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What is the actual state of evolution of humankind? What should be more developed, what is still missing?

What can one do to further our evolution? Isn't it obvious that humankind is not in an very advanced state? There is no doubt possible when we look around and observe and experience what is going on on this planet and in our personal life. Is cruelty, suffering, manipulation all over, separation, hate, war and all the other results of our 'way of life' a natural reality of our state of evolution? Shouldn't we do something about it? Who can give *creative* answers to these questions???


I'm not a biologist and when I used the word 'evolution' then I didn't mean the 'change in the genetic material of a population of organisms' I simply mean our state of being as growing creatures. Then it might be that I'm in the wrong category with my question, but I thought that a scientific also might be just a person with a sense of human...

It seems that in 'Religion & Spirituality' people have their specific dogma and in 'Anthropology' also. Only when I ask my question in 'Philosophy' then there was hardly an answer, probably because there is no philosophical concept that fits to this kind of question...

Part of the answer might be, that humans are stuck in their concepts and they are so much identified with them that they have lost their real identity or with clinging on the fake, they are not able to grab something more real.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    When we compare our state of evolution with that of animals, then we are without doubt more advanced, but when we presume that the human species is in a growing process, like all alive beings on this planet, then our present state of evolution is still pretty primitive. To come to this conclusion we don't need to compare, we just need to observe our present conditions.

    It is a fact that our awareness is still limited to our survival needs, although this has expended beyond the basic need for food shelter and reproduction, but still most of our energy, the same as with animals, goes into this primitive basic level.

    When humans had developed their *personality*, that in animals is mostly very rudimentary, then this became even more important to defend and fight for it, than the urge for physical needs.

    The survival need to nourish and experience ones existence became a new focus, but still the physical needs continue and give some satisfaction. Now in this state of evolution all interests are turning around ones *personality*. That's the most precious that exist and the common way to built it up, is to gain properties, now not just muscles and cleverness to hunt and to gain what one wants, - now expended into the mind and the emotions. Getting the property of knowledge and the connected feelings. All unknown fields are covert with concepts, gaps between are closed with beliefs. Proof that concepts are true are not necessary, enough if it comes form an authority or is already part of the common knowledge pool of the established society. So humans live within a frame of mentally and emotionally created reality.

    Some how it seems to work and gives a certain satisfaction, but not really as there is a circle of frustration and disappointment and the constant need to be confirmed in ones properties.

    As reality how one is encountering it in daily life does not confirm ones established world view, even though one is using the various techniques to ignore and suppress what shows up, frustration and stress is accumulating. This might significantly disturb the artificially created balance and the individual develops a physical disease or it will show up in mental or emotional disorder.

    That can bring us to the conclusion, that our state of being having developed a strong personality, is a transition and needs to be advanced now by using ones awareness to observe the situation and come to the point questioning oneself and then finding out about ones situation, condition and options. This is mostly still missing. With the result, that the dynamic growing process is blocked and the growing energy becomes negative and destroys the system. The basic system the personality, the common system the society and also our eco system.

    What we can do about it? We need to became *aware*, starting with ourselves. Questioning ourselves and finding out about our situation and our conditions and the background about what the cause is, - with other words: Getting to know oneself and then being able to make decisions and change oneself. This is still missing, - but there is no way around...

    It would be great if as a follow up there appear more questions. If my answer has contributed that this might happen, then I'm content!


  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is ongoing. Since we can't know the future,

    we can't do anything to enhance or even to end the

    process for humans. We can draw conclusions about

    what humans could do that would assist the cause of

    positive evolution but, if tomorrow, the earth begins

    to flood the surface with copious volumes of hydrocyanic

    gas, there will be no humans left to assess the results.

    Such is the nature of evolution. The difficulty is that, when

    we are evaluating evolution, we are a factor in the

    evaluation. A part of the experiment so to speak.

    It would be a typical irony if, in the process of examining

    how we might be able to alter the evolutionary process, we

    brought about our own extinction.

  • 1 decade ago

    > "What is the actual state of evolution of humankind? What should be more developed, what is still missing?"

    Physically, it would be nice to finally get rid of some troublesome vestigial organs, like the appendix and our wisdom teeth. And we could do without our "vestigial" cravings for sugary, fatty, salty foods.

    It would also be nice to have a lower-back and pelvis properly-constructed for bipediality.

    And there are many genetic disorders we could do without (cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystropy, Huntington's Disease, etc.)

    > "What can one do to further our evolution?"

    Not much, really.

    > "Isn't it obvious that humankind is not in an very advanced state? There is no doubt possible when we look around and observe and experience what is going on on this planet and in our personal life. Is cruelty, suffering, manipulation all over, separation, hate, war and all the other results of our 'way of life' a natural reality of our state of evolution?"

    A lot of it is a hangover from our original tribal society-structure (which we share with chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary relatives).

    In a tribal society, it is evolutionarily beneficial to see "outsiders" as untrustworthy enemies. When our society grew larger and more cosmopolitan, these hangovers cause xenophobia, bigotry, etc.

    > "Shouldn't we do something about it? Who can give *creative* answers to these questions?"

    The trick, as far as the above tribalism-problem is concerned, is to increase mingling of cultures and peoples. When you are exposed to a different culture for long enough, then they cease to be "strangers from a different tribe" and start to become "members of my tribe".

    If humanity could see all other humans as fellow tribe-mates, then bigotry would be eliminated.



    > "I'm not a biologist and when I used the word 'evolution' then I didn't mean the 'change in the genetic material of a population of organisms' I simply mean our state of being as growing creatures."

    Apologies for the misunderstanding.

    > "Only when I ask my question in 'Philosophy' then there was hardly an answer, probably because there is no philosophical concept that fits to this kind of question.."

    I'm no philosopher - but I know that "Ethics" is indeed a branch of philosophy. And it deals specifically with how humans should treat each other.

    Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill wrote about these things - perhaps their works would be of interest?

    > "Part of the answer might be, that humans are stuck in their concepts and they are so much identified with them that they have lost their real identity or with clinging on the fake, they are not able to grab something more real."

    I'm not sure what you mean...

    IMO, part of the problem is human emotion. Obviously, many emotions are great, but there are some emotional "knee-jerk" reactions that are almost impossible to avoid, and which lead to negative consequences. Greed, jealousy, outrage, etc. And, of course, once you have adopted a particular position, then pride can prevent you from changing your mind, even if the arguments against you are overwhelming.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Move 25% to Mars, 3% to the Moon, 50% underwater and develop gills or some kinda sea critter underwater capacity like a dolphin or whale.

    The ones left onland will clean stuff up in a responsible way and plant or leave plants alone and let them develop naturally.

    Earth is two thirds water, 98% of Humans live within 3 miles of a coast, the evolution to or mammalian beings is kinda already cast.

    I wanna be a sea otter.

    Source(s): Fun question!
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  • Msean
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I read of a study recently that says human evolution is actually speeding up, with most of the changes taking place in the brain.

  • 1 decade ago

    my answer is, to be a live off the earth instead of living to fit in. we should have gone with franklin instead of hamilton. i have pondered this question myself and think what if i just threw away society, take survival classes and live off the land.give up the comfort,to gain true freedom. im closere to this than most think...and i beleaqve we stopped or slowed evolution through this process. look at other mammals the couger or the elk solid muscle and intelligents . we should give this up t\o test opur selfs,and the weak would die out only leaving the strong and smart ones

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All power to the creativity drives!

    edit; it's our inventiveness/resourcefulness that makes us highly evolved.

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