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Lv 59,873 points

Rita Rose

Favorite Answers13%

66 year old, Mother of three boys and three girls. Now grandmother to 13 and great grandmother of 5. New grandbaby number 14 will be our Christmas blessing. Update: My daughter lost her twins on Memorial day. So grandbabies 14 and 15 are in Heaven.

  • Life Insurance Policy and Mother has passed away.?

    Life Insurance Company contacted me regarding my Mothers Life Insurance, they had me send original papers showing her Birth Record and her Death certificate. My name was not on her policy however all the relatives have also died including the execitor of her estate. I am 74 and wondering what to do now they say since my name was not on her policy, I can not collect. Then why did they contact me? Do I need an Attorney? What should I do?

    11 AnswersInsurance5 years ago
  • Life Insurance question.?

    Mother passed away a few years ago. The letter sent to me from that Company wanted proof she has passed so I mailed original Birth and Death records. All the family members, as well as the execitor of her estate have also died. My name is not on the policy. If they didn t think I should inherit this money, why did they send me papers to fill out? How do I proceed now to receive any money she had in that policy. Really curious if this is a scam so the company can keep her money and not let me as the family member be paid. Please explain what I should do now,

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Wrong diagnosis by Dr?

    Dr told my Daughter that she had pancreatic cancer, now three weeks later it is her gall bladder instead. Can this Dr be sure for scaring the crap out of her? Michigan Mom asking.

    5 AnswersCancer6 years ago
  • Question about my Real Eatate Office in Michigan?

    I had a contract with a Real Estate Agent to help me sell my property. It was a very small sale and I wanted cash. This Real Estate guy kept calling me with deals people wanted to make with a couple thousand dollars down and a land contract. I kept saying no that I wanted cash. Finally there was a buyer with an offer I agreed with, so a purchase agreement was done. Over the telephone I agreed to sell. My daughter-co owner and I met with the Real Estate man at that property. Real Estate man had added a name to the purchase agreement. I had NOT been told that information. Another thing he did was decide if the buyer paid off the contract early he could subtract $1500.00 from the purchase price. Then the first guy I agreed to sell to did not want his name on any paperwork. So the red flags are flying high after all of this. I asked my Attorney if I could fire this Real Estate Agency and he told me no. The Real Estate guy went ahead with that purchase agreement. Was to set up a closing. That closing never happened. I got no contract, no papers and no money. BUT my Real Estate Agent gave my keys to the person HE had added to the purchase agreement. Those people went into my property, threw away my belongings and moved in their appliances and furniture and started painting. I spoke with the Broker about the law being broken. He knew he was in trouble. He sent me a letter to void our sales agreement. Can I sue this agency for misconduct and giving my keys to people I didn't know?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • I live in Lake County, in Michigan and want to place a shed on skids on private property. Need a Permit?

    Need extra storage and a sewing room. Do I need a land use permit, or building permit. Last I knew as long as this shed is on skids, no permit is needed. Officials do not return my calls to find out what the law is. This is a nice shed not just an out building that looks like an out house toilet.

    3 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • I had a purchase agreement with a man BUT no papers, no money and my Real Estate man gave my keys to that p?

    Real Estate man gave my keys to the prospective buyers 19 year old daughter and told her she could go in and wash walls etc. They did NOT own the property yet, no money, no signed papers etc. The young people had two weeks in and out of my place ----and after moving in washing machine, dryer, stove and refrigerator and table, chairs and other small items----into a house they do not own and should never had the keys. I ended up losing that sale because of the illegal action of the Real Estate man giving my keys when I still owned the place. I want to know what charges I can file against this Real Estate man. Why can't I fire that Real Estate man then sue him and his agency?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • What is this amount that we owe?

    We purchased a new Mobile Home in 1999 and after the lot improvements owed 38 thousand dollars. Been paying 389 dollars a month for nearly 15 years, how is it that we still owe 38 thousand?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Need help to understand my Brothers will?

    My one Brother passed away a year ago at age 74. I spoke with the Attorney's office who is doing the probate and was urged to write a letter to the Attorney explaining why I think the will as it stands was a hoax on my dying Brother. Except for the house, the home care people who were witnesses too, ended up with everything belonging to my Brother, our Mother and our Aunt. The other witnesses to this will was the nephew who got the house and the large insurance policy money. How do I let the court know that this should be looked into. This story is much more complicated and smells of my Brother being taken advantage of. Any advice or suggestions would help but please no nasty replys. I would have liked the chance to go through my Mothers things to collect pictures of her and my children. My wedding and engagement rings my Mother kept for me but will never know because every single item from three families has already been given away to strangers. Going to take my papers to the Attorney who was my Brothers Attorney but not the girl hired to do this will. He should be able to figure this out for me.

    2 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • need to know about 2002 Buick?

    My neighbor, an older guy is confused about the reading on the dash that says if the engine is overheating. I believe when the needle is on half way, that is normal. No way near up by the red alert area. What can I tell him? On my Truck, the half way mark is the normal reading. Help

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Title still in name of late wife?

