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How did you know your spouse was "The One"?

I'm getting older and starting to contemplate marriage/family, although I'm not dating now. I feel I'm preparing myself. I feel like it's just around the corner. No one has been able to describe to me that "knowing" they had when they realized that the person they'd encountered was meant to be their partner. How did you know? Details.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Among your many friends and acquaintances, do u know which ones are your best of friends ? Did u have a feelling within you when u were with someone that this is a good/best friend ?

    The feeling for "the one" is a higher version of that feeling be it comfort or ease to talk to or anything that it was in the above case. The one is got to be a best friend + a little more.

  • 1 decade ago

    al the romantic stuff still applies like butterflies when you think of the other person always wanting to be your best for them. but that could apply to a simple crush! how i know my husband is the best choice for me well here are some examples :) When i have a problem hes the only one i go to for help. When i need a hug just because! hes the one i turn to. When something really great is happening he is the very first one i want to tell! When i wake up from a nightmare its him i want to hold me til i fall back to sleep. When i am sick hes the only one i want to take care of me. Thru all the good and the bad he is the one i want beside me.In order to have a truly adult and happy relationship you have to be in it all the way. The person you are with has to be the one you think of first. If say you have a problem and you DONT think of your partner first then maybe they arent the best choice. This will be the person you go through everything with. love, happiness, joy, fighting, sorrow, literally everything. If you dont think that person is going to be there when you need them and be able to handle life then you shouldnt be serious with them

    ps. Im also always there for my husband through everything no matter what!! If you dont feel like you want to be there for someone through everything then again they may not be the best choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I have only been married a few months. But have been together for a few years, we split up for a little while because of things we were both going through and because of the miles between us he lived in one town and I lived in another.We had some harsh words. This isn't my first marriage and I have children by my first husband and this isn't his first either but he has no children. We found that being apart was the worst decision that we had ever made, anyone I tried to date couldn't compare to him and vise versa. It happened to come about where we were both in the same town and ran into each other and we knew instantly that we belonged with each other. When you find your sole mate its like an electrical current that goes through your heart sending a wonderful sensation throughout your body. You can envision growing old with that one person. I knew the moment he said he loved me and my children, that he was the gray haired man in my dreams sitting on a porch swing holding my hand watching the birds and the sun going down or coming up. He was the one person who had the key to unlock my heart. When you find that one person you will know within your soul and heart that they are your soul mate, you feel it from way deep down.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Universe told me. Sigh.

    There isn't a "one," there are nearly seven billion people on this earth. By the time you take out all the people that you are incompatable with due to age, religion, geography, sex, likes/dislikes, etc., there are pat least 30 (probably closer to a thousand) remaining that are suitable to spend the rest of your life with.

    Marriage requires a lot of work from both partners. You'll know who the right one is when you have asked all the appropriate questions and received good answers. Questions involve things like: kids/discipline, religion, finances, goals, respect, etc.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not married.

    I have been with my incredible boyfriend for a year and a half now, and there isn't a doubt in my mind he's the one.

    He is my best friend. Plain and simple.

    I can trust him with anything, I never feel judged or looked down on because my opinions differ from his.

    I know he truly listens to me and cares about what I say.

    When I'm having a bad day, he'll offer to stay home from the bar after working hard and fishing for 2 weeks just so he can talk on the phone to me for 3 hours even though he knows I don't have much to say.

    Let me add that he is an Alaskan fisherman, he leaves for 6 months a year.

    This year he left 3 days before my birthday, and 3 weeks before our one year anniversary.

    Waiting for him is nothing. It feels normal.

    I would rather be with him for 6 months a year than with anyone else for the whole year.

    He goes out of his way to do silly little things to make me smile.

    He'll pick up a croissant from a bakery he walks past because they're my favorite,

    he'll buy me floor tickets to Rascal Flatts and offer to go with me without complaining even though he hates country,

    he is so attentive to how I'm feeling and what I want or need.

    He sent me a letter and when I opened it tons of little hand cut paper hearts came out with sweet notes on all of them... I can't begin to tell you the crap his fellow fisherman gave him when he sat at the table and cut those out.

    But he did it anyway.

    He's left boys night with his friends countless times because I was lonely, without me asking.

    We laugh. Oh how we laugh together.

    We went to LA and built a sand castle on the beach together.

    We played hide and go seek at the zoo.

    He took me on a picnic, and wore 3D glasses with the lenses punched out and took nerdy pictures together.

    We still laugh and play like we're in high school, it keeps the love refreshing and fun.

    And when we fight, we don't get mad and insult each other.

    We listen to each other, and work through the problems in a way that in constructive.

    If there is a problem we talk about it and genuinely try to change it.

    I can't see my life without him.

    I want to get married and have children in a few years, and he is the only person I see when I look at my future.

    We have the same goals, and want to achieve them together.

    We make each other want to be a better person.

    When you meet the one, you will just know.

    The biggest thing for me is how much fun we have together, and the fact that we work through our problems together.

    We have our own lives, but still want to have one together.

    Find out who your BEST FRIEND is, and marry them.

    They're going to be the one who wants to take the kids when you're having a bad day and need to get away.

    He'll be the one to stand up to anyone and take your side no matter what it is.

    He'll be the one you can sit at home with in pajamas eating chinese food with and still have the best time.

    If you can truly, one hundred percent be yourself, and still laugh and not worry around him...

    you've found the one.

    Source(s): I was lucky enough to find the love of my life at a bus stop. I borrowed his phone to call my boyfriend... who would have thought 6 months later we would fall in love? :P
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i ended up marrying my 1st boyfreind [i was 17.5 when we met and 19 when married]

    it was young, but i really knew, i loved him so much, he wanted the same as me [marriage and kids to settle down]

    we were together for literally 2 hours and as we chatted we clicked!, i even asked him if he could see me being his wife and he said yes, lol

    im now 34, been married ever since and dont regret it [ok, some days i do,,,lol] we have 4 kids

    u will know when your ready to settle, there will b no doubt whatsover in your mind

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My wife and I married when I was 22 and she was 20. I was engaged to someone else, and I called it off, before I met the girl who became my wife. My wife is the one beside whom I wanted to wake up every morning; my first fiancee wasn't. My wife is the one with whom I wanted to have children. My wife is the one with whom I wanted to live out my life. My wife is the one with whom I wanted to work things out, WHEN we had arguments and problems. It's not IF you'll have an argument, or a problem; it's WHEN. My first fiancee's family didn't like me. My wife's family does.

    Source(s): married 30 years to the same woman; first and only marriage for both of us
  • 1 decade ago

    you can't imagine your life with out them. when something important happens and you automatically call them up and tell them all about it. when u wake up, looking like hell but they still attack ya in bed and make you feel wanted, thats how you know :)

  • 1 decade ago

    She got pregnant while using protection.

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