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Do you get tired of so many answers to questions about Obama being "Bush sucked more"?

I mean if that is going to be the bar we measure all future Presidents by, don't we have a problem? Why must so many Obama fans trot out the comparison so often when the question has nothing to do with Bush?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's either that or "you're a racist". They have to mix it up every now and then so it doesn't seem like they're just reading the same cue card for evey issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason for this is that much of the Obama presidency will be tied up in trying to correct errors of the past. To be fair it is not exclusively Bush's fault, but he is responsible for continuing down the road that led us here. Most of the major issues being dealt with today have some tie ins to a Bush policy blunder, or an earlier error from a different presidency that Bush never fixed.

    Usually the "Bush was worse" line is brought up when people start hardcore trashing a President who has only been in office for 9 months. I mean, come on, calling him Hitler? Calling him a socialist fascist communist? It's ridiculous, alarmist, and could potentially incite violence.

    If in three years everything is still f-ed up and Obama has gotten us into a random war, let a city drown, neutered an important piece of environmental legislation, and drained the budget AND the military dry, THEN you will be justified in saying he's a sucky president. But until things like that occur, give the man a chance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just don`t bring up anything that Bush also did, because it would be fair game for that kind of comparison.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a non answer. It's false logic from the party that thinks with their bleeding hearts.

    January, 2009

    "Lets all bury the hatchet now and come together, both parties, and lets build America back to the country we know it can be before the failed policies of the last 8 years destroyed it."

    LOL Wasn't that Nanny Pelosi?

    She needs a new title: Speaker of the Left Side of the House.

    And Captain Parker demostrates another bit of false logic. "It's okay that we do it because you did it to Clinton."

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you can't deny that Bush did suck more, that he started two wars, and destroyed our economy. Obama has to dig us out of a deep hole. And most of you 10%ers gave the same answers during the Bush administration only using Clinton. Unfortunately for you, Clinton didn't throw money down black holes of war, authorize torture, illegal wiretapping or using the DOJ for political purposes. Sucks to be a Bush fan, huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because sometimes it actually is the answer to the question. The right was quick to blame things on Clinton after GW was elected.

  • the chattering class liberals do it too. usually they will preface any answer/excuse for anything going bad now with "well, after all, with what we inherited from the previous administration..."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't forget the "give him time!" Or the most used & simple-minded defense "You're just a racist!" LOL

    Obamatrons - you know not, how funny you truly are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you have nothing, bring out the boogeyman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well come on, it has to be difficult to support Barry's actions with factual, reasoned arguments. What else do they have but a non-answer?

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