    This 16 X 80 Mobile Home belonging to a family member seems to have only the deceased wife's name on that paperwork. Her widowed husband has not changed that paperwork to have his name on as owner and she had passed away five years ago. He just keeps paying the bill. He is 78 and loves him home and isn't sure what to do at this point. The property where the Mobile Home is located is in his name. What can we suggest to him?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Marine charged with kiddy porn?

    How do I find out if this young man was actually in the brig for watching kiddy porn and why isn't

    he now registered as a sex offender in my home town.

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can facebook messages be found?

    I have a situation where my niece said some things on facebook messages to me that I now need to copy so I can show the judge. I typed in her name and it is empty, the messages are all gone for all the months we messaged back and forth,--- except for the last one I sent her saying I needed to inspect my Mobile Home. Is this hopeless or is there a place I can find them if she deleted them and how did she do that?

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • Who evicts occupants?

    I have sold my Mobile Home and need to know this----as soon as the paperwork is done and the family owns the Mobile Home, who's responsibility is it to evict the occupants to end their month to month. Occupant said six weeks ago they were moving so I didn't send legal papers to evict. Who will be the one to get them out? Occupant wanted to buy the lot and mobile for 5 thousand dollars and I said no way. Real Estate man says the lot by itself is worth $15,000. Please advise what you know.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • legal question about inspection rights?

    OK, Just to add more stress to me, a 70 year old lady, wanting to sell my Mobile Home and the city Lot that I own. My homeless niece and her four children badly needed a place to stay and after the squatters were removed my place was empty. The damage to the kitchen etc my niece agreed in writing to repair things for a cheaper rent. So I charged her only 350 a month. Now I want to sell the place and get rid of the headaches and stress. I sent a certified letter to her so she would know the 24 hours ahead of time for inspection by my Real Estate Man. He was met at the door by the family dog barking and they would NOT allow him to enter the trailer for inspection. Is that legal for her to do that? And yes, I also sent her an eviction paper wrapped in the notice to enter. What should my next step be, ???

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Legal suggestions on how to remove tenant to sell property?

    Have decided to sell my property asap and need to end a month to month lease with tenant. How do I do this and still be as professional and nice as possible?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Legal question in families?

    I am renting my Mobile Home to my niece and her kids who were homeless living in a tent. She had cancer surgery and is recovering. Is it legal for her to have welfare or FIA come in and do work on a home she has not purchased yet. Do i have a right to know what is going on with all of that? I told her I may sell her the Mobile Home for 1200 dollars because some squatters tore it up when the Court evicted them. Not to sure what to do or if it is legal even tho the fixing up is good for her, she don't own it.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it legal for in home health persons to help write up a will and get so much of my Brothers possessions?

    Today I find out that people who I think took advantage of my very ill, 71 year old Brother and who wrote up his living will, then his last will, end up with his car, his household possessions etc. Is it legal for the help to do this?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • My Brothers estate in question?

    My Brother passed away. He was 71 and ill for awhile. The at home care givers were two teenage girls one crippled bad and one mildly retarded, and a 50 something neighbor. I had been told Hospice was caring for him. The 50 something woman became the person to write the living will. Everything in her hands. The 50 something woman also wrote up the last will. I am trying to contact my Brothers Attorney but don't know if I am allowed. Today I am told I am not in the will. That would be ok, I don't need his house, car, furniture or large bank accounts and I feel I have a right to know what that will says and if these so called care givers have taken everything by trickery or worse. The two teen age girls had and have the run of his house now that he has passed away. Using his computer to send messages from my dead Brother. That is just plain creepy. They don't belong in his house, but I don't know how to get to see a copy of that will before people take everything. My long talks with my Brother, he told me this 50 something woman was after him to marry. My Brother said that was so she could get her hands on his military pension and his social security. Plus his insurance policies. I don't trust any of these people however this 50 something woman keeps saying she and my Brother were very good friends and he trusted her to do these things for him. The Funeral today was a joke and cost over 7000 dollars. I asked for the Honor Guard to be there to salute the 22 years Army service. They were great. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am not a ***** trying to make trouble, the talks my Brother and I had, before he became so ill, don't add up to what happened this last month he lived. To many lies were told to me, even to keep me away from seeing him at home. I live a long distance away and my health is not good so I counted on the female to contact me if my Brother became worse or was near death. She says she did that and my copies of her messages show different. She kept telling me he was doing better, or he was doing good today and had a healthy appitite

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • My son's Beretta car is now in his girlfriends name. He wants me to put insurance on it so it can be driven.?

    I just want to know what the Michigan law is regarding insuring a car not in my name. And not in my possession. I get a good insurance rate now because I have always paid my bills on time. My sons girlfriend thinks I should do this for them. I don't and I won't but I promised to look into it today. I have two trucks already insured in my name and so does the girlfriend. I plan to speak today with my insurance man to find out what I can. Any suggestions besides being totally blunt with these 40 year old people? Just say no is a good policy and the right thing for me to do. But hard.

    8 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago