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Why do Parents insist on unusual or cutesy names?

Why do people feel the need to give their children wild and unique names? Or...worse cutesy names that are adorable for a 2-year-old but ?? for a 45 professional man or woman.

Do parents not think that their child will have to grow up with a weird name that they will constantly have to help people with spelling, pronouncing??

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are people so lazy as to choose names that their child will likely have to share with 5 other people in their class? Why do they not care that their child will forever be referred to as "Ashley B." or "Stephanie L," or even worse, just their last name? Why are some parents satisfied with names that MILLIONS of other people already have? Why are some people so terrified of change and uniqueness?

    Do you not realize that it's just a trend? All these names that you think are so crazy now will be common place in 5 years and then they'll move on to other crazy names. Think about it: 50 years ago, everyone was named Betty, Patty, Peggy, Sally, Susan...etc. Then it was Stephanie, Ashley, Megan, Amanda, Samantha, and now it's Morgan, Bella, Madeline, Chloe, Addison, Sophia...etc.

    A person's professionalism is not based on their name. If their name is Lilly versus Margaret, do you really think that's going to have any effect on their work ethic or success?

    I have a unique name. It's Roslyn and I love it. I have always loved it and everyone I meet comments on how beautiful and unique it is. I was always glad to be the only one I ever knew. It made me feel special and I think that it's pathetic how many parents are satisfied to settle for a common name when there are so many other beautiful names.

  • I like unique or different names, because to me they have some spark. They are special. I wouldn’t name my child something like Lollipop,Audio Science, Dir,Nevaeh,Destiny or Crimefighter, but neither would I name my child Emma,Emily,Ava or Olivia. I think there has to be balance.

    I wouldn’t give my child a unique name to try and prove something; I would name my child a name that I think is special and beautiful and will last his or her entire life. I think if you are trying to prove a point with your name choice that is bad.

    It also depends on where you live and the culture – the names that are common in my country you will most likely not like. Take the name Isla (said EYE-luh) it is in the top 40 in the UK, but ranked 600 and something in the US.

    To me, a name like Emma has been used so much, that anything I liked about before – is gone. It is so popular that there is nothing special about. How many Emily’s do you know, and how many people named Eden,Evangeline,Isla ,Piper or Skye do you know?

    Also, if I gave my child a unique name, wouldn’t give them some strange spelling and I would par it with a traditional name. Also, not every “unique” name that is posted, people actually use. It ight be just something that they like.

    Source(s): EDIT: to Shanghai I have known women with those names, and in my country they are considered normal or common. It depends on where you live.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm... I have seen this time and time again, everyone wants to be an original and to have something someone else doesn't have. It's the fallen nature of mankind.

    It's like keeping up with Joneses. My car my house my children my dogs must all demand your attention and you must envy me. You must be jealous of me because my kids have a better name than your kids. My kids are original, my kids have soap opera names!

    You see the evidence of this mentality on bumper stickers which now brag about MY KID IS A STAR STUDENT AT WHOCARES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!...

    My children are more traditionally named and I felt it was important to honor the signficant people in my life by including their first name as the middle name of each child.

    I never once gave thought to naming my children something like Braelynne or Rochetta (just throwing silly names out) I did notice the trend in Hollywood with naming their children.

    Charity, Patience, Chance, Chastity, Faith, Hope, Ever, Everleigh?

    I think Sarah Palin is a good example of selfishness with it comes to naming children and I actually like the woman fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because parents want to believe that they (and their offspring) are special and unique, and therefore deserving of a name that stands out. Sometimes, even alternate spellings pass as creativity, which only makes the parent (and the kid) look too stupid and uneducated to spell correctly.

    Another trend is for parents to give their kids "aspirational names" like Money, Porsche, Bentley, etc. since some people are so desperate to see their kids as special that they feel that giving them a name similar to something expensive will somehow translate that into their kid's future life (e.g., Porsche will drive a Porsche, etc.).

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  • strada
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Indigo Azura Indigo Blaze Indigo Breezy Indigo Charity Indigo Cloud Indigo Daisie Indigo Daydream Indigo desolate tract Indigo Fern Indigo loose Indigo Freedom Indigo Flower Indigo cohesion Indigo Honesty Indigo wish Indigo Iris Indigo Jade Indigo Jewel Indigo Justice Indigo Lavender Indigo Liberty Indigo Love Indigo Marigold Indigo Maya Indigo Moss Indigo Ocean Indigo Opal Indigo Paisley Indigo Peace Indigo Petal Indigo Rain Indigo Sadie Indigo Serenity Indigo Sky Indigo action picture star Indigo Stone Indigo Terra Indigo Topaz Indigo Wind Indigo Ziggy

  • 1 decade ago

    You are so right. I do not agree with people's thinking when they attach a strange name to a child.

    The parents are not thinking about:

    The child's future

    The child's well being

    The spelling difficulty for the child

    The spelling difficulty for the child's teacher, friends, family

    The possible embarrassment family might feel at introducing the child

    The fact that the name might go out of style or get old

    Plain and simple, the parents are not thinking properly, in my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like having a unique name--I can not tell you how many Amanda's, Adams, Billy's and David's their was in each class growing up. My name made me feel special. and when I have kids I want to give them a unique name but not too out there like some celebrities do--no co pilots--My name is Tailsa and my mom's name is Lisa. I have a sister Amanda, who hates her name and Jayde who was before the Jayde name blew up. Thanks Eminem!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. That's why we all strive for a little thing called Freedom. So I can name my kid whatever the blueberries I want. That is also why my kid can change their name. It's freedom baby! Yeah! ;)

    2. It's 'their kid' not anyone elses.

    3. I want to teach my child that it's okay to go against the grain, to forge the treacherous rivers upstream and not give up because some other human who use a toilet just the same as me thinks they are ordained with power to control my life and tell me what IS or ISN'T right for my life and my offspring. No way Jose! I was given life just the same as anyone else and nobody human is ever, EVER above me and my free-will.

    oh and 4. (I got somethin' else) If you don't like it, well you have equal freedom to: not name your child that. ;) (Not you, you, just 'you' in general)

  • Marie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    people want to be different. they think they are doing their child a favor by not naming their child Aidan or Ava. They don't want another kid with the same name in the class. But they don't think of what it will be like for that child in the future. Will the name grow with the child. Will the child feel as if he or she is to different. this in itself could cause a child to be teased

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they think its the "fashionable" thing to do, and its considered cool. I'd rather be called Jessica or some other popular name than anything like Apple, Destiny, Lyric etc.

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