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What does this say about some Americans?

I find it insulting that so many people are willing to protest in Washington because of spending but not very many protested when Bush and congress declared war on Iraq and is responsible for thousand of young American men being killed. It is a sad day in American when more people care about money than they do the lives of so many American young men.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    If you believe the British, the French, the Germans, and the Dutch we are fat and dumb. If you believe the Chinese, the Japanese, and many learned people from the Middle East the United States is a young child with the collective personality of a spoiled ignorant child.

    Look, 9/11 was a big deal, in part because we sat back and let it happen. We did not learn from the first time they attacked that building in NYC. There is a saying that goes, "fool me once it is their fault, fool me twice it is my fault."

    I find it fascinating that nobody remembers the Oklahoma City bombing. White supremacists did that attack so that act of terrorism is acceptable.

    The tea baggers, as they are called, really won't be satisfied until they don't have to pay any taxes. These are not people known for altruism. These are people who want something for nothing. Canvass this crowd and you will find a lot of people up to their eyeballs in debt. Why? They don't want to pay their bills either.

    So what does this say about some Americans? They are an obese, greedy lot. They want it all but are not willing to pay for it. They want their butt kissed but don't feel anyone else not like them deserve their respect. They can dish it out but can't take it. Most importantly, when it matters most they won't be there.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's all about money, it is what the Cons live for.

    Unfortunately they don't see that a small tax raise can result in large savings if spent well.

    No foresight, like the table Barney talked with.

    Hysterically they soak up anything that supports their views and ignore the rest.

    The president says HR3200 will not raise taxes (and even if it does a little, so what?) we will realize $4 Trillion in deficit savings in time.

    Their way doesn't work, I'm all in favor in giving Obama a chance.

    I'm watching the "Tea Party"

    A lot of people but when asked why they are there, they only give some Palin like patriotic rhetoric.

    How come if we don't agree with them we are not patriotic?

    (a question I see over and over about liberals).

    I'm convinced it's just selfishness. And they always act like they are giving money to the libs.

    I've paid taxes my whole life, I don't want anything for free. But it's not me that I'm thinking about, it's our children. And if you let the health system continue as is only the wealthy will be able to afford a hospital stay. Funny, the correspondent just asked the crowd what they thought of Joe Wilson and they all cheered. Seems like the lower the class their heroes have the more they support them.

    And you don't understand why the left thinks you are all hate filled robots?

    I have work to do today, I'm not wasting time with closed minded people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, gosh, you're insulted. Gee, that's a shame. You people can insult, criticize, protest, and hate but when others do it, you're insulted. I hate to burst your bubble there, sweetie, but have you noticed that Obama DIDN'T pull the troops out of Iraq the day after he was inaugurated? He didn't even pull the troops out of Iraq along Bush's timetable. In fact, troops are STILL THERE. I also notice that you didn't mention Afghanistan. I guess that's because Obama supports it now. And what Obama does is OK with you, even if he lies or doesn't do what he promised. That's insulting to most Americans.

    Right. I guess it doesn't matter to you that Hussein, Iraq's former dictator, not American's current one, gassed hundreds if not thousands of Kurds. Men, women, children--babies, old ladies....dead in the streets like roaches after a building has been full of pesticides. But that's OK with you too. I bet it wasn't OK with Michael.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find it funny that liberals can't figure out that the Americans were pissed at the WHOLE government and so they protested with their votes. That is why OBAMA and the DEMS are in control.

    That was just a bad protest. People forgot Voting has consequences.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you care only about American people?

    I find it sad that you care nothing about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, especially the Kurds in the north, who are no longer being murdered. Are you an American elitist? Apparently.

    I'd also suggest you look into General Sada of the Iraqi Air Force, who told Jon Stewart that He saw the WMD, the UN was taking billions in bribes and dragged their feet, and they were moved to Syria. Of course none of us know for sure. So I'll listen to the one person I've heard from with first-hand knowledge.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's Obamas war now and they have an absolute RIGHT to gather and protest the excessive spending by this liberal administration. It's called the 1st Amendment. Libs used it to trash Bush for 8 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahhhh, Liberal Asskicker, the shining beacon of misinformation. Yikes. How could they protest, they would have been labeled as unpatriotic.

    Great for George. After 9/11, everything was Patriot this, Patriot that. One of the few smart things his administration did. Anyone who disagreed or raised questions was shouted down as "Un-American"

    Good way to get anything you want passed.

  • 1 decade ago

    You must have missed the world-wide protests against the war. Lots more people have protested against the war. Let them have their little "tea party", they are in the minority.

  • OLO
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Amen MJ!! My thoughts to a tee!!

    But dont loose faith...those of us that do care I believe still greatly outnumber those that dont!!

    Just stay on task and we will get this done too!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes and we have a sadistic dictator in the White House now. This is in answer to a previous post before mine.

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