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All the prognosis about Muslims dominate the Europe within 30 years, is that a?

racist rumour or a demographic-sociologic fact ?

If so, should anyone be worry ?

You have all seen this:

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These sources are pretty freaking accurate... I am afraid, very afraid... All because I'm female and will never approve or rape, beatings, or torture...

    ❀Outcry over disowned 9 Year Old Girl for being RAPED

    ❀ RAPE BY MUSLIMS, epidemic in Europe, and headed this way, now that ISLAMObama wants to increase Muslim immigration to the U.S.

    ❀Muslim Women Are Told to "Laugh Off" rape:

    ❀Islamic “Virtue” Laws Put Rape Victims In Prison & Legally Beaten:

    Evil Islam: Had women raped, shamed, then forced to commit suicide bombing

    ❀Norway: Muslim girls beaten for not wearing the hijab

    ❀Symposium: To Rape an Unveiled Woman

    A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe -- and over many other nations host to immigrants from the Islamic world. The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled. What is the psychology here? What is the significance of this epidemic? And how do we face it when our own feminists, with a few exceptions, are deafingly silent about it?

    ❀Fjordman: What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?

    ❀Pan-European Arab Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic

    ❀Norway: Muslim girls beaten for not wearing the hijab

    ❀EURABIA: Muslim Rape - A growing problem all over Europe Muslim rape concern - Alarmed at last week's police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organizations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls.

    ❀Women Protesting Rape Laws are Stoned:

    ❀Egypt rights group wants 'wife rape' outlawed

    29% said husbands forced them to have sex

    ❀Abu Dhabi: no divorce for woman beaten, cheated on and deserted

    ❀Men Allowed to Rape Their Wives

    ❀Critics: New Afghan Law Allows Men To Rape Wives

    ❀Pakistan: Woman Raped for Leaving Islam

    ❀An 18-year-old Christian woman raped and forced to convert to Islam

    ❀Beaten For Removing Veil:

    These photos are caught from a video film that has been filmed by RAWA on August 26, 2001 in Kabul using a hidden camera. It shows two Taliban from department of Amro bil mahroof (Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Taliban religious police) beating a woman in public because she has dared to remove her burqa in public.

    ❀Exclusive: Saudi Rape Victim Tells Her Story

    ❀Saudi court ups punishment for gang-rape victim

    ❀Saudi Arabia Rape Victims Punished + Punishment Doubled

    ❀Saudi Arabia defends sentence for rape victim

    ❀Saudi Arabia: Rape Victim Punished for Speaking Out

    ❀Rape Victim’s Lawyer Refuses to Give In

    ❀Report: Saudi King Pardons Rape Victim

    ❀Jeddah, gang-raped woman sentenced to prison, one hundred lashes

    ❀Saudi Barbarity: Gang Raped Woman Sentenced To Prison, 40 Lashes

    ❀Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'

    A lawyer for a gang-rape victim in Saudi Arabia who was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail says the punishment contravenes Islamic law. "My client is the victim of this abhorrent crime. I believe her sentence contravenes the Islamic Sharia law and violates the pertinent international conventions," he said. "The judicial bodies should have dealt with this girl as the victim rather than the culprit."

    Hypocrisy, Torture, & Racism:

    ❀How a British jihadi saw the light

    ❀Time reporter blames Israel and the West for Muslim intolerance

    ❀Spiraling violence targets minorities

    ❀How Ahmad Batebi Survived Torture In Iran

    ❀Saudi Arabia holds female American citizens in white slavery: an act of war

    “Honor Killings”:

    ❀Canadian Muslim Girl Strangled to Death by Father

    ❀Muslim father orders daughter killed over short skirt

    ❀Muslim girl killed by father in Misissauga

    ❀Young Christian Raped and Killed for Having Sex with Muslim Girl

    ❀'Westernised' girl killed by Muslim father

    ❀Canadian Muslim Girl Killed By Father

    ❀Muslim Girl Killed by Father for Not Wearing Head Scarf

    ❀Father Allegedly Strangles Daughter for Being Independent

    ❀Her crime was to fall in love. She paid with her life


    THE PROBLEMS WITH ISLAM consists of selected articles, mainly from ex-Muslim authors who have written against the violence, corruption, and tyrannical nature of Islam. Many of these essays come from which dedicates itself to the scrutiny of Islam. Considering the Fatwas against those who criticize Islam (which could eventually result in their censorship or death), it takes special courage and dedication for these authors to risk revealing the actual nature of Islam to the world.

    General: Islamic Hypocrisy

    ❀Islam Watch -

    ❀Apostates of Islam -

    ❀Jihad Watch -

    ❀The Skeptic's Annotated Quran (SAQ) -

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm a Christian so what I say subsequent is not prompted via a want to look the difference you are speakme approximately. I feel, realistically, that it is greater than possible that Europe will probably be often Muslim in not up to one hundred years. Not handiest is Islam developing quicker than every other faith, however European and American cultures are sloughing off devout constraints. Most church buildings are in critical problem with club tanking and sales within the basement. Many church buildings are having to near or become a member of with a further church to stick possible. The handiest exception is the Evangelical motion which draws fundamentalist Christians. Many, many individuals scorn religion as mythic tom-foolery. So Islam, which has it is rational scientists and humanists however is nonetheless a lot more insistent on observance, is probably to be successful Western tradition. From the in basic terms ancient standpoint, any time a tradition turns into lazy, stagnant and unfocused, it is most likely changed. The proposal of Muslim enthusiasts in vigour could be very horrifying however I feel it can be the longer term until we achieve out to the usual individuals of the Middle East and gain knowledge of approximately them and educate them approximately our truly lives. The politicians on all sides will create nightmares for us to are living in, waking.

  • Faye
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Muslims have no desire to "dominate" Europe. True, Islam is growing quite fast over there, but so is atheism. No need to make a big deal over it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its garbage but immigration officials really needs to step up and realize that Muslims are not our peaceful neighbors and really want to destroy us. Personally the world would be better off if everyone was Buddhist IMHO where non-violence and non-dogma are the way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    very interesting video... but it uses the propaganda of fear to make its point... it is like someone being afraid of a candle...


    tit for tat... here is a video on what Islam really teaches...

    WE ALL HAVE THE SAME GOD... for there is only ONE Creator...

    and Islam is a religion of submission to our LORD... it is a religion of peace...

    "In God We Trust"

    of course there are many changes occurring every day... and the world will be different tomorrow than it is today... change scares people... but those who embrace it in love... have little to fear...

    what did Winston Churchill say but: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." they are very wise words...

    i have chosen Islam as my religion although i have deep Christian roots... it is a choice that i have made in love and deep searching for the truth... i do not deny my Christian roots... in fact they are what supports my love for Islam... and without the teachings of Christianity... my love for Islam probably would have never bloomed...

    Allahu a'lam... Alhamdulillah!

    what do you fear?

    Religion of the Sword...?

    The Military Industrial Complex is a false religion of the Sword... did you know that the US spends over 750 Billion a year on 'defense'...

    more than all the other nations combined...?

    no. i am not worried... and it shows a lack of faith for any 'Christian' to do so... i cite Proverbs 3:5-6...

    "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and soul and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

    "In God We Trust"



  • It's an extreme exaggeration, usually only put about by those with a certain political agenda. I'll let you guess which agenda that is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they have larger families

    do the math

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Evangelizing by murder is very persuasive

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im not worried cuz it only gets worse till JESUS COMES BACK BUT HE WILL guaranteed!!!!!!

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