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How does one manage to have their question deleted er hmm.. (mine for eg)?

Just home today from NZ game and lo and behold my question re: toxic fans, is gone. Now in saying that I'll probably be deleted again. But before that happens can anybody enlighten me? Is it swear words or something similar?


Ryan : Thanks, it was as you already know very fruitful, but apart from that the crowd were really cool, way too short though!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You somehow did something wrong. I copy and pasted the bad way to use Y!A from the community guidelines. If you did any of these that is why

    Venting, ranting or using hate speech

    Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers. Read more >

    Chatting or otherwise violating the question-and-answer format.

    Yahoo! Answers is a community of questions and answers, not a chat room. If a post is neither a question nor an answer, it doesn’t belong here. If you’re looking for a place to chat with others, try Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! Messenger Chat Rooms. Read more

    Being mean or obscene

    Because kids as young as 13 may participate in Yahoo! Answers, sexually explicit and vulgar language and images are not welcome on the site. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs and generally objectionable speech. If you wouldn't say it in public, don't post it on Answers. Read more

    Exploiting the community

    Yahoo! Answers is a place to gain knowledge, not customers, page views, or dates. If you have years of experience in something, have a special hobby, own your own business, or if you are a knowledge partner, it's OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website, blog, or email to offer more information. However, it is not OK to post links that are unrelated to the topic or are clearly meant only to solicit others for personal and financial gain. Also prohibited are solicitations like "Will you add me as a contact?" or propositioning people. Read more


    Our points system is meant to reward the community members for sharing questions and answers, so creating multiple accounts or posting content for the sole purpose of gaining points or soliciting others for points is not permitted. Posting filler answers to a question in an effort to be first to answer, or copying and pasting other members' answers, are also forms of cheating. Read more

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    Behaving maliciously

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    Misusing Answers

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    Doing harm

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  • 1 decade ago

    It inevitably happens when you give someone some much deserved stick and they report you. I've received a grand total of two violation notices and they've both happened in the last month.

    I have a problem at the moment where I'll ask a question in another section and some damn fool will post a response that is completely and utterly worthless, that doesn't even remotely come close to answering the question, like the example below. It's happened a few times and the first time it happened I poured scorn on the user and subsequently had my question deleted and issued a violation notice.

    From my experience, there's no point using Y!A for anything other than opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there,

    I haven't been near a computer for awhile and just now found I got a violation and my answer erased. I think this happened because I found fault with our host, yahoo for not stopping a young guy that is verbally harassing senior citizens. For months and months and they let him keep doing it to us. I feel bad that they erased my words but it is up to them to police us good guys too. Just ask them.

  • 1 decade ago

    The RL section has a troll.

    How did you enjoy your time in Auckland and at Mt Smart everything go alright? I know the result would have been satisfying.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Trolls and people who sometimes have an opposite point of view and feel REAL strongly about it . YEP sad and true.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you allow email then I'll tell you.

    Something is rotten and it's been around for a few weeks now.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Trolls, that's how. They report your Q using different accounts and it gets deleted.

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