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  • will a misdemeanor at 17 years of age prevent one from getting a teacher's certificate in NY?

    If one has a marijuana possession misdemeanor in New York State, where at 17 you are tried as an adult, will it affect that person's future ability to get a teacher's certificate, be hired as a teacher, get financial aid, rent an apartment?

    Please, give specific sources of your information

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • unusual weight loss in a healthy young male?

    My fantastic 20 y.o son, successful, happy, well adjusted, Presidential scholar in college etc. has just told me that he had lost 25 lbs in 2 years. I have been asking him about weight loss all along, but since he is away in college, I see him a few times a year, and he is basically an independent adult. He had a physical last week, had CBC, thyroid test - nothing was found. The rest of our family - my other 2 sons, their father and me, have all had to struggle to keep weight in the just under obese ranges.... So what could it be? He lives in a dorm apartment, no meal plan, he does cook some and eats out some, claims he does not starve himself, cannot figure it out. He does eat a lot of low-fat stuff, does not drink soda, mostly to be healthy. So should we be concerned? I already had nightmare visions of TB, cancer... what else?

    35 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Taxi in Albany and Schenectady, NY?

    Any information and advice on taxi cab services and fares in the Capital Region, NY, specifically - Schenectady, Glenville, Albany? I cannot seem to find any information about fares online. Most online reviews are very negative ... Anyu good news?

    (I have a siggnificant vision impairment, but not eligible for any special transportaion yet... I can drive in daytime to my job and back, but I really want a back up plan for snow/dark/emergencies.) Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Bees and wasps in my yard...?

    are making it very unpleasant and dangerous to mow the lawn, sit on the patio etc. I've used a wasp spray on the area where I think they nest, but they are all over the area. I researched it on the web, but most advice is just to wear light color clothes. I do not garden, have a few trees but no flowers or flowering trees. Is there anything I can do to protect myself and my family?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Warm enough to swim in Jamaica in February?

    I LOVE hot weather and Caribbean beaches. Next year I am considering a Jamaican all-inclusive resort but the only time we (a middle aged couple) can go is February. Is it hot enough to swim? Or are we better off with a cruise? We've gone on several Caribbean cruises and like them a lot., but would like to try a resort. Any first-hand experience stories would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersJamaica1 decade ago
  • Fatigue after a sinus infection?

    I am a middle aged woman in good health. I had a bad head cold, which turned in to what probably was a sinus infection (nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, pain on the side of head - ear, jaw, pain behind and around eyes etc.) without fever. I handled it with OTC meds. after 2 weeks it is gone. Saw a doc for a physical, everything is Ok. But I am still terribly tired, weak,dizzy all the time. Tiny bit of activity (walking to the basement in my own small house) makes me almost dizzy with weakness. It is now 3 weeks since the start of cold.... Is this just result of the sinus infection? feels as if I had pneumonia or mono, or something really serious, not a cold, to feel so run down for so long...

    7 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • what is soi disantra.?

    I think it is from a song... but is not in any obvious alnguage (SPanish or Italisn) Does it mean anything?

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How to move the task bar on the desktop when using Vista?

    My taskbar has always been on the bottom of the screen (horizontal), but now it has shown up on the right side (vertical). I have restrted the laptop several times, looked up "Help" in Windows, tried clicking on it, holding button down and dragging it but it does nto move.

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Obama's economic stimulus package?

    Can any government program influence/decrease the world-wide economic crisis?

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago