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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

Is this dandruff on my head?

God this is vile. When I scratch my head (its not itchy) there are very small white bits that come in my nails. and also if i put my head down it falls onto the table, very fine white flakes if i scratch my head. I wash my hair every other day or so, and it is never greasy! is this dandruff, and how do i get rid of it if it is?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1)Dandruff is often associated with dryness of the scalp. There is however a world of difference between dandruff and flakes of dry skin from ones scalp, but it is no doubt a scalp problem. Medically, dandruff is known as ‘pityriasis’ and is a result of ‘seborrhea’ which is a disorder of the oil secreting glands of the scalp. Dandruff flakes are greasier than those of dry skin and impart an odor typical of themselves. Those who have dandruff have itchy, irritating scalps, characterized by redness. There are methods of getting rid of dandruff rather than wearing light coloured clothes to hide the while flakes which are almost as embarrassing as snowflakes are beautiful.

    The most important thing once you’ve identified dandruff (which is an infection) is to take some precautions to avoid the condition from becoming worse or spreading. If hair products like shampoos, conditioners, etc. are not washed off properly they magnify the ill effects of dandruff. It is also advisable not to share your hair styling tools like combs, hair brushes, rollers, etc if you suffer from dandruff to steer clear from passing it on. Anti dandruff shampoos are a cure for dandruff, but far from a permanent one. The problem returns within a short while of discontinuing usage of the shampoo.

    In India, on an average 30 out of 100 males and 50 out of a 100 females are victims of dandruff and consequently of the vicious ‘anti dandruff shampoo cycle’!

    There are few, but definitely existent ways to get rid of dandruff other than shampoos. One such cure is vinegar. Massage vinegar onto your scalp and leave it for few minutes before washing it off thoroughly. Follow the above procedure and you will see your dandruff start to disappear within a week’s time. The same steps as above can be carried out using lemon (about half) squeezed in warm hair oil to achieve considerably good results.

    Increasing ones intake of salads (mainly raw fruits and vegetables), vitamins B, C and E and zinc ( in the form of foodstuffs rich in these of supplements) and reducing that of fried and dairy foods, nuts and sugar is helpful in reversing the condition of a dandruff affected scalp.

    If the above techniques are not helpful, then your problem is more serious than what you are capable of handling on your own and what you need is a dermatologist

    2)Some easy and common techniques to prevent hair loss

    1. Do not brush the hair when it is wet. let them dry.

    2. To stop hair fall, massage your scalp with fingers gently. It will also aid in increasing blood circulation and lend glow to your hair.

    3. Drink 2 to 3 liter of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products to stop hair fall.

    4. Do not use too many hair products such as sprays or gels. Some chemicals may be harmful and can cause graying due to overuse or prolonged use.

    5. Avoid heavy intake of coffees, colas and teas .

    Effective way to reduce hair fall and live happy life

    • Comb gently.

    • Use a special shampoo which lessens hair loss by 70%.

    • Avoid chemical hair treatments and excessive blow drying.

    • Allow your hair to dry out naturally and handle it with special care.

    • Make sure to get enough of sleep and stick to a balanced and healthy diet.

    • Massage your scalp regularly. It results in activating the sebaceous glands, thereby resulting in an effective circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.

    • Apply coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging gently into the hair. This will nourish the hair and help hair growth. To obtain the coconut milk, grinding the coconut malai (cream) and squeezing the residue.

    • You can also apply of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head which is considered beneficial for hair growth.

    • Massaging your hair with Amla oil also helps.

    • About 50 to 100 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 also helps decrease hair fall.

    • To stop hair fall, massage your scalp with fingers gently. It will also aid in increasing blood circulation and lend glow to your hair.

    • To help your hair grow faster, rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea.

    • Try drinking a blend of bananas with honey, yoghurt & low-fat milk.

    • Most importantly lead a stress free life.

    • Do not use too many hair products such as sprays or gels. Some chemicals may be harmful and can cause graying due to overuse or prolonged use.

    • Drink 2 to 3 liter of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products to stop hair fall.

    • Avoid heavy intake of coffees, colas and teas.

    • One of the best home remedies for treating hair loss is to massage your scalp with fingers gently. It will also aid in increasing blood circulation and lend glow to your hair.

    • Amla oil serves as an excellent tonic for hair conditioning. To prepare amla oil, put some dry pieces of amla in coconut oil and bring to a boil. Apply this oil on the scal

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Hair Fall Solution
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It more than likely is as you can get dandruff no matter how much you wash your hair. The best way to get rid of it is use head and shoulders or a similar shampoo and conditioner just look in most shops that sell S/C they should have some.

    Source(s): ...
  • 1 decade ago

    It could be, but then if you scratch your head it could be just a form of hair product, like hair spray, the amount used can make it look like flakes.

    If it is dandruff the best thing to do is go to a shopping centre, and look at the labels, you don't want "salon quality hair" you want "anti dandruff shampoo" if this doesn't help, you may need to see the doctor, but give it at least a week.

    Also i'd advise to constantly not wash your hair, as it may cause irritation to the skin, and could cause skin damage, hence the flakes.

    I hope this helped :) x

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  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I used to have really bad dandruff as well :[

    And yes, unfortunatley, that is dandruff. What you can do, is not WASH your hair everyday, (thats unhealthy) and when you do, use Head And Shoulders -Dandruff- shampoo. Its great!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i had dandruff and i got a shampoo called T GEL...most supermarkets will sell it...its bout £3.98 a bottle but well worth the money...within a couple of weeks my dandruff was gone

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be dandruff or it could be yeast growing on your scalp (sounds gross, doesn't it?) Try Head and Shoulders (it actually smells good!) and maybe cut down on your sugar intake (yeast feeds on sugar). Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup ! Wash by Clear or Head and shoulders to get rid of them.

    Answer Mine?;_ylt=An1.L...

  • 5 years ago

    Always start your meal using a salad. It'll fill you way up, making you eat less on the actual meal, and it's way fewer calories than typical deep-fried or maybe cheesy apps.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Use silken tofu as opposed to cream for some recipes such as this dairy-free chocolate mousse.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Use silken tofu in place of cream for some recipes along these lines dairy-free chocolate mousse.

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