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Is there something that you REALLY wanted as a child?

and NEVER got...?!?


Darth: neither am I....(cough)

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yeah, my own room. I had to share with my stupid little brother. *pout*

    I really wanted grandparents, too, but I've never had the pleasure of knowing them...or most of my cousins for that matter. *sigh*

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have always wanted a streamlined electric train that ran around a

    track on a platform with little buildings and people and trees and a

    pond. But there never was a place to store one. At least, not accord-

    ing to my dad. We did have room in the basement though. But there

    wasn't a plug in on that empty wall. Now that I'm a grown up I'd settle

    for a Christmas village with people and ice skaters and houses and

    a church. And it would be great, to have an electric train running all

    around the perimeter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yes. Every year, mom would get the Christmas catalogs in the mail. I would turn right to the toy section. There they were, the miniature kitchen range, the refrigerator, ironing board/iron, broom and a cute little girl standing there smiling in the picture, and I wished it was me. I wanted that kitchen set so bad, but never got it. Not only was it expensive, but we did not have the room in our home for such type of 'toys.' So I had to wait until I grew up. I can say today that I have had four kitchen ranges, four refrigerators, and three ironing boards/iron, and you know what? Gawd, I hate ironing! Go figgggur.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I was in the 5th and 6th grade the school was really pushing band for some reason. I really bugged my mom about it. I wanted to be a drummer. One year I ended up with a cello, which the music instructor advised my mom on. The next year I ended up with an accordion with lessons downtown once a week, I hated both and never learned either. I just wanted drums.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really wanted a tricycle that looked like a tractor

    But more than that, I REALLY wanted a set of encyclopedias. Never got one, so I spent a lot of time in the library looking up stuff. If the internet had been around when I was a kid, I would have been in paradise. All this info at my fingertips!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A black stallion. I told my parents I'd tie it up in the alley since our backyard wasn't big enough for a dog let alone a horse. In winter, it could go in dad's garage (don't know where since dad's car took up so much room). We lived in the inner city so a horse left in the alley probably would have been stolen. I think I outgrew that wish about 3 years ago when I realized my hip joint probably couldn't handle riding a horse anymore (but I'm saving for hip replacements so...).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wanted one of those child sized cars that actually had a small electric motor in it that held two kids. I wanted the Bat-mobile one, but I never got it. Oh, and a relationship with my father, but that's an episode of Oprah.

  • 1 decade ago

    I loved to watch westerns at a very early age. I wanted a covered wagon for our back yard in the worse way. I wanted to play in it & pretend I was a little pioneer girl. My parents didn't think much of my idea. Wonder why? Needless to say, I never did get that covered wagon. :(

  • Bonnie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wanted a record player so bad that I didn't care if got anything else. Needless to say, I didn't get one until I could buy it myself. Music was and still is my hobby and I knew every song and every performer from the 40's and 50's.

  • 1 decade ago

    A pony, truth!

    Oh Darth! That really makes me sad.

  • E-ma
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    (Only in a child's mind...)

    I wanted a black leopard with a diamond collar that I could walk on a leash.

    I fantasized about this a lot. In my mind, it meant I walk where ever I wanted to w/o being bullied or abducted.

    (Odd. Random , childhood thoughts.)

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