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Lv 6
? asked in Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · 1 decade ago

Bees and wasps in my yard...?

are making it very unpleasant and dangerous to mow the lawn, sit on the patio etc. I've used a wasp spray on the area where I think they nest, but they are all over the area. I researched it on the web, but most advice is just to wear light color clothes. I do not garden, have a few trees but no flowers or flowering trees. Is there anything I can do to protect myself and my family?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The bees and wasps wont go away until the queen bee/wasp is dead.

    I suggest you contact an exterminator,

    the longer you wait, the more bees & wasps could lay eggs.

    Source(s): personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ok this is a 3-4 (wo)man opperation. First off, you need to locate the hive. This is not always easy, so persistance and tenacity are neccesary traits needed in order to accomplish your goal. Once you locate the vermins lair, your team comes into play. You will need to select a projectile of choice, (baseballs, footballs, lawndarts, etc) anything that you can use to knock the nest out of its comfort zone/ protected area ( NOTE :: THIS MUST BE DONE FROM A DISTANCE ) Once the nest is knocked to the ground , they will swarm in anger. leave them alone, and eventually they will retreat into the nest and start repairing it. This is when things get tricky. You must now select your fastest and most fearless two team members. You will then assign a sprayer and a lighter. The sprayer needs to be equiped with two cans of wd40. The lighter needs a long nosed grill lighter. In a fast sprint the Sprayer runs to the nest completely soaks it in wd40 (about 5 seconds worth) then runs into either a house or pool, ( a few stings occured when i was the sprayer some years back), then let the hive settle once more, believe it or not they will. Then the lighter goes in. This part is self explanatory. Burn them alive. This is less dangerous then the sprayer, due to the instant ball of flames created, however is much more satisfying as you will hear the desperate hissing of air being released from the hundreds of wasp assassins. At this point you not only have saved your family and your yard, but you have sent a message to the wasp community, that while on your watch, they are not welcome, and you will take action.

    Any more questions, just let me know.

    Source(s): The Real World, My Life, Career of destroying pests.
  • 1 decade ago

    Unless you agitate or threaten them they won't usually bother you.

  • 1 decade ago

    bug spray, pest control

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