born again Christian you would know, without a shadow of a doubt,, but you must have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, Jesus Christ.. He left us His book, the Holy Bible, just this morning I read where in the book of Job it talks about the earth hanging on nothing, that was many thousands of years ago, way be any scientists could even fathom it.. The Bible is filled with science, but once people get locked in to one belief they don't want to hear of anything else, what a shame. Life is very important to God, so don't waste it,, I would encourage you to read the Bible, start at the Gospel of John in the new testament,, its a good place to start a relationship from.

    Source(s): Holy Bible John 3:16. King James Version is a great website for researching the Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and that is the problem I have with science. Their theories are not 100% correct. They are only correct, according to our current level of knowledge. Our current level of knowledge is probably very very minimal. I would like to see science be a bit more humble and a bit less arrogant. But the opposite end of the spectrum are those who completely and total believe literally in the collection of Hebrew myths and legends that we call the bible...

  • 1 decade ago

    Read Genesis 1

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agnostics take this view, my friend. I agree we don't have all the proof yet, but it is much more likely that Atheism is correct rather than Theism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever listened about abiogenesis

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't know the answer to your question, i don't know how the universe was formed, and i have no problem admitting i don't know these things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither is any more likely to be correct, and nobody knows.

    To the person above, you obviously don't understand anything about probability.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have a theory that every thing is fake, its just a dream or an illusion that does not exist.

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