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Korey asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do so many people hate Obama?? =S?

I'm from New Zealand and i came on here and found that every1 h8s Obama. i remember watchin the elections and every1 loved him, so wtf's happend!??

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like Obama personally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah as a reasonable American, it really shows me how people in my country might talk like they are accepting and progressive but when the rubber hits the road a lot of them love the old status quo. Or they just fear change. Even with this depression so many still don't get that the utopian vision of capitalism with zero social programs is simply a fantasy.

    A lot of the these haters only tune in to radio that spills bile against obama all day. There are also people who think he represents the end of the world and one world government. They are angry, fearful, paranoid, loud and usually extremely idiotic (at least regarding politics). These people are terrified of changes, and right wing media is fanning the flames. I would think many of the more intelligent people against obama are wealthy people who don't want to pay more taxes and REALLY see no reason to make all those changes that all other industrialized nations have.

    Disagree with some and they'll call you a socialist. Explain why obama is not a socialist/marxist point by point and they will say, "thats what he wants you to think" and the conspiracy theory and all the rest of the idiocy can never be argued with, since its so stupid.

    Bottom line: he's different, has a progressive vision that most other people in the world would easily agree with as a given, and they don't like it. They think they are some sort of resistance of the founding fathers. A lot of them even think he may be an antichrist. Maybe if he yelled a lot, grew a beard, and pissed other countries off all day with stupidity they'd like him and not think he's the antichrist.

    I'm not making this up, people actually believe this stuff. Scary isn't it?

    But there is hope. A lot of us are not the townhallers, we just don't yell stupid crap all day like them.

    Source(s): Experience and education. Also having voted for Bush twice! I am now repentant.
  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people do not hate Obama. If you're watching Fox News, then you think that there are. The group in the US that doesn't like him are the conservative Christians mainly. Many of us think he's wonderful and has a huge mess to clean up made by the Republicans and everyone wanted it done overnight. I also think that most don't like him because of his race. If Barack Obama were a white man from Indiana, who didn't have Hussein as a middle name and his name didn't rhyme with Osama, there wouldn't be so much distrust. I believe most of it is because of racism and they don't even realize it and certainly would never admit it.

    Source(s): Fox News is NOT my source. That's why I'm able to form an opinion of my own.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not everyone hates him but the press makes it out like a lot of people do and people follow that. The press constantly reports on every little thing he does, down to the tiniest detail, and point out every little fault and pretty much blame him for anything and everything, They do that with EVERY President which is why I will never understand in a million years why someone would want that job. Can you imagine how self concious you would become? Imagine just going out to walk your dog and 10 zillion papers criticize what yuo are wearing, how you walk, how you don`t pick up properly after your dog! How about last month where he just happened to glance in the direction of that girls behind, and they were all calling him a pedophile and sick. It`s pathetic.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people put down their Kool-Aid. Some started to pay attention. I am going to be real with you...those who actually like Obama and his hope, change and socialist ways get their political information from the mouths of celebrities and do not actually pay attention to anything. Things have been alright here for a while and are only getting worse under him. He is trying to tax the wealth back to the government, destroy jobs and turn us into a poor, third world country where everyone will have to have hustles to get by.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    In order for Obama to implement his ideas he would HAVE to completely change our type of government. We are a democratic Republic and the VAST majority of Americans do not wish to change that, including myself. I really don't think some who voted for him questioned his cry for "change" knew what he really wanted. The mainstream media here in America has become increasingly liberal, and unfortunately has allowed their own leftest desires to replace the truth and unbiased reporting , so many people are subjected day after day to a litany of reports slanted and reported in a manner that would always hide the flaws of the liberal left and cram down our throats relentlessly even the smallest failing by the right(Republicans) and have even resorted to bold face lies if it could keep public opinon away from favoring a Republican. You can see it over the past years , their barrage of negative propaganda has reached relentlessly into homes around the country. Now that the election is over and they have successfully helped their man in, reality is setting in with some, and Patriotism is rising in others, and most intelligent Americans are shaking their heads in disbelieve as the President of the United States takes to help run this country men(Czars) of such questionable backgrounds that LOCAL governments would see the red flags and would not hire them!( you need only google them to find out the truth, LLOYD, VAN JONES, HOLDEN. The MAJORITY of Americans seem to now be asking themselves WHO IN THE HELL DID WE PLACE IN POWER!? Again The president of the United States Is trying through deception and total lack of transparancy trying to replace our democratic government with a Socialist one, he has started by trying to sneak his universal healthcare onto our backs even After the MAJORITY were talking 89% here say they DON'T want it are happy with their own and they will NOT be paying for it , should not the president a country OF the people , BY the people and FOR the people be listening TO the people? Do you NOW, understand what is happening ? Oh and the left and those that are truely ignorant will always resort to their so tired raving of "racism" even though it took alot of white and a large chunk of independents and some Republicans to elect America's first black president , he never could have gotton enough Black or liberal votes to bring him the election without that OTHER voting block.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What happened is the fake mask Obama was wearing came off and people started waking up to his radical socialist agenda for America. If you read our history of revolution against Britain, you will see that we are a very independent sort of people who have been raised with an incredibly passionate streak of independence and liberty. The American Revolution was against "King George & big government." We took on the biggest power in the world (twice) during the Revolution & the War of 1812, and WON. We don't take kindly to anyone who is a Communist, Socialist, or Fascist. We have FREEDOM in our DNA. It is bred deeply into our genes.

    The American people are like a sleeping giant that as awakened. Obama's outrageous spending, bailouts, radical cabinet members, lying, and demonizing of the town-hall protesters have made Americans angry. We realize now that Obama is a socialist and trying to lead America into socialism and WE WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET IT HAPPEN.

    So America has turned on Obama because of his Socialist desires for this country. Many did not believe he had those desires, but his actions have proven it and now people are waking up and fighting back.

    Obama will be a one term president and the American people are doing their best to make sure he doesn't turn our great nation into a miserable socialist state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am Canadian and I too cannot figure out US citizens. What put them in the boat they are in is corruption in their financial systems (which incidently caused the rest of the world to suffer too) and wars in the Middle East (which Canada has sent all their troops to die in as well). Now Barrack has to clean up what the previous government left behind and the fickle US people blame him for cleaning it up and saving their butts. OMG, it is too much to take sometimes watching this unfold. I pray for President Obama to stay strong. He has a huge backing in the Universe so that is not a problem but to have his own people turn on him must be very difficult. I do though think that the media stirs this up and we only see the people that complain about him and not the millions that love him and support him.

  • 1 decade ago

    He won the election by sounding great about everything, but never making any firm commitments. Many people bought into the vague "change" message and saw Obama as what they WANTED to see. Now, he actually has to make decisions and take a stand, so people are getting mad. Those that thought he was going to be pro-gay see that he isn't; those who thought he would end the wars see that he won't; those who thought he'd stand firm for public health care see him backing off; and those who thought they'd see tax cuts, aren't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe in New Zealand loves him, but many republican conservatives hate him. And ironic twist: when some politician of the USA is hated in New Zealand, many USA's "superpatriots love" him. Go figure out. Now, I voted for him, I have no regret for voting for him and think many here can't stand an Blackman running this country. But this is USA, full of conservatives clods of idiots. And two of them send me demerits. How lovely!

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