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Are the American people aware of Obama's new diversity Czar Mark Lloyd who is a communist?

?who is threatening to shut down communications in this country based on the model in Venezuela.This tactic if ssuccessful would elimiate the peoples first amendment of the constitution. What say you America?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's interesting that once this news broke last week, his 'Manifesto" website disappeared from the web.

    You doubters - yes, he claimed that he was a "disenchanted protestor" until the LA race riots. He was arrested and in jail met up with a bunch of communists who converted him to their philosophy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think it's a crying shame that it took this long for people to wake up to the Marxists surrounding and controlling Obama. Some of us have been hollering about this for a long time, and all we got was tin-foil hat and conspiracy theorist labels. But at least people ARE waking up and listening to the truth. They should all be run out of town on a rail - this type of 'fundamental change' is not what people voted for. They expected a Clinton-like presidency and ended up with a radical, racist president, and every other nut from the Alinsky school.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Face it, there is a Revolution in the making! And there are a LOT of Americans who hate Capitalism and who want our country to be like Cuba or Venezuela. Rich people are bad therefore there should be no rich people (i.e. no opportunity to become 'rich'). Enforced equality is democratic when everyone wants it, so you better join them or you will be ostracized from the New Obamanation. To go against the Feminist ideology, an ideology which is anti-family, anti-freedom of speech, anti-gun, anti-liberty, will label you forever as a right wing extremist. But Mark Lloyd isn't an extremist, he's just Green.

  • molkey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes I am aware of this and seen the video and I know you tell the truth. the thing that really bothers me is why will the media not report on this ,these czars or diversity people would make a good story for 60 minutes

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only the "smart" Americans that watch Glenn Beck and FOX news, because the lib media isn't even going anywhere near the truth about the Obama regime!

  • 1 decade ago

    That would make 2 communists that are czars.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have been talking about this for days now...we are aware and most are upset he has yet another czar. BO himself the other day said to quit calling them czars. BUT HE is the one that gave them that name. hahahaha Sorry..that socialist name will stick....

    So...are you a democrat? If you are....then why would you complain about anything your leader does.????? I thought that is what you all wanted...government controlled EVERYTHING!

    the other half of the dems are in denial and say it is crap. You can't talk to them...and they are under the impression this man can do no harm and we shoud give him free range of everything.

    not gonna happen...

  • I saw him speaking on Beck the othr day. That guy scares me CRAPLESS! And the administration hired HIM to be our FCC/Diversity chairman?

    Puh- leeze!

    It seems a lot of Obamas "czars" are all Marxist-Communist-Fascist Radicals who want to run thei country down. So THEY can be the ones to 'save ' us and look like heroes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't forget the science czar and the green jobs czar. Many in this administration have at some point in their careers said some pretty wacked out things.

    Don't they screen these people? Do background checks or something? Their vetting process is broken.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Its more proof of just who obama himself is a marxist and I'm being kind Why else would he be circumventing the constitution and surround himself with all of these self proclaimed communists.WAKE UP AMERICA read their bio's

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