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Who are the gay, is He or she born like that or have this strange behavior after?


it 's as the Bible said not nature ,so that i said strange ,if you not accept unnaturalized.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    born as gay is the right .

    the others haphazards not .

  • 1 decade ago

    It can not be genetic. IE: There is a "gay gene" that makes you gay. If that were the case it would have died out as gays do not reproduce.

    It could be congenital. IE: Some hormone problem during gestation makes a person gay. In that case the claim that people are "born gay" could be true. But if true, then if you can figure out the problem, then you can prevent people from being born gay.

    However I believe it is a learned behavior. Some guys have a shoe fetish, some guys like underwear and some guys like guys.

  • 1 decade ago

    Considering that there are examples in mammals and birds of similar behavior, the only conclusion can be that it is natural and genetic. They can't help it; they're born that way.

    I knew a gay tomcat years ago; he lived in a 6-cat household, and with four fertile and intact females in the house, he was only interested in the other tomcat.

    There's a children's book out about two male penguins at a zoo who, given a fertile egg, brooded it and hatched it, raised the chick.

    A scientific study of a gull colony done years ago indicated that approximately 14% of pairs observed were same-sex couples.

  • 1 decade ago

    It starts as behavior that "seems" harmless because it is in the mind of the person doing it. It improper wonderings. "I wonder if it is pleasurable being homosexual" It is sexuality allowed to the extreme, meaning it becomes more important to the person than rules, right and wrong, belief in God and position of esteem in which He is held. After so long a time of this kind of mental behavior, God "gives that person up" to that. Even if He supernaturally cured them, they would go right back to it. They are reserved to the resurrection to be healed in a time when Satan is restricted. It is perversion. They have no ability to restrain their sexual acts.

    Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also GAVE THEM UP TO uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    strongly influenced by genetics but environmental factors are also probably at work. The one thing scientists know for sure is that it's never a conscious decision (for men anyway, female sexuality is a bit more fluid) and calling it "strange behavior" is kind of insulting, dip$#!t

  • 1 decade ago

    It's genetics, environment, experiences, and raising by parents.

    I don't believe anyone is born with a sexual orientation. How could a baby's mind know whether it likes men or women, when they don't even understand the concept of two different genders?

  • Jenn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Born like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmm yeah, being gay is strange behavior....

    I mean, hell...who doesn't love a straight man who weighs 300 pounds, never goes outside, but decides to take off his shirt for game day and jumps around belching, farting, and chugging beers.

    Straight behavior is AWESOME!!!

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • 1 decade ago

    People are NOT born gay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    strsnge behavior? that's a close minded way to look at it, but homosexuality is in your genes. you are born gay, sometimes it takes year for them to realize what they are.

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