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Did anyone else read the article on the 'Presidents" speech to the public school systems?

I see this a remnant to exactly what Adolf Hitler did in Nazi Germany back in 1938-39-40-41! He too indoctrinated the children of the country into his social agenda. Is this how we want our country run? I think not! What has transpired in this country within the past eight months, has been a travesty on the U.S. Constitution, and has brought about the inception of a socialistic regime, led by none other than the President of the United States! I truly believe that this is the result of HIS indoctrination into the religion of Islam, even though he claims to have converted to christianity. Isn't it time to tell this idiot and the members of the democratic controlled congress, that they work for the people of this country, not the other way around! Change? Is it time for a change? You bet it is! It's time that we as Americans, take back the control of our country. If you agree, give me a star!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama wants a nationalized police force. He wants mandatory service.His administration gave "Your Life Your Choices " to veterns. He has surrounded himself with eugenicists,socialists and communist CZARS.

    People in this country are not stupid. Despite a massive push by most of the press the citizens of this country are not going to take the humanist socialist agenda the Obama administration wants..Parents saw the creepy Jim Jones kool aid video by the stars saying and freaked. Now why would parents or anyone else by suspicious?

    Those issues I brought up are just a start.



  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well they will absolutely check out, however feels like a well case for a legislation swimsuit or perhaps a magnificence motion swimsuit from many mum and dad to me..No, so long as they are no longer pronouncing whatever untruthful, or offensive... Just just like the "Don't ask , Don't inform motion" that allows you to be going away quickly......Don't recognize if someone's inspiration of it, however a few heterosexual might have a well case in that there aren't any comments on a Military Application that features toward any individual sexual selection, so why the call for , if no longer for gay development? There will also be no different motive...Imagine, the rate we approximately to undergo with man or woman toilet amenities whilst the gays start their needs....Also, why are not the women worrying the equal rights to not be sectioned from the opposite organizations..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am writing a note to your kids principal to be on the lookout for you.

    You have definitely been indoctrinated by your right wing media to the point that you are scaring the kids and the rest of us oxygen-breathing citizens. What transpired in the last 8 years does'nt appall you, only the last 8 months? Do you not see what a right wing tool you are? The change this country needs and voted for, is to be far far way from people like you and anyone that thinks like you. You had your day and look what you and your ilk did? You drove this country's dick into the dirt. And on top of that, you want a star??? What you get is my finger in your face and my left shoe up your butt. Ignorant A**

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is indoctrination pure and simple. He is finding out that adult Americans have caught on to his radical agenda. So now he is attempting to indoctrinate kids. This will fail just as his health care is failing and his Green Czar Va Jones will get the boot. Once he gets the message that America is not buying what he is selling we can move on.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My kid's school system is leaving it up to individual schools whether to air it and the kids will be given a note for the parents to sign if they do not want their kids to watch. We were planning to keep the kids home this day. As a parent I will watch it and then decide if it is appropriate and needed. Shouldn't the kids be in school learning? I, too thought of Hitler before anyone mentioning it.

    Amen to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    The only difference between Hitler and Hussein Obama is Hitler cared about his country more than the rest of the world!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think they all do things that we don't like and they cant please everyone so they do what they think is best. i may not agree with what Obama does but he is the president of our country and we have to respect that. We don't have to like what he does or says and we are able to express that for now anyways. If i don't send my kids to school what msg. am i sending them that they don't have to listen to the president of the united states well that is not good cause even if we don't like him or what he does he is what he is.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is UNAMERICAN of him to tell kids to work hard, study and stay in school. It's just BRAINWASHING. Terrible, terrible.

    What we really need is a whole generation raised to think someone will take care of them. Yeah, right.

    I am so GLAD I left the Republican Party. What a bunch of losers.

  • Volbia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you are spouting ****. hasn't every president made the same speech in their career. and since when has being asked to write a few sentences showing you paid attention bad.

    also you have shown no proof only accusations.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is just one of many reasons why I homeschool my children.

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