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My cousin needs to research on several tree-related topics. I don't understand any of them. Could you help us?

Thank you for reading. These terms seem new to me. It's for their class. If you could help us understand these terms, or point us in the right direction like where to look, etc.. If you can do both that would be great. I really appreciate this. here are the terms:

24-Hour Storm Damage Service

Arbor Technician

Brush Chipping

Bucket Truck

Certified Arborist

Crown Reduction

Crown Thinning

Experienced Crane Service

Landscape Maintenance

Professional Pruning

Stump Grinding

Stump Removal

Tree Aerial Lifting

Tree Care Services

Tree Pruning Services

Tree Removal

Tree Salvaging

Tree Trimming

Urban Forest Recovery

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

1 Answer

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