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I had a purchase agreement with a man BUT no papers, no money and my Real Estate man gave my keys to that p?

Real Estate man gave my keys to the prospective buyers 19 year old daughter and told her she could go in and wash walls etc. They did NOT own the property yet, no money, no signed papers etc. The young people had two weeks in and out of my place ----and after moving in washing machine, dryer, stove and refrigerator and table, chairs and other small items----into a house they do not own and should never had the keys. I ended up losing that sale because of the illegal action of the Real Estate man giving my keys when I still owned the place. I want to know what charges I can file against this Real Estate man. Why can't I fire that Real Estate man then sue him and his agency?


The purchase agreement states that no one be given keys until it is sold. He broke the law is what I am told by other Real Estate people. They did not own it, had not signed papers had not paid me, how is it ok for them to move in???

Update 2:

The purchase agreement is the only paperwork we had. While in my place, the prospective buyers threw away items I had there. How do I recover that loss?? I still owned the place and these people went in and took over because the Real Estate man gave them my keys and they had moved in many personal items into my home. Please understand, they did not own it.

Update 3:

I took pictures of all the items they moved into MY place. I have proof.

Update 4:

I thought the Real estate man was working for me but other issues he caused shows different. We had not been to closing, no papers signed and no money for me. I don't quite know where to go from here. Do I need to get back with my Attorney and have him work on this mess? And what about my items they took away? Why can't I fire the Real Estate man, he says he is going to continue showing my place, if he does that, I am wondering if that would mess up a law suit against him or his company? I am NOT sue crazy, but I am very angry.

Update 5:

To Sophieb, this is my Real Estate guy, we have a contract for him to sell my place, that contract is up on April 30th. I do plan on getting back with my Attorney soon. There had been no closing on this property however the keys were given to the people NOW on the purchase agreement to go in to wash walls etc by the Real Estate man. No closing, no papers and nothing for me. While doing that they moved in appliances and furniture, did not live there tho. They threw away some items I had in the residence. The purchase agreement was altered several times. Most every contact I have had with this Real Estate man has been over the telephone. Then when we meet he has changed the wording and even took the mans name I made the purchase agreement with off the papers and put his 19 year old daughters name as purchaser. I did not sign those papers that were changed. He (the Dad) was only going to provide money now. You are right I don't have any idea how this process works that is why I h

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I'm a little confused in that you say the "real estate man", are you saying this was the buyers or the seller's real estate salesperson or realtor? Ok, so you have a complaint against the real estate person well first check on the state's Department of Business Professional Regulation Department website and see where this real estate sales person works. File a complaint against this real estate salesperson AND their broker who was supposed to be supervising them (but got lax). Yes you would need an attorney to help you sort this out. If people moved in and it's not their place then there is something illegal going on plus some trespassing (which is against the law whether or not those people know the law). Now whether that real estate salesperson is a real and a state licensed professional is the second question, so if they are not then it's illegal to do what they did and they may get jail time. You said you had a "purchase agreement", well that is the correct document to use but it needs to be signed. Plus there is supposed to be a packet of documents signed for each sale. If those are missing again they are illegal. If the real estate salesperson says they will continue showing your place then you must have signed a form allowing them to do so.

    Some of the words you use tell me you didn't know what you were doing from the start so I'd say definitely get your attorney involved, and ASAP.

  • 7 years ago

    Google Realtor Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. At the very least he violated Standard 3-9.

    You should file a complaint with the local Board of Realtors and the state agency that licenses agents.

    edit: As I said, he cannot do that. Standard 3-9 says; Realtors shall not provide access to listed property on terms other than those established by the owner or listing broker.

    Source(s): I'm a Realtor
